Sunday, October 17, 2004

Fasting month

Ramadhan..this month is the most special month of islamic month as this month is normally where all the muslim seek forgiveness from Allah to dimish their sins..

I was thinking how much Sins I have been doing since the day I was born? do you that since the day we are born, everything we do or say are counted from the angels who have been sent from Allah to us? I wonder how much mine has been counted?A lot.. I guess?

I ate bihun goreng during the fasting break..and boy how I miss the Msian food even more!..I miss the terawih as well as going to pasar ramadhan every evening just to check out the food and stuff..miss those times where i jst sat infront of the tele and watched the cantonese movie and waited for the dinner to be served..omigod..i really missess it now..

i spoke to my fren today and i pity her..she told me her tailor house was on fire and all the clothing she has sent to be sewing has burned too!omigod..all those kain from other customers have gone too..what a shame aye..when that tragedy happend during ramadhan..oh dear..what a shamed!!now she has to buy the ready-made ones since she has old ones to be wear this yr-raya..come to think of that, i dun hv new ones too!i have the old ones where i used to wear everytime there is a function here in't really matter anyway..i dun really celebrate Hari raya like i used to when i was a kid..whre i woke up ine the morning and dress nicely and waited my dad came home from mosque and que for the "duit raya" i only wake up to because i think its raya and ask forgiveness from my parents for whatever sins I have done..and *sob* i dun get duit raya anymore..

This yr i mite not be hari raya in Wgtn, maybe OZ..i dunno..its better to get out from welly once in a while..i seem to dun like welly anymore..lots of faces that i dun tend to see..rather keeping it to myself..better off this way :D

1 comment:

silent reverie said...

hey there gurl..was checking out yr blog til i read the part where the tailor's hse got burnt!! hmmm isnt that 1 familiar story?? haahhh...well i was literally very upset but not anymore. i guess jz not my luck to get those kebaya in the saree material. can always find new ones. anyways, missing puasa wif u all laaa...kali ni aku baik siut...puasa tak tinggal lagi...nnt mama marah hehehe...