Thursday, October 14, 2004

100 facts abt me

I visited my friend’s blog and I saw the list of 100 things about him and I think I shud do it too. SO here goes..The 100 facts about me!

1. My full name is Ike Afnifa bt. Hambali.

2. Normally I refer myself as Ike Hambali

3. People always mispronounce or misspell my name and I hate it coz for me, name is an important element in your own identity. The correct pronunciation of Ike is e-ki or iki

4. I was born on 21-2-81 and in Penang.

5. My parent divorced when I was 7 and I have 1 brother and 4 half brothers after my parents remarried. But I wudnt call them as my half-brothers. They are my brothers after all.

6. My blood is B+ and I am a blood-donor

7. The first ever boyfriend I had at the age of 16 [I had the crush on the guy when I was 15 and turned-out the guy oso like me but we did not get together until one year later].

8. Since then, I have been off and on relationship and to be counted all together, I have had 5 boyfriends. My last relationship ended last year and I am still recovering from it.

9. I went to 4 different primary schools, 4 different secondary and 2 different Universities..well what can I say..I moved a lot.

10. I used to be a prefect, class reps, and a netballer when I was in primary and secondary. I won a 2nd place in class when I was in primary school, I won the third place in reading n writing competition in from2 and Form 4 was the best moment of my school's life.

11. I used to get a yellow warning letter from my hostel's warden for breaking the hostel's law. Consequenly, I had my dad drove all the way to S'ban to scold me but luckily, my mom calmed him down [that what my mom said]. SoI was saved..for a while

12. I have lots of bestfriends but most of them cheated on me and backstabber. Since then, I have been trying to take pre-caution steps in trusting people. Apparently, due to my gullibility, I keep repeating the same mistakes all over again.

13. I am too sensitive and have a really fragile heart actually but only who are really close to me will see that. When I am hurt, it will take time to recover it. It took me a while to get over my parents's separation actually. I was fully recovered in 1999. So, it will takes a while too to get over someone who just broken-up wit me.

14. I am a moody and temperamental and none of my friends know that [ I think]. I get angry easily and easily cool down depends on the angry reasons. Despite of the easily being moody, I am trying my best to hide my temper and moodiness infront of my friends.

15. People always see I am an excel student [that what my friends always say], in contrast, I am not. I failed Maths in school and never was excelled in secondary school. Well.. I am trying very hard I?

16. I used to believe in soul-mates and true love but since I was been hurt so deeply, I hate those words anymore and I don't think that even existed.

17. Lately, I have been trying to distant myself from the people that know me as I think being nice, helpful and friendly, doesn't help me being "nice, helpful and friendly" to them. I just found out, somebody who I trust just backstab me.[told u i am guilible]..

18. I hate being known as "somebody's daugther" as I am trying to build my own identity and beside being "somebody's daugther" doesn't help me gain popularity or trust. Some group of friends I am befriending with either being a selfish bitch or double selfish bitch but not all OK, some of them are really befriending with me because of me.

19. I think being honest is the best solution in life to gain friendship and that's what adore me the most..and I am trying to be honest as much as i can

20. I am scare of getting married [or being a relationship] but doesn't kill me to see ppl happy in marriage or relatioship thus I am praying for them.

21. I have a disabilty brother and I think he's the most adorable creature ALLah ever created.

22. Ppl always mistaken me as an Indonesian..prob bcoz of my name??

23. My x-classmates used to think either I am Japaneseor Indian or Indian or Chinese..for God Sake, I dun even look like Chinese nor Japanese.

24. Some ppl think I dance the Tranditional Malaysian dances gracefully BUT I don't think so.. I think the reason why I dance because I like it..period

25. Desperately to lose weight, I used to throw up most of what I ate and I hated it.. I swore I never to throw food anymore..

26. I have a very strong instinct. I know what will happen..I know its creepy..tell me abt it..but I guess it got something to do with my star-sign..nuff said!

27. Some Anties and Uncles and even my friends adore me and my brothers' names because they say it an unique names : Ike Afnifa, Afzul Farouqi, Irfan Rafiqin, Nifail Haziq, Aniq Farhan and Izzul you agree?

28. My fav colur is Purple and if ever I got married, I wan my theme will be purple

29. Whn I am stuck wit one tv programe, I will find anything abt the programe from-gossip to future episode. I dun care what they said, I want to know what will happen and I hate waiting..

30. I am close to my brother: Afzul and we share our secrets and thoughts. He knows mine and I know his's.

31. I love listening to Music..

32. I have more guy bestfriends than gurls..

33. The best book I've ever read is by Nicholas Sparks-A walk to remember..I wan my love story to be like that..well not die at the end of course!

34. I really wanted to go to Mauritius to visit their beach and being able to lay down at the beach without doing anything..just lying there..

35. I hate racism [ as I have been into one].

36. I used to wish I had a sister but now I dont want anymore..its nice to be a big sister..dictator rule!

37. I hate fighting but always be into one esp wit my parents.

38. One of my biggest achievement will be when my parents are proud of me when I am graduated....

39. I know this sound silly but if a guy want to sweep my feet off is by saying "i want to grow old with you"..i get this Quote from a movie heheheh..

40. I am hopelessly romantic..

41.I am a day-dreamer..

42. I am not a neat nor messy person..I am in room can be messy or neat depending on my mood.

43. I like it when hair smells so hair is essential part of my life.

44. To tell the truth, I think more negative than positive.

45. I never stress over exams or test..I always relax! but I do get stress over essays or assingments.

46. I never had hope to get A in my studies..coz I know my level of achievement..being able to get B+ is already the biggest achievement for me..

47. I jz can't understand why some people want to get more marks than they already have? if they oredi get A then, that's it, why must work extra hard to get A+? its just a alphabet anyway..

48. I go with the flow..

49. I dun plan my life..I let the life plan for me..

50. When my friends feeling sad, I am sad too! I seem to have connection with them..

51. I always be there for ppl but ppl never be there for me..

52. I've learned from my mistakes all the time..and try not to repeat them twice or even thrice..God forbid..

53. I have a wish, if ever I have childrens esp girls, I want to put "Ike" in their a family name..

54. I love mags..

55. I still have my baby pillow wit me

56. I think I am a spoil-brat..a big one..coz I am the only the family

57. I always see my self as "daddy's little gurl" and always whoever want to date me has to get thru to my dad first..

58. I was a trouble-maker when I was little..and I am still is..

59. I am not that responsible actually..I always try to run from my mistakes and also I like to blame'em to someonelse..I dont think I can never change that even though I hav the moment, trying to be fully responsible..

60. I am always the one who befriending to new comers or meet them for the first time, but once they know other ppl, they seem to dump me on the rubbish bin or in simpler word: forget me!Hate that..

61. My parents: Capricorn, Gemini, Libra and Leo..I am a Pieces, Afzul is Libra, Irfan: Cancer, Nifail: Virgo,Aniq: Gemini, Izzul: Leo and I believe in star-signs. Im a star-sign freak. I love to read anything abt star-signs and tend to believe it..even though its not true..and it against my religion to believe such things..

62. I am a muslim..

63. I wish I was in KL now.

64. I almost wanted to quit my studies..luckily one person was there to console me.

65. Ilove to read but depend on my mood tho'

66. I got my writing skills from my dad..coz he's a journalist..

67. I am sux at spelling..I used to be good..I dun know what happen..

68. I wanted to b a chareographer..

69. I easily admire ppls' talents that I don't in..if a person is good in chareogphing, I admire what he can do..coz I can't do it..

70. I used to hv siblings jealousy wit my brothers.. and I think I still am..well my bro is good in maths..of course I am jealous..dont you???

71. The reason why I fall asleep because I wan to dream..anything wud be fine but as long as I dream..

72. The reason I do drawing is because to release my anger..over something..

73. Whenever I read something on the papers, I wish I was the Journalist who wrote it coz some of it may not be true. I want to be a journalist that be able to write true stuff to apply to audience.

74. I have a really high ego..don't expect me to say sorry even though I did that mistakes..

75. I bite my nails when I am worried over something..

76. I am acrophobia (scare of height) and Eremophobia (scare of being alone)...

77. I am scare of ghost stories but I like to watch it..I always tease my brothers but I am the one who end up cannot sleep in nite..and keep rewinding the scene from the movie in my mind...

78. I can be hipokrit and selfish sometimes..

79. I have a stage-fright..even tho I hv been dancing and giving speeches..I am still scare to stand infront of audience..that's why I always dont wear glasses when I am on stage, so that I cannot see ppl [I am short-sighted] but since i've got contacts, I hv to face it anyway..

80. I have an asthic-manism [I hope i spell it correct] and it runs in the family..

81. I am a righty but I do stuff eg. moving, washing, laundry with my lefty coz it more stronger than my right hand.

82. Even though I always say " I am confident" , actually I am not confident wit my self..

83. I dun usually hate ppl but once I hate, I hate him/her forever..

84. I think guys are more bossy than gurls..

85. I don't care what ppl actually think abt me....coz I believe " they do not pay me to live, why shud i gv a f**k what they think!!"

86. I always curse ppl whenever I am driving..[only to those who do not the rules of driving]

87. I don't buy b'day gifts to anyone unless they are special to me..

88. I like to chose between eating and sleeping, I wud rather go to bed

89. I like to spend more time in bathroom doing my hair than my face..

90. I am a multi-driver..I can sms, eating,chatting, singing and dreaming while driving..

91. I think some of Msian artists should look in the mirror first before being call "an artist"..coz some of them just want to gain popularity..

92. I can't different shape the in when I'm cutting the paper, I always see the paper line is perfect even though its not and also, I always wear my contact lens the other way around because I cannot different shape the circle.

93. Whenver I sing, I always think myself as " a singer who performs on the stage"..

94. I ve been dreaming to do bungee..if I did that, that wud be my anther biggest achievement..

95. I used to drawn Pangkor and nearly died..

96. I never seen myself as an "inspiration" but there was once, a friend of mine, said I was his inspiration and I cudn't sleep the whole nite thinking abt it..

97. Some ppl think i am 18 or 19 even worse, 16???what were they thinking? and they tot I lied abt my age when I told them the truth..its true.. I am actually 23 this yr..I was born year 1981..

98. I am not a shopaholic but I spend a lot my money on salary can be gone in one blink..and I dont even realised it..

99. I am an accident-prone.

100. The last fact: I love my parents and friends some much..

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