Friday, November 12, 2004


Dear Blog

Kinda tired even though I had a really good nite sleep. Was so busy at work yesterday, didn't had the chance to relax even for 5 minutes!!oh bugger!! the customers at drive-thru were kept on coming continously one car after another. I hate drive-thru sometimes coz they don't even give me a break especially the part where " Can I have 2 separate ordes" in one car or "I want to change my order" as soon as they arrive at the window where there are about 5 cars are coming. boring..these customers can be so unreasonable sometimes..expect me to follow their orders but doing nothing to me except pisssing me off!! oh well..that's life..the same thing repeats everyday..nothing change

what's new?nothing much..just the same old me..keeping low-profile as much as I can..feel like want to be alone..Oh I am flying to Auckland next week on Tuesday from Wellington 12pm..will be at Auck at 1pm..and be bck to Wellington on thursday 4.30pm arriving from Auckland 3.30pm..hmm kinda holiday I guess..heheh can't wait..its been months since I been there..but I miss KL more..esp the Shopping and hanging out wit Frens part..;)

Next week is Raya aka Eid Murabak and I am still stuck here iN Welly for 4 years Now. Hadn't had the chance to come home since the first year I arrived. Kinda sad but what can I goes on..No matter where I am, I will remember the people I care the most and of course Raya together2 ahaks~hmm..oh I better seek forgiveness from the people I am suppose to seek..

Papa: Selamat hari raya dan kaklong minta maaf atas salah dan silap..minta maaf tak dapat balik raya lagi tahun ni..aritu kaklong ada tanye papa kan masa nk anta kaklong gi epot ,"kaklong nak balik ni, papa sedih tak"..even though papa tak cakap papa sedih, kaklong tau papa sedih..kaklong lagi thrice sedih..hmm..tiap kali papa telefon mesti ngangis *eyes watered* tak apela nxt yr kita raya sesama *hugz* ~luv to bits and pieces

Ayah: Selamat hari raya and maaf zahir batin..taular ayah raya kat mesia..mmg best lar..dpt makan2 anyway..kaklong minta maaf kalu ada salah and silap..mmg byk tu..tak dapet den nafikan lai'..jgn sedih pagi raya..hehe kitaorang tak da..heheh online ar..for shore kaklong mmg online..luv u to bits and pieces

Ibu: Selamat hari raya dan maaf atas segala kesilapan yang penah kaklong buat..yang tak sengaja atau yg sengaja..yg sengaja tu biasalar kan..~tsk tsk~ minta maaf bu tak dpt balik raya tahun ni..hopefully tahun depan dpt raya together2..glamor cam wahida~wassini~luv u to bits n pieces

Irfan&Aniq&Izzul: Selamat hari raya adik2ku..maaf zahir batin..hopefully posa tu abes lar kan..dpt PS2..jgn nakal2..jgn gado2..jgn berebut2 nk dpt duit umah nenek elok2..jgn kasi ibu marah..;) kaklong minta maaf sebab selalu usik korang esp abang irfan heheh..heheh..angah minyak wangi share! adik jgn nakal2..luv u to bits n pieces

Ninie: Selamat hari raya and maaf kalu aku ada terkasar atau tersilap selama kita kenal..sometimes I can be so blunt kan so forgive me if I have ever did that..thnx for being there for me in almost of the time-being..You are such an awesome person..been there ups and to sorrow..thnx..the bitter sweet memories will always remain in the special place in my heart..hehhehe..jgn lupe tau kalu ko jd kawen dgn naly, aku nye kad raya mesti colour purple..kalu tak aku tanak dtg..*ugut*luv u to bits n pieces

ChiP: selamat ari raya and maaf zahir dan batin. Thnx for being a friend through this year..mmg best kawan dgn u..even though we just known each other last yr kan??tapi mmg best hang around dgn you! u've been there for me through ups and downs esp when I need some advices regarding abt guys~heheh gud luck wit ur studies kat UK nanti..luv u to bits n pieces

Sofia: Selamat hari raya and maaf zahir batin..minta maaf kalu ada salah n silap selama kita berkenalan..*my make-up partner* heheh u take care gurl..nanti kalu balik kita lepak make sure to full-use of my Dome card..luv u to bits n pieces

AriL: Selamat hari raya and maaf zahir lepak dgn U esp the teh tarik part..baru kenal je tapi cam dah bole lepak2 lama..mcm2 cita bole kuar..keep in touch OK?

To my other friends [Kam, Oli, Christy etc] : Selamat hari raya and maaf zahir guys have been great to me..heheh being ther for me through joy and the middle of the nite..its priceless I cant never forget tht..its definitely priceless..u gys are worth befriending for..heheheh Oli, mun balit esok, eboh lupa tok. kitak is the best..kali one day, I pergi melawat u rah Sarawak..nang sure..

Selamat Hari raya and maaf zahir dan batin..

*This dedication is for the people who I can't see on the first day of Hari raya..due of the distance.

*3 dayz to go

1 comment:

silent reverie said...

hi ike...

eid other words selamat hari raya aidilfitri, maaf zahir & batin. sorry tak sempat nak hantar kad raya...and i was really touched that i received yours. anyhow, hows raya this yr? as 4 me, cam biasa ajer, and its my 1st time kasi duit raya kat the kids, and my parents! kinda miss raya'ing' wif u tho...well aku mintak maaf dr hujung rambut ke hujung kaki if i ever did anything wrong, words that might hv hurt, jokes that u cant take and advises that u cant accept. 1001 apologies.