My circle of Friends

The older we get, the wiser we have become
Study: I am not one in the category of excellent students but I can be excelled when I wanted to. My results may not be excellent like the top "A" students but because I belive I can do what I want, I have worked up to achieve my goals-that is to get a Degree! It is almost there and I jsut need 2 monts to finish. It is tough but I belive with hard-working and have faith in yourself, your dreams will come true :-)
Family:Been ther for me and never judge me no matter how bad I have been. Family is the important element in human being life. Without them, people cannot survive and feel miserebly lost. I have blessed to have this family running my life. luv u allSO there, that was my reflection of 2004..well..with the new coming year, I hope this yr will bring new hope and prosperity to everyone. Happy New Year 2005!!
well i am home now..obviously..(its 12.51 am in the morning of course)..just conclude my last sentence of my essay..yey finally it's done..just need to print it out and hand it tomorrow morning..if only I can go to Uni in the morning..well maybe I can..heheh :-)
well what's new??oh my brother "afzul" is going back to Malaysia tomorow (well its today actually..in about 6 hours he will go back to Malaysia!!!!) my god..how time flies..i cannt even realised that..heheh oh well..time flies..(psstt:wish I can go back too..papa if u are reading this, please send me some money so that I can go home too during the 2 weeks break starting this week:-) ). I kinda miss home (but do I miss somebody??) no i dont think so..I talk to him almost everyday..why shud I miss him :-) waiting is already a disaster but why missing makes u suffer? It is painful but why it occurs all the times? *wink* hehhe..I miss my family..of course..no doubt..yup yup..hehhe
I just found out recently that one of my friends has been pretending to bfriending with my bcoz of something..I just cannot believe that. I have helped that person so much and this what that person has repay me??why why?why cant the person just ignore me at first and pretend like the person doesnt know me? why why??:( its sad but true. things happen for reason ****happens aye..always..coz of that I have been asking most of my closest friends and one of them got offended..I know I shudnt do that but I cant help it..once bitten twice shy rite?I do trust him alot..really alot..I enjoy his company a lot..he makes me laugh and we cud bitching abt everything..almost everything..but when it occurs agan, you get scared..oh well.. at least hes not mad at me anymore..:-)
Kinda tired at the moment..busy day class from 2 til 5 and went to gym till 6pm then hanging out at Kakera's place until 7.30 just to copy something *sigh* damn tired..need to chuck myself to bed now..goodnite people..:)
You Are From the Moon |
You can vibe with the steady rhythms of the Moon. You're in touch with your emotions and intuition. You possess a great, unmatched imagination - and an infinite memory. Ultra-sensitive, you feel at home anywhere (or with anyone). A total healer, you light the way in the dark for many. |
Good friends are hard to find.
Good friends are easy to love.
Good friends are presents that
Last forever and that feel
Like gifts from above
Good friends are lives overlapping.
Good friends are laughter and tears.
Good friends are emotions so deep
That the trust just keeps growing over the years.
Good friends are hard to find.
Good friends are easy to adore.
And you've been such a good friend to me...
that I could ask for nothing more.
Another 3 hours to go before the departure..my heart hurts. I can feel the pain..=(( seriously I do not know why. It seems like something is missing but I do not know what??!! hmm..kinda weird tho'..seriously..
Raya is next week and I am off to Auckland for raya. Kinda tired of Wellington itself since I just found out, the people I have been hanging out are the one who stab me from the back..telling bad stories and spreading bad rumours and being dishonest..why is that? I do not know..seriously..friends are not supposed to do that to another friend..but I guess what has been done is done..tired of people who pretend to be nice to me "hi ike, buat ape tuh?" but behind of me "u know what ike is blah2 bla2"..arghh.stupid humanity!! so arrogant and unbelievable..indenialbly corrupted..my god..I cant trust people anymore..not in this circle of people..=(( there are so pathetic and hipokrit..why must befriending with me and then stab me behind my back..cant they for once, come to me and say "hey ike, i dont like the way you behave blah2 blah2"..I wud be happy to hear that even though it harsh and hurts..well at least for a while..hoensty is the best policy isn't it??=)
"sometimes life can be a biatch if you take it seriously. Enjoy what you have and take it easy"
*5 dayz to go
whatelse I have been doing than stucking my head infront of the PC? hmm..well been watching movies..heheh hindi movies mostly..just getting my mind occupy wit something I dont have to think nor crying..heheh..oh yeah speaking of crying..me n my bestfriend have been speaking and I FINALLY had the courage to talk to him..I had to forget about my STUPID EGO and apologized to him and messaged him with a gizziliion apologies..GOsh..never done that before..and I was so embarrased tho'..luckily I dont hv to call him up and say " I am sorry"..or else I will be stucking up my head under the pillow..I dun know..I have a serious problem to say "I am sorry" to people..I guess its my nature..or it runs in the family??I dun know..but its jz hard to apologize to people..maybe because of the pride or arrogance or my egotism has captured my soul than my mind??? or I have becoming ostentation? I dun know..I dun think I am being ostentation..that is so not me..hmm..well there is not other words can descibe me I guess..~~
Lately, few of my friends have been asking me whether I am wit someone because of the reason I hv been spending my time texting this guy..well NO..not way..I am still enjoying my single life to the fullest..no commitment, no responsiblity..prefer to be alone..I dun know..I know there are concern of me coz I am still single and I knw they want me to be happy..I am happy..wit the way I am..no responsiblity and torment..no pleasing people obviously..heheh..well frankly, I do want a BF but all the guys I have been meeting, there has been no..I repeat NO..sparks fly or Chemistry..no electric shock..so how can they ever think I will like them when there is "nothing" flying around?~heheh
~I sincerely admit I am choosy in finding "the one"..I mean who doesn't unless they do not admit it and pretend " I dun want to find the perfect guy..a so so guy is enough" Yeah rite..jz admit it..if you are in a rich and wealthy family, will you dare to live with a not-so-wealthy background guy? they will say "yes" once they are in love but come to think of it, can "love" buy you a GUCCI or VERSACE or even a MCDs? no..its ok to live with a guy who are sincere to you and have a little bit of money..even though he is not sooo rich..and its ok to live wit a guy who works hard to be accomplish and at last he gains his own wealth at least u know the money comes from his hand..but what if, the money comes from the parents itself..u do want to live wit his parents forever??hehehe..and obviously u dont wan to be a filthy bitch who runs after his's money aight??
Why am I writing this information in my blog??well what the heck its my blog anyways..I am writing based on the facts..the real truth..heheh..the truth has yet to be dicussed openly..but where is the justice when someone needed it??heheh ok enuff about this rubbish..anyway I am truly belive in horoscopes sign and I think mine's always accurate~tsk~tsk~
The sign of the Dreamer-Poet, the Oculist
Personality: Psychic and poetic, often moody, hypersensitive, impractical, secretive, kind, self-sacrificing, drifting, escapist, compassionate, gentle.
Positive Qualities: Liberal and sensitive, gentle and caring, progressive and kind, persuasive, nature-loving and imaginative, humane.
Negative Qualities: Uncertain, vague, easygoing, sometimes careless, difficult to understand, impractical, occasionally lacking in balance.
*14 dayz to go