Tuesday, October 19, 2004

I wz driving to pick up my mom from work jz now and I was so shocked, twisted and scared when I saw the Police car was waiting for me..but then I reaLISED the police car was waiting the front car..bugger..that scared the beeps hell out of me..my heart was pumping so damn fast and I was confused whether is it my car or the other car??newayz..luckily nothing happen to me..or else my mom wud be talking and complaining all the way home..*wink*


PlugInBaby said...

hey dear..drive carefully k..normal ler tu takut ngan polis..aku pon kalau drive nampak polis..leh cam telupa lak gear satu yang mana gear reverse yang mana..ahaks...

PlugInBaby said...

berhati2 di jalan raya ok..drive carefully n smartly...jangan nak laju jer..but look at ur surrounding too k...