Thursday, October 21, 2004

time will heal all wounds

..imagine losing someone you really love over death?I cannot imagine to my friends esp if that ever happend to me..but yet one of my closest confessed that to me..just now and I feel so touched and sad..coz there is no way I can console the way he consoled me wit my problems..I realise not all problems that I can solve straight away..take times..

This good friend of mine, let me just name him "S" used to hav a fiancee and they lived happily for 8 years but not for long..she left him forever in 2001 coz she passed away of tumor/cancer kat lung..and he quits his job to take care of her and be there till her last breath..and made a promise to love her for the rest of my life and never fall in love to someone else..

I told him "I may have no right to judge whatsoever lah kan coz I dun know what happend in the past lah and beside i dun know u when it happend kan but from my opinion lah kan..i think as a woman, no matter how selfish bitch(I'm refering to myself) we are, deep down, we want the one that we love to be happy whether we are with the him or this case i think wen u said u will never fall in love kan i think she wants u to fall in love again and find happiness..thats what i think" and he said "I know but it will be unfair for the new person if i keep holding on to her"

I am totally stuck..and I realise there is no way I can help him coz only him can heal all his wounds and I can jz support him whenever he needs just I wish I could help him to recover from his past..I know he's trying to move on but deep down, there's always a hole inside and he is trying not to be fallen in it..or he has..I dunno know..but he is trying to heal..healing takes jz I wish..i dunno..deep down I am crying..for him..i cannot seem to bring myself to stop thinking abt the story he has..I always thought my lovelife is I have met the worst..I realise I got to move prob isnt't worst as him..

"sometimes you encounter a bigger problem, when this happens, it will make you wiser and stronger in life"


PlugInBaby said...

pity him...erm..u cant ask someone to forget that person he luvs...coz there's alwiz memories remain...but ask him..can he live in memories forever? that what his fiance what him to be?...the answer is with him...i guess he knows ike..but it's just hard for him to let go..only time will show...

Ike Afnifa Hambali said...

tu lar ayu trying to help..i didnt ask to him to trying help to move on wit the memories within..noelse can change it..the memories definetely his's just no point keep on singing the same old song rite?