Wednesday, October 13, 2004


I went to see my GP today coz I felt my throat isn't feeling well and guess wot the doctor said? "Well, Ike, I think your tonsil is coming up again." and also I told him about myright ear.. I cannot hear very well, maybe because I hit somethin inside when I was tryin to clean the wax the other and this what the doctor said "I think your ear has an infection". My god! I have 2 diseases in one day. Great just great. No wonder I have been having funny feeling whenever I was trying to swallow things. And also I cudn't hear very well whenever the phone rang and the song that been playing on my pc. No wonder I can only hear one side only...this is reminded me of the time, where Irfan, my brother had to see a doctor because my Ibu was trying to clean the wax inside his's ear and he kept on screaming, no cleaning his ear because he felt pain when my ibu did that. Similiar to my situation except different cases. He had a paper inside his ear and God-only-knows how the paper went inside his's ear..I cannot remember which ear but anyway it cracked me up when I heard it..and now it happend to me..see people always say "do not laugh at other's mistakes coz you will get the same ones" [well something like that]..hmm..

Anyway tomoro is my papa's bday and I am sad coz I am at a far far away land to celebrate it wit him. It's been 4 years now since I celebrated his bday..well I take this opportunity to wish him " a very happy birthday and hoping he will get his wishes come true this year".Luv ya!*hugz n kissess*

Mr. Hambali Abd Latiff
Posted by Hello

p/s:Today was my last class of the 2nd term..YEY!!!officially finish..hehehhe..oh yeah Gud luck and Congrats to Sean as being Next year WMSO's President [finally we have male President as its has been 3 years the women conquered the chart]..also to Haidir as VP, Nazrul as Secretary and Najiha aka KakG as Tresuarer

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