Friday, December 10, 2004


hmm..what I have been up to? a start, I had a dance practice every single day for the past couple of dayz..really tired..go to gym every morning and dance practice evey single evening..heheh:)I take it as an exercise :)

Had the Asean Nite thingy (its the embassy function tho). It was fun and i did a few mistakes..welll nobody's perfect rite? heheh but it was fun and fun..heard few ladies said " they look beautiful", " their dance is beautiful" and blah..yaddi yadda..heheh..well at least all the tiredness has paid off rite?? pix go here -->

I had a talked wit my pet-sister yesterday abt her bf. He bf is a scumbag, triple jerk. She has been nice to him but he has been treated her like a garbage. Who does he think he is? My god..i tot older guy is supposed to be mature..(he's 28 n she's 18) but instead he acts like a kid. I have been asked her to dump him (im a devil) least she doesnt hav to cry over him anymore or worry abt him. well we'll see how it goes..if he still like a scumbag, then we go to plan C (like we have one)

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