Tuesday, October 26, 2004

insanity has ruined my whole life..

..I have gone completely insane for the past couple of dayz..I have been sleeping through the dusk and stay awake till the sun rise..and my mom has been completely annoying wit that..she hardly see me in daylight and only see me a little bit in nite..what have I done to myself??the insanity has ruined my schedule and not to forget my life..

I still have one task of my study to complete and then I am finish..well not for good of course..I still have one more semester to go..oh God , I am so cannot wait to be over..well actually I dont..I dont know I kinda liking the way things now..I dun feel presure to please my bosses at work, competing wit my mates to be excelled..I like the way things are..speaking of that, I am actually worry about my writing 203 course..I dun know, i wish i cud have done the last project better, well I did try my best to do it, but is just i dun feel satisfy wit it..hopefully i wll pass..I cannot afford any failures now..not in the last term..finger cross!!

oh...Papa called from msia, how I was relieved to hear his voice. I hv been missing to hear his voice ever since the last time I spoke to him..and I cudn't remember when was the last time..my brain is totally screw at the moment..cannot think properly..I miss my family back home..I shed to tears when I was talking to my brother..well I was sobing..of course while talking to papa..thnk god the line wasnt so clear..soI guess he didnt hear I was sobing..I miss hanging out wit him when I was in KL..well I spent my time wit papa mostly..newayz, thnx for the call..I really needed it..

oh yeah whatelse is new??well my hair is longer and i cannot wait to be longer..i want it to be really long well not too long till it can reach the feet..just longer..like till my hip maybe? not sure..hhehe..some dreamz huh?I am counting dayz for my bestfriends to go home..I will definetely gonna miss them once they are gone..my GOd, why does every beginning of anything, will be an ending for it??why can't it stay put?I dunno, I have been searching for the answe since I knew about it and I guess, there is no answer for it except, everything happens for a reason..isnt is jz sad when things ended?well, hell yeah..of course but thats how it helps us to be wiser and mature..if things keep on the same track, how can we grow older and wiser and accept things like they are supposed to be? obviously, we gonna learn from our mistakes..where do the mistakes come from and how did it happen..we will have to collect the bits and pieces and put them together, and finally, we gonna see the whole picture of it and realise this is wrong and this is right..so that we can see, what have we done to make it occur?

some people think life is so unpredictable whereas some see life is predictable. They know where it will lead them to but some still searching the meaning of life..some will be floating in the air to reach for the sky but some, stay on the ground to live in the reality world..to complete the task based on what they have been sent for..

I think I better take my hand off the keyboard before I turn myself into a poetic-psycho or worse..psycho-lunatic coz I am starting to feel like one...well at least I am not a stalker..ahahhah..but I like to be a psychokinesis [movement of objects supposedly by telepathy or mental effort]..or a pyro-denoting fire...haha what a weird gurl..told ya I have gone completely insane..

*20 dayz to go..

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