Friday, October 29, 2004


I had a huge fight with my bestfren juz now and I dun want to talk to him anymore..well not too soon..coz I hate him for doing this to me.. can u imagine he has a gf and didnt tell me? i know he has his right and stuff but can't I know? I know this sound a bit childish [that was he refered to me] but doesn't I as a friend has the right to know? I am his bestfren and I dun recall if I have a bf I dun tell him abt it? as far as im concern, I used to tell him everything abt my-x's and now he didnt tell me abt it? why is it so hard to dig man's that they will tell you everything? I know he has been "befriending" with the gurl and I am fine wit it..

I am totally happy for him even tho I smell something is going on btwn them ..and now they are together even tho like he said, it's "a trial relationship" [ thats what he named it], he shud've tell me abt it!!!why is it so hard to understand a man's head even tho he is just a friend to you? such a complicated life..I was damn kecik ati abt that and I turned to someone for a shoulder to cry on..I was so embrassed crying on the phone and fair nuff, he was there to make me laugh..he was suprised to hear me crying so bad on the phone..I guess he was on shocked but it was all good..

Afta hang upwit the friend, it made me thinking that, maybe I was being childish and over-reacted abt this whole thing and maybe I should give him a break over this..he needed a friend to talk about and i treated him that least he was trying to tell me..afta I busted him out..BUT I wasn't angry at him without a reason..I was mad at him because he didnt tell me he has a gf and I found it in friendster..if I didnt open his page, I wudn't know he is in a relationship and I wudn't know rite??

WHy I had to found it like this? WHy cant he just tell me" hey IKE, guess what I have a gf now" and things wud be handled differently..Im maybe being over-sensitive but I hate him oredi..I really do..I dun wan to talk to him anymore..not now..down-here was the conversation we had on the fon afta I left him on MSN..he texted me first as usual..when I am pissed..he will always the first one who will want to clear the air.

buntang: why do you need to be angry at me coz of dat small matter. I didnt want to bring it up coz i'm scared dat things mite no work out and i'm only happy for a while

me: I am angry bcoz u didnt tell me first. I had 2 found out from somethingelse. Doesn't matter if it will be 4 a while as long u tell me. U know I will be happy 4u n sad if it didnt work out. I am so kecik hati. Jz dat nothingelse.

buntang: I seriously dont like da way ur behaving now. CHildish attitude. If dat's da way u want to behave then I have no choice than to say bye

Me: Fine if take what U think. I wont talk 2u anymore. I HATE you

buntang:okay lets get things clear here. I just told her dat I want 2 be wif her if i have da cahnce then we gave it a try. So its only a trial and things like dis R not meant to be told 2 anyone coz i think word of mouth travels fast n we both mite have someone else in mind n dis will spoil everything including my friends. jz so hard sometimesssssss.......

*17 dayz to go

1 comment:

PlugInBaby said...

Come on ike..chill out..rilex..rilex..he has the right u know..well u'll get over it soon...rilex ok...