Tuesday, December 28, 2004


"There's always that one person
that will always have your heart
You never see it coming cause
you're blinded from the start
Know that you're that one for me,
it's clear for everyone to see"
(My Boo: Usher ft Alicia Keys)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all Bloggers and readers :-)
The 2004 will soon be ended and 2005 near to comes and what I have done so far in this year?

The reflection from 2004

In about few hours, I will be leaving the year of 2004. Few days ago, a good fren of mine has been asking me, "what have you done so far Ike in 2004". I silent. I kept on thinking, maybe I have done something in 2004 but I didnt really remember what was it. It took me couple of days to retrive back the memories. Finally, I have realised, I am already in my final year of Uni. I will be fully graduated next year mei and I am happy!:-) hm..took me this while to remember that!!*ahaskz*

Study: I am not one in the category of excellent students but I can be excelled when I wanted to. My results may not be excellent like the top "A" students but because I belive I can do what I want, I have worked up to achieve my goals-that is to get a Degree! It is almost there and I jsut need 2 monts to finish. It is tough but I belive with hard-working and have faith in yourself, your dreams will come true :-)

Family:Been ther for me and never judge me no matter how bad I have been. Family is the important element in human being life. Without them, people cannot survive and feel miserebly lost. I have blessed to have this family running my life. luv u all

Friends have always be ther for me no matter where they are or what they are doing. I am totally bless with these kind of friends. On return, I had, have and will always be there for them whenever I am. Whether I am in sickness or health or poor or richer, I am here to hear their thoughts and opinions about everything. Early this year, I totally shut myself up from people and I didn't believe in anywords call "friends".But slowly, my own friends tried to bring me out from the hold I have fallen into and slowly I have believed that there are still few people who are quite nice and why I have to live miserably when I can enjoy what I have??therefore, I want to thank to all the peeps who had, have and will be there for me no matter what! luv u all *muahs*

Tsunami: On 26th december 2004, this event has been terribly shocked us all. Not just in Asian countries but around the world. The news of "tsunami attack" spreading all over the world in one second. Noboy knew when it was going to attack. Few signs but people seemd to ignore it. Therefore, when it attacked, people didnt know what to do except run from it. Consequences from the event brought lots of families lost their childrens and relatives, couples lost their partners, houses were gone, state lost their goverments and many more. There are no words to describe the lost of the families because we who never were there cannot imagine what happend but as a human being, we know how the feeling of losing people that we love.

SO there, that was my reflection of 2004..well..with the new coming year, I hope this yr will bring new hope and prosperity to everyone. Happy New Year 2005!!

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