Monday, November 08, 2004


ninie...out of ideas for a nick says: well sorry 2 say this, but sometimes i think u dun wanna let go of yr ego...its like, u cant lose face. u expect everything 2 come yr way, but u cannot accept negative things, u are scared of getting hurt but yet u can be so blunt to people's feelings too...i'm sorry for saying all that, but if u cant see yr reflection in the mirror, i'm speaking it on yr behalf...sorry again...

ninie...out of ideas for a nick says:
i mean, sometimes u hv 2 put yrself in other people's shoes and try 2 understand why they are acting in certain ways that u are not fond of...

ninie...out of ideas for a nick says:
sometimes we expect too much from ppl....but remember u get what u give..

ninie...out of ideas for a nick says:
ppl expect alot from us if u want to meet their expectations, meet yours first..

I have been thinking lately, am I starting to be a cold-blooded person and being such a less-caring human being? the conversation I had wit Ninie made me think, maybe I am being such selfish person and have been avoiding people's feelings just to maintain my standards. I dont even know what my standards are. Everytime I want to be caring, I seem to be pulling back as if I am not but honestly I am.

Why is it so hard to forgive and forget? why is it so hard to forget your past and u keep clingy to it? Why can I admit I am caring to this person but instead I show no interest to him? I always try to act as if nothing happen but everytime we stop talking, I feel miserably lost. As if I am lost somewhere around the world where I need a hand to guide me. Whatelse do I want in my life???

Well, wondering who I am talking about, so here some clues. I will not reveal who he is even though:

"That one particular guy who drives me crazy when he doesn't call or message..that one particular guy who says I make him laughs..that one particular guy who likes to laughs at me just to tease me..that one particular guy who makes my day..that one particular guy who purposely like to call my name in a funny way...that one particular guy who always be there for me when I need a shoulder to cry on and an ear to hear..that one particular guy who says I am not compassionate and have no feelings...that one particular guy who try to seek my attention when I am around..that one particular guy who says he knows everything about me...and that one particular guy who has the best interest in my heart ;) "

*7 dayz to go


WY said...

try not to expect anything out of anyone. there are lot of people out there who are for you too. when you stop expecting soemthing for someone in particular, perhaps your mind will be open for other people. take care ya!

PlugInBaby said...

if u luv somebody...let him go..n if he luvs u..he'll come back to is beautiful ike...:-)

PlugInBaby said...

if u luv somebody...let him go..n if he luvs u..he'll come back to is beautiful ike...:-)