Sunday, October 31, 2004
Sarawak 101
Olivia ajar kamek kelakar sarawak..just now, Willy ajar kamek few more words..kamek even madah ngan nya swakian bah..
Kali-Maybe Mungkin
Sigek-One Satu
Sik-No Tak
Aok-Yes Ya
Mala-Always Selalu
Miak-Kids Budak
Mun-If kalau
Kedak-Like macam
Ya-That Tu
Lekak-Then Pastu
Eboh-Don't Jangan
Gilak-Very Sangat
Sinun-Farther Sana
Nok-Like Yang
Neng-Memang Of course
Sia-There Situ
Siney-Where Mana
Situk-Here Sini
Alu-Crazy Gila
Rah-At Kat
Kedirik-Alone Sendiri
Nanya-Ask Tanya
Sarawakian language
English translation
Malay translation
Things to be Mend..
this is a dedication to you,
you deserve every word of it,
for all the little things you do.
Lately I've been thinking if,
if suddenly our lives just changed,
if nothing would ever be the same,
and our friendship was rearranged.
And lately I've been thinking,
of the place for you in my heart,
its one that will never disappear,
even if we might have to part.
You are my shelter out of the rain,
the sun shining down on me,
you're one of the best parts of my life,
and i have to let you see.
That you mean more than my own life,
and for you i know I'd die,
because all i want is to know your happy,
and theres someone to hear your cries.
I have finally realized,
that friendship is the greatest of all,
and i never want to lose what we have,
i need you to catch my fall.
Not a day passes through my life,
when i don't think of your face,
of the million times you've made me smile,
the memories that wont erase...
He sent me this poem via message..and I melt..Ihave been thinking to mend things btwn us but I didnt had the guts to talk to him and apologize to him because of my STUPID EGO..why am I being so egoistic, selfish and unreasonable??why??I have no idea..
I have been talking to other friend and he told me, I should talk to him and do not put any high-expectations anymore..what is past, jz let it be the past..arghhh why is it so ez?? I wish it was that ez..letting fo your past and live in the present..after a while, I did had the courage to speak to him via sms and he hasn't reply since..I dun know, maybe he still angry at me or he doesn't want to talk to me anymore???Maybe it's my fault and if he doesn't want to talk to me anymore then I guess, I should move on because it was entirely my fault. I started this supid fight and I have to pay the price..
If I had the chance to take this back, I would..I will not being selfish and unreasonable...why I was so grumpy and unreasonable at him??why??because I have been emotionally attached to hIm? because he was always there when I needed him??because all this time, the only person he has been loved is me?? now he has someonelse in his life then I am not needed anymore?? I dun I am blaming my self for the stupid mistakes I have ever made..I was being harsh and rude to him over a small selfish I was =(
I had an accident on friday...on the way to the airport to send my mom..I was shocked even though it was no serious injury..a car hit my car from the back..and his car was broken and mine was not..only a few straches...i was relieved..well at least my car doesn't had any serious damage if not, my mom would be screaming and yelling to me on the way to the airport..but I pity the guy..His car was broken on the front-part..well what can I say, a toyota-corola hit honda crv-sport-four-wheel drive car..obviously, nothing happend to me but I feel sorry for him tho'..hope nothing will happen again to me in the future..AMIN..
HAPPY HALLOWEEN scaring people around ya? oh some trick-treat OK kids?? You'll get more loliess..!! sweet'as
Selagi Ada... (Cinta)
Ning Baizura (Ajai / Nurul)
Telah kulakukan semuanya kasih
Telah kukorbankan segalanya
Namun ku sendiri tak pernah mengerti
Apa yang engkau fikirkan
Apa yang engkau inginkan
Ku tahu kau tak pernah setia (kasih)
Ku tahu diriku tak bererti
Namun ku sendiri tak pernah mengerti
Apa yang engkau fikirkan
Apa yang engkau inginkan
Selagi ada cinta di hatiku
Selagi ada rindu yang membara
Selagi air mata ini mengalir
Kau tetap di hati ini
Cintamu tetap di hati
Selagi ku mampu bertahan kekasih
Jangan sampai cinta tiada lagi
Jika memang cinta tiada lagi (kasih)
Tinggalkan aku sendiri...
Tinggalkan cintamu kasih...
Selagi ada cinta di hatiku
Selagi ada rindu yang membara
Selagi ku mampu bertahan kasih
Ku terima segalanya
Walau hatiku merana...
Friday, October 29, 2004
I am totally happy for him even tho I smell something is going on btwn them ..and now they are together even tho like he said, it's "a trial relationship" [ thats what he named it], he shud've tell me abt it!!!why is it so hard to understand a man's head even tho he is just a friend to you? such a complicated life..I was damn kecik ati abt that and I turned to someone for a shoulder to cry on..I was so embrassed crying on the phone and fair nuff, he was there to make me laugh..he was suprised to hear me crying so bad on the phone..I guess he was on shocked but it was all good..
Afta hang upwit the friend, it made me thinking that, maybe I was being childish and over-reacted abt this whole thing and maybe I should give him a break over this..he needed a friend to talk about and i treated him that least he was trying to tell me..afta I busted him out..BUT I wasn't angry at him without a reason..I was mad at him because he didnt tell me he has a gf and I found it in friendster..if I didnt open his page, I wudn't know he is in a relationship and I wudn't know rite??
WHy I had to found it like this? WHy cant he just tell me" hey IKE, guess what I have a gf now" and things wud be handled differently..Im maybe being over-sensitive but I hate him oredi..I really do..I dun wan to talk to him anymore..not now..down-here was the conversation we had on the fon afta I left him on MSN..he texted me first as usual..when I am pissed..he will always the first one who will want to clear the air.
buntang: why do you need to be angry at me coz of dat small matter. I didnt want to bring it up coz i'm scared dat things mite no work out and i'm only happy for a while
me: I am angry bcoz u didnt tell me first. I had 2 found out from somethingelse. Doesn't matter if it will be 4 a while as long u tell me. U know I will be happy 4u n sad if it didnt work out. I am so kecik hati. Jz dat nothingelse.
buntang: I seriously dont like da way ur behaving now. CHildish attitude. If dat's da way u want to behave then I have no choice than to say bye
Me: Fine if take what U think. I wont talk 2u anymore. I HATE you
buntang:okay lets get things clear here. I just told her dat I want 2 be wif her if i have da cahnce then we gave it a try. So its only a trial and things like dis R not meant to be told 2 anyone coz i think word of mouth travels fast n we both mite have someone else in mind n dis will spoil everything including my friends. jz so hard sometimesssssss.......
*17 dayz to go
Thursday, October 28, 2004
pain in the ass
speaking of that..almost all my customers were being the pain in my ass today!!!my god..they were either keep changing their orders or adding them as soon as they arrived at the windows..why did they do that???why cant they sticked to the order man??i kept cursing them in malays..heheh luckily they dont understand the language but i feel guilty now..since bulan puasa...suposedly i have to be patient and contrary..i was so rude and inpatient..oh well..what can I say..I am moody when being provoke..[proud to admit that]
papa called jz now and damn how did he know i was crying when i called him the other day? well I guess thats the feeling a father has aye??neva cud understand that!!as usual i cried i am such a soft-hearted..tsk tsk
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
what a bun
oh well I am kinda sleepy need to go to bed now..
*19 dayz to go..
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
stupid blog!!!!!!!!!
insanity has ruined my whole life..
I still have one task of my study to complete and then I am finish..well not for good of course..I still have one more semester to go..oh God , I am so cannot wait to be over..well actually I dont..I dont know I kinda liking the way things now..I dun feel presure to please my bosses at work, competing wit my mates to be excelled..I like the way things are..speaking of that, I am actually worry about my writing 203 course..I dun know, i wish i cud have done the last project better, well I did try my best to do it, but is just i dun feel satisfy wit it..hopefully i wll pass..I cannot afford any failures now..not in the last term..finger cross!!
oh...Papa called from msia, how I was relieved to hear his voice. I hv been missing to hear his voice ever since the last time I spoke to him..and I cudn't remember when was the last brain is totally screw at the moment..cannot think properly..I miss my family back home..I shed to tears when I was talking to my brother..well I was sobing..of course while talking to papa..thnk god the line wasnt so clear..soI guess he didnt hear I was sobing..I miss hanging out wit him when I was in KL..well I spent my time wit papa mostly..newayz, thnx for the call..I really needed it..
oh yeah whatelse is new??well my hair is longer and i cannot wait to be longer..i want it to be really long well not too long till it can reach the feet..just till my hip maybe? not sure..hhehe..some dreamz huh?I am counting dayz for my bestfriends to go home..I will definetely gonna miss them once they are GOd, why does every beginning of anything, will be an ending for it??why can't it stay put?I dunno, I have been searching for the answe since I knew about it and I guess, there is no answer for it except, everything happens for a reason..isnt is jz sad when things ended?well, hell yeah..of course but thats how it helps us to be wiser and mature..if things keep on the same track, how can we grow older and wiser and accept things like they are supposed to be? obviously, we gonna learn from our mistakes..where do the mistakes come from and how did it happen..we will have to collect the bits and pieces and put them together, and finally, we gonna see the whole picture of it and realise this is wrong and this is that we can see, what have we done to make it occur?
some people think life is so unpredictable whereas some see life is predictable. They know where it will lead them to but some still searching the meaning of life..some will be floating in the air to reach for the sky but some, stay on the ground to live in the reality complete the task based on what they have been sent for..
I think I better take my hand off the keyboard before I turn myself into a poetic-psycho or worse..psycho-lunatic coz I am starting to feel like one...well at least I am not a stalker..ahahhah..but I like to be a psychokinesis [movement of objects supposedly by telepathy or mental effort]..or a pyro-denoting fire...haha what a weird gurl..told ya I have gone completely insane..
*20 dayz to go..
Song of the Day
Dhoom Dhoom, come light my fire
Dhoom Dhoom, let me take you hire
Dhoom Dhoom, i wanna feel that burning
Dhoom Dhoom, it's a wild emotion
Dhoom Dhoom, passion and devotion
Dhoom Dhoom, now the wheels are turning
Move your body close to mine now
Let me feel your love into mine now
Together we'll explode and we'll go boom boom boom
Dhoom machale.....Dhoom machale....Dhoom
Dhoom machale.....Dhoom machale....Dhoom
Dhoom machale.....Dhoom machale....Dhoom
Dhoom machale.....Dhoom machale....Dhoom
Dhoom Dhoom, i m gonna make you sweat now
Dhoom Dhoom, lets get all wet now
Dhoom Dhoom, gotta get down all day
Dhoom Dhoom, till the early morning
Dhoom Dhoom, until the dawn end
Dhoom Dhoom, i know that you want it
Shake your body down to the ground
Want you all, there's no turn around
Tonight we're gonna make the world go boom boom boom
Dhoom machale.....Dhoom machale....Dhoom
Dhoom machale.....Dhoom machale....Dhoom
Dhoom machale.....Dhoom machale....Dhoom
Dhoom machale.....Dhoom machale....Dhoom
Dance with with me....this is my philosophy
Dance with with me....oh yeah
This burning inside you know you just cannot hide
So go find the feeling, let your body decide
When you get down on the road
It's the wild overload,
Riding higher than you ever did before
Dhoom Dhoom, let your body do the talking
Dhoom Dhoom, wanna keep on rocking
Dhoom Dhoom, i want it 24/7
Dhoom Dhoom, get the rhythm of the beat now
Dhoom Dhoom, feel the fire and the heat now
Dhoom Dhoom, take a trip to heaven
I wanna feel the winds in my hair now
Spread the power everywhere now
Feel the magic just go zip zap zoooooooooooom
Dhoom machale.....Dhoom machale....Dhoom
Dhoom machale.....Dhoom machale....Dhoom
Dhoom machale.....Dhoom machale....Dhoom
Dhoom machale.....Dhoom machale....Dhoom
Dhoom OST [Hindi Version]
Ishq ishq karna hai kar le
Ishq ishq mein jee le mar le
Ishq ishq hai sab se pyaara
Ishq ishq karna hai kar le
Ishq ishq mein jee le mar le
Ishq ishq na ho dobaara
Ishq hi to zindagi hai
Ishq hi to har khushi hai
Ishq mein khud ko bhulaake jhoom
Dhoom machaale dhoom machaale dhoom - 4
(Hota hai kya ishq hota hai kya
Deewaanon se poochh le
Yeh machalte hain kyoon
Hanske jalte hain kyoon
Parwaanon se poochh le) - 2
Ishq ke din chaar pyaare
Ishq ho ek baar pyaare
Ishq ki parchhaaiyon ko choom
Dhoom machaale dhoom machaale dhoom - 4
(Tanha koi kabhi jee na sake
Sab ko yahan hai pata
Bekhabar ajnabi mere dil ne jo ki
Tu bhi kar le haseen voh khata) - 2
Ishq mein har pal maza hai
Ishq dhadkan ka nasha hai
Ishq ki galiyon mein aake ghoom
Dhoom machaale dhoom machaale dhoom - 4
You want more? Are you sure?
Okay, one two three four
Ishq ishq karna hai kar le
Ishq ishq mein jee le mar le
Ishq ishq hai sab se pyaara
Ishq ishq karna hai kar le
Ishq ishq mein jee le mar le
Ishq ishq na ho dobaara
Hana, hshq hi to zindagi hai
Ishq hi to har khushi hai
Ishq mein khud ko bhulaake jhoom
Dhoom machaale
Dhoom machaale dhoom machaale dhoom
*I havent seen the movie yet [Abhishek Bachan, John Abraham, Rimi Sen, Esha Deol & Uday Chopra] but I like this song so much..the music is so funky and booty-shaking..I prefer the Hindi version tho'..the vids and stuff..the English ones is more to sexy and provocative..its more like the-so-wanna-be-britney-spears..heheh...if you like bikes [from what I seen in the promos] , then you shud see this movie =)
Oh I like this song too..Aaja Ve Mahi from the FIda movie [Kareena Kapoor, Fardeen Khan & Shahid Kapur]..well its hindi movie tho' but I like the dance routines so much I even copy some of it..hehe..You can read the review abt the movie too..the first hero, Shahid Kapur isn't my kinda type of hero..immature and boyish looks but he owns some very well dancing skills..nice hip!!..well Karena as usual..acting wit her ugly faces but suprisingly, she shows much of her weird-acting-faces..which I think is Good..Good for you!!..Fardeen, yes totally my kinda and smart and mature..heheh..except he's not that good in dancing but who cares, when you have the looks and smile??..the movie is determination, money and of course; Love..but like the movie punchline says: Not all love stories have a perfect ending
Saturday, October 23, 2004
Song of the nite
Siti Sarah:
Aau aau aau....
Aaua aau aau..
Kau mengekori ku
Ku lari dari mu
bukan bermaksud ku malu
Kau berikan daku
geleng kepala
Memang berat bila dikira dengan kilo
cintaku dipasang sehingga kecorong radio
apa yang ditenung
tak kubiarkan kau melolong
bocorkan kutampung
cintaku tak kulambung
Zahid & Siti Sarah:
acuuuuunya cinta kuberikan
acuuuuunya cintamu kuterima
persetankan cinta buta
ikut apa kusuka
jiwa barat tiada guna
kucinta padamu
pengubat rindu
sayang untuk selamanya
cintakan bersatu
milik hatimu
miliki cintaku
sayang untuk selamanya..
Siti Sarah:
Auu auu auua
Auu auua auu
Diriku ku kau cinta
Diriku kau puja
Kerat gambarku dimajalah
Peraga bajuku
Kau tiru gayaku
Itu tak bermakna diriku
Kau suka
Siti Sarah & Zahid:
Janganlah kau bermimpi
Aku milikmu walau seinci
Jangan kau harapKu jatuh hati
Cintaku bukan untuk dijual beli..
oh.... setahu ku
masihkah ada lagi
ragumu terhadapku
ku mempermainkan kamu
lafaz cintaku masih seperti waktu itu
masih membara hangat lagi
seperti waktu dulu
bila... bila... bila... jauh darimu
rinduku teramat bilakan kita bertemu
bila... bila... bila... jauh dariku
terasa aura cintamu
memanggil namaku
kucinta padamu
pengubat rindu
sayang untuk selamanya
cintakan bersatu
milik hatimu
miliki cintaku
sayang untuk selamanya
cintakan bersatu
kukorbankan segalanya
untuk mempertahankan...
Siti Sarah:
Auu auu auu auu auu
Auu auu au auu
Masih tak mengalah
Kau berpura-pura
Dirimu dijangkiti barah
Bukan filem abang
Jangan kau nak gebang
Aku tak percaya
Kerana itu semua itu dusta
Siti Sarah & Zahid:
Janganlah kau bermimpi
Aku milikmu walau seinci
Jangan kau harap
Ku jatuh hati
Cintaku bukan untuk dijual beli..
Siti Sarah:
Oh alangkah indahnya teringat
Kadang kita di atas
Tak perlu dipersia
Hidupan kita sementara aahhhhh
ku cinta padamu
pengubat rindu
sayang untuk selamanya
cintakan bersatu
milik hatimu
miliki cintaku
sayang untuk selamanya
cintakan bersatu
kan... kan... kan... dah kukata
kankau... kau... kau... bersama aku
opps... anggukkan kepalaku tanda setuju
bila kau tanya aku ajuk cintamu
kaulah yang kulafazkan bicara
dari kata-kata bibir ketelinga
cucuk pasti ke hati
ah...ah... panah berdiri
cinta disini terperit
untuk bidadari... kamulah....
*22 dayz to go
Friday, October 22, 2004
*23 days to go...
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Song of the day
Iman Wan/Siti Nurhaliza
Biarkanlah resah sayang
Sukar ku lalui
Buat ku berduka
*Kenangkanlah oh semalam
Walau cinta dikunci
Janji tak ku lupa
**Tak daya ku halangi
Tak ku cuba jauhi
Tetap di sini
Terus menanti
Ikrar kita mengharungi badai sakti
Mencari sinar kasih suci
Walaupun nafas ku ini pasti terhenti
Jangan pula ada sangsi lubuk hati
Percaya cinta tiada ganti
Kau yang ku cari
Kaulah kasih ke akhir hayat nanti
time will heal all wounds
This good friend of mine, let me just name him "S" used to hav a fiancee and they lived happily for 8 years but not for long..she left him forever in 2001 coz she passed away of tumor/cancer kat lung..and he quits his job to take care of her and be there till her last breath..and made a promise to love her for the rest of my life and never fall in love to someone else..
I told him "I may have no right to judge whatsoever lah kan coz I dun know what happend in the past lah and beside i dun know u when it happend kan but from my opinion lah kan..i think as a woman, no matter how selfish bitch(I'm refering to myself) we are, deep down, we want the one that we love to be happy whether we are with the him or this case i think wen u said u will never fall in love kan i think she wants u to fall in love again and find happiness..thats what i think" and he said "I know but it will be unfair for the new person if i keep holding on to her"
I am totally stuck..and I realise there is no way I can help him coz only him can heal all his wounds and I can jz support him whenever he needs just I wish I could help him to recover from his past..I know he's trying to move on but deep down, there's always a hole inside and he is trying not to be fallen in it..or he has..I dunno know..but he is trying to heal..healing takes jz I wish..i dunno..deep down I am crying..for him..i cannot seem to bring myself to stop thinking abt the story he has..I always thought my lovelife is I have met the worst..I realise I got to move prob isnt't worst as him..
"sometimes you encounter a bigger problem, when this happens, it will make you wiser and stronger in life"
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
1. I want to do bungee-jump [even tho, my mom nod big "NO NO"], I want to do it, or else I will regret it forever
2. I want to visit Milan, Italy ever since my dad been talking abt the Italian footballers..[I am not a footballer freak]..the main reason why I wan to go there because they were the empire maker of fashion design!
3. I want to be around the world..nice to do visit all the countries in the world rite?
4. I want to visit the 7 special places in the it 7 or 6? I cannot remember!
5. I've been to Mekah..and it wud be nice if I can go again!
6. I want to further my studies till P.HD
7. I want to lose real losing it!
At the moment, this is the things in my life I want to do..hopefully I can achieve it..well people say, without courage and determination, dreams will not bear in hand..but if you work extremely hard, the dreams will come true, there its not wrong in dreaming rite?? sweet'as..
*25days to go
Salju Kasih Nya
Dingin dalam jiwa MU
Disirami salju kasih MU
Ku susuri jalan MU
Walau ranjau berliku
Tenang saat merindu
Takafur ku dihadapan MU
Deraian airmata gugur dalam sujud ku
Betapa agungnya cinta MU
( korus )
Gelora silam tak bisa tepasam
Namun harapan menggunung di hati
Gelora kasih tak mungkin terluput
Kerana hati ku merantau jauh
Ingin bertemu
Dengan MU oh... kasih...
Rindu mencengkam jiwa
Sebak dada tiada tertahan
Hanya pada MU tuhan ku serah diri ini
Pohon cinta Mu nan suci hakiki...
*song of the day-Salju Kasih Nya by Siti Nurhaliza
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Happy Birthday OLI!!
I am gonna be around-Michael Learns to Rock
to share words from deep inside us
We're in our own world spinning our wheels
but you know how I feel
Well since the first time I took your hand
my love for you has just been growing
You always seem to understand Y
ou know how I am
Chorus:I'm gonna love you til the end
I'm gonna be your very true friend
I wanna share your ups and downs
I'm gonna be around
When you're alone and I'm away
don't be sad don't be afraid
I'm gonna turn my thoughts to you
like I always do
Chorus:I'm gonna love you til the end
I'm gonna be your very true friend...
Catch you when you fall
Hold you when you're down
Sharing every momentI wanna show you all I do
I believe I've found a miraclein you
Chorus:I'm gonna love you til the end
I'm gonna be your very true friend...
But even though the cold from your still beating
and even though the cold in your eyes
makes me freeze all the time
*dedicated to all the people who I know
I told my mom this morning I wanted to have some haircuts and she said NO coz she likes my hair and the way my hair flows..but the thing is it getting fluffy and quite hard at the end..its not soft at the end and I hate it when i touch it as i like to play wit it whenever Iam in the car or in the mall or talking to my frens..but I was thinking, since I am so determine to come home next year during February, I will keep it no matter how thick or hard or whatever it is..oh yeah, I colored my hair the other day with caramel medium brown and I didn't know the color will turn out so obvious and now my hair looks so obvious wit the colour in looks abit of redish-brown whereas the real reason why I coloured it at the first place to eliminate the color I already had on my head..
I got to run..I have appointment wit the doctor at 10.15am to clean my ear..I had infection last week and it turned out better oredi after I put the medicine was given by my annoying when I had the infection in my ear..I cudn't hear a thing whenever my mom call me..its so blurry and stuff..
I cannot believe how quite the UNi now since everyone has their exams and tests..
*26 days to go..
Monday, October 18, 2004
rainy days
*27 days to go
Sunday, October 17, 2004
Fasting month
I was thinking how much Sins I have been doing since the day I was born? do you that since the day we are born, everything we do or say are counted from the angels who have been sent from Allah to us? I wonder how much mine has been counted?A lot.. I guess?
I ate bihun goreng during the fasting break..and boy how I miss the Msian food even more!..I miss the terawih as well as going to pasar ramadhan every evening just to check out the food and stuff..miss those times where i jst sat infront of the tele and watched the cantonese movie and waited for the dinner to be served..omigod..i really missess it now..
i spoke to my fren today and i pity her..she told me her tailor house was on fire and all the clothing she has sent to be sewing has burned too!omigod..all those kain from other customers have gone too..what a shame aye..when that tragedy happend during ramadhan..oh dear..what a shamed!!now she has to buy the ready-made ones since she has old ones to be wear this yr-raya..come to think of that, i dun hv new ones too!i have the old ones where i used to wear everytime there is a function here in't really matter anyway..i dun really celebrate Hari raya like i used to when i was a kid..whre i woke up ine the morning and dress nicely and waited my dad came home from mosque and que for the "duit raya" i only wake up to because i think its raya and ask forgiveness from my parents for whatever sins I have done..and *sob* i dun get duit raya anymore..
This yr i mite not be hari raya in Wgtn, maybe OZ..i dunno..its better to get out from welly once in a while..i seem to dun like welly anymore..lots of faces that i dun tend to see..rather keeping it to myself..better off this way :D
Saturday, October 16, 2004
My family...luv'em..
Friday, October 15, 2004
Tommoro will be the puasa for Malaysian citizen and how i missess that..I hate puasa in New Zealand not complaining abt the weather tho'...dun worry..I hate those fijian ppl who set the announce the puasa is on the 2nd day of ramadan..[by not following what is supposed to be followed]...they assume they are in Fiji, that's why we always puasa late than one day and of course raya late one day because the time trave in fjian is later than msia n nz [i think?]...what the fark..this is NZ man..not fiji..if u wn to puasa in fiji better go back there..can u image how they have responsible all the sins they have done??..It has been for 4 years since i've been here..and that I dont think I never fully satisfied with my puasa..can u imagine i had to either puasa more than 30 days or less than 30 days...what the fark??when i was in msia, i used to puasa only 30 days and those ustaz2 in msia more follow the kitab than fijian here is so annoying..i neva like them anyway..they may seem to look innocent and hard-working but they just a trouble-maker here in nz..bcoz of them, the muslim here get more..racist from the KIWI..damn those fijians..[i dun care if i said i am not a racist but this is a fact..and i hate them bcoz of what they have done..]..oh yeah we are puasa on sat!!!!damn YOU!!!
Anyway ppl..selamat berpuasa...maaf zahir dan batin..peeps..
*I miss my family**sob*
Thursday, October 14, 2004
100 facts abt me
I visited my friend’s blog and I saw the list of 100 things about him and I think I shud do it too. SO here goes..The 100 facts about me!
1. My full name is Ike Afnifa bt. Hambali.
2. Normally I refer myself as Ike Hambali
3. People always mispronounce or misspell my name and I hate it coz for me, name is an important element in your own identity. The correct pronunciation of Ike is e-ki or iki
4. I was born on 21-2-81 and in Penang.
5. My parent divorced when I was 7 and I have 1 brother and 4 half brothers after my parents remarried. But I wudnt call them as my half-brothers. They are my brothers after all.
6. My blood is B+ and I am a blood-donor
7. The first ever boyfriend I had at the age of 16 [I had the crush on the guy when I was 15 and turned-out the guy oso like me but we did not get together until one year later].
8. Since then, I have been off and on relationship and to be counted all together, I have had 5 boyfriends. My last relationship ended last year and I am still recovering from it.
9. I went to 4 different primary schools, 4 different secondary and 2 different Universities..well what can I say..I moved a lot.
10. I used to be a prefect, class reps, and a netballer when I was in primary and secondary. I won a 2nd place in class when I was in primary school, I won the third place in reading n writing competition in from2 and Form 4 was the best moment of my school's life.
11. I used to get a yellow warning letter from my hostel's warden for breaking the hostel's law. Consequenly, I had my dad drove all the way to S'ban to scold me but luckily, my mom calmed him down [that what my mom said]. SoI was saved..for a while
12. I have lots of bestfriends but most of them cheated on me and backstabber. Since then, I have been trying to take pre-caution steps in trusting people. Apparently, due to my gullibility, I keep repeating the same mistakes all over again.
13. I am too sensitive and have a really fragile heart actually but only who are really close to me will see that. When I am hurt, it will take time to recover it. It took me a while to get over my parents's separation actually. I was fully recovered in 1999. So, it will takes a while too to get over someone who just broken-up wit me.
14. I am a moody and temperamental and none of my friends know that [ I think]. I get angry easily and easily cool down depends on the angry reasons. Despite of the easily being moody, I am trying my best to hide my temper and moodiness infront of my friends.
15. People always see I am an excel student [that what my friends always say], in contrast, I am not. I failed Maths in school and never was excelled in secondary school. Well.. I am trying very hard I?
16. I used to believe in soul-mates and true love but since I was been hurt so deeply, I hate those words anymore and I don't think that even existed.
17. Lately, I have been trying to distant myself from the people that know me as I think being nice, helpful and friendly, doesn't help me being "nice, helpful and friendly" to them. I just found out, somebody who I trust just backstab me.[told u i am guilible]..
18. I hate being known as "somebody's daugther" as I am trying to build my own identity and beside being "somebody's daugther" doesn't help me gain popularity or trust. Some group of friends I am befriending with either being a selfish bitch or double selfish bitch but not all OK, some of them are really befriending with me because of me.
19. I think being honest is the best solution in life to gain friendship and that's what adore me the most..and I am trying to be honest as much as i can
20. I am scare of getting married [or being a relationship] but doesn't kill me to see ppl happy in marriage or relatioship thus I am praying for them.
21. I have a disabilty brother and I think he's the most adorable creature ALLah ever created.
22. Ppl always mistaken me as an Indonesian..prob bcoz of my name??
23. My x-classmates used to think either I am Japaneseor Indian or Indian or Chinese..for God Sake, I dun even look like Chinese nor Japanese.
24. Some ppl think I dance the Tranditional Malaysian dances gracefully BUT I don't think so.. I think the reason why I dance because I like it..period
25. Desperately to lose weight, I used to throw up most of what I ate and I hated it.. I swore I never to throw food anymore..
26. I have a very strong instinct. I know what will happen..I know its creepy..tell me abt it..but I guess it got something to do with my star-sign..nuff said!
27. Some Anties and Uncles and even my friends adore me and my brothers' names because they say it an unique names : Ike Afnifa, Afzul Farouqi, Irfan Rafiqin, Nifail Haziq, Aniq Farhan and Izzul you agree?
28. My fav colur is Purple and if ever I got married, I wan my theme will be purple
29. Whn I am stuck wit one tv programe, I will find anything abt the programe from-gossip to future episode. I dun care what they said, I want to know what will happen and I hate waiting..
30. I am close to my brother: Afzul and we share our secrets and thoughts. He knows mine and I know his's.
31. I love listening to Music..
32. I have more guy bestfriends than gurls..
33. The best book I've ever read is by Nicholas Sparks-A walk to remember..I wan my love story to be like that..well not die at the end of course!
34. I really wanted to go to Mauritius to visit their beach and being able to lay down at the beach without doing anything..just lying there..
35. I hate racism [ as I have been into one].
36. I used to wish I had a sister but now I dont want anymore..its nice to be a big sister..dictator rule!
37. I hate fighting but always be into one esp wit my parents.
38. One of my biggest achievement will be when my parents are proud of me when I am graduated....
39. I know this sound silly but if a guy want to sweep my feet off is by saying "i want to grow old with you"..i get this Quote from a movie heheheh..
40. I am hopelessly romantic..
41.I am a day-dreamer..
42. I am not a neat nor messy person..I am in room can be messy or neat depending on my mood.
43. I like it when hair smells so hair is essential part of my life.
44. To tell the truth, I think more negative than positive.
45. I never stress over exams or test..I always relax! but I do get stress over essays or assingments.
46. I never had hope to get A in my studies..coz I know my level of achievement..being able to get B+ is already the biggest achievement for me..
47. I jz can't understand why some people want to get more marks than they already have? if they oredi get A then, that's it, why must work extra hard to get A+? its just a alphabet anyway..
48. I go with the flow..
49. I dun plan my life..I let the life plan for me..
50. When my friends feeling sad, I am sad too! I seem to have connection with them..
51. I always be there for ppl but ppl never be there for me..
52. I've learned from my mistakes all the time..and try not to repeat them twice or even thrice..God forbid..
53. I have a wish, if ever I have childrens esp girls, I want to put "Ike" in their a family name..
54. I love mags..
55. I still have my baby pillow wit me
56. I think I am a spoil-brat..a big one..coz I am the only the family
57. I always see my self as "daddy's little gurl" and always whoever want to date me has to get thru to my dad first..
58. I was a trouble-maker when I was little..and I am still is..
59. I am not that responsible actually..I always try to run from my mistakes and also I like to blame'em to someonelse..I dont think I can never change that even though I hav the moment, trying to be fully responsible..
60. I am always the one who befriending to new comers or meet them for the first time, but once they know other ppl, they seem to dump me on the rubbish bin or in simpler word: forget me!Hate that..
61. My parents: Capricorn, Gemini, Libra and Leo..I am a Pieces, Afzul is Libra, Irfan: Cancer, Nifail: Virgo,Aniq: Gemini, Izzul: Leo and I believe in star-signs. Im a star-sign freak. I love to read anything abt star-signs and tend to believe it..even though its not true..and it against my religion to believe such things..
62. I am a muslim..
63. I wish I was in KL now.
64. I almost wanted to quit my studies..luckily one person was there to console me.
65. Ilove to read but depend on my mood tho'
66. I got my writing skills from my dad..coz he's a journalist..
67. I am sux at spelling..I used to be good..I dun know what happen..
68. I wanted to b a chareographer..
69. I easily admire ppls' talents that I don't in..if a person is good in chareogphing, I admire what he can do..coz I can't do it..
70. I used to hv siblings jealousy wit my brothers.. and I think I still am..well my bro is good in maths..of course I am jealous..dont you???
71. The reason why I fall asleep because I wan to dream..anything wud be fine but as long as I dream..
72. The reason I do drawing is because to release my anger..over something..
73. Whenever I read something on the papers, I wish I was the Journalist who wrote it coz some of it may not be true. I want to be a journalist that be able to write true stuff to apply to audience.
74. I have a really high ego..don't expect me to say sorry even though I did that mistakes..
75. I bite my nails when I am worried over something..
76. I am acrophobia (scare of height) and Eremophobia (scare of being alone)...
77. I am scare of ghost stories but I like to watch it..I always tease my brothers but I am the one who end up cannot sleep in nite..and keep rewinding the scene from the movie in my mind...
78. I can be hipokrit and selfish sometimes..
79. I have a stage-fright..even tho I hv been dancing and giving speeches..I am still scare to stand infront of audience..that's why I always dont wear glasses when I am on stage, so that I cannot see ppl [I am short-sighted] but since i've got contacts, I hv to face it anyway..
80. I have an asthic-manism [I hope i spell it correct] and it runs in the family..
81. I am a righty but I do stuff eg. moving, washing, laundry with my lefty coz it more stronger than my right hand.
82. Even though I always say " I am confident" , actually I am not confident wit my self..
83. I dun usually hate ppl but once I hate, I hate him/her forever..
84. I think guys are more bossy than gurls..
85. I don't care what ppl actually think abt me....coz I believe " they do not pay me to live, why shud i gv a f**k what they think!!"
86. I always curse ppl whenever I am driving..[only to those who do not the rules of driving]
87. I don't buy b'day gifts to anyone unless they are special to me..
88. I like to chose between eating and sleeping, I wud rather go to bed
89. I like to spend more time in bathroom doing my hair than my face..
90. I am a multi-driver..I can sms, eating,chatting, singing and dreaming while driving..
91. I think some of Msian artists should look in the mirror first before being call "an artist"..coz some of them just want to gain popularity..
92. I can't different shape the in when I'm cutting the paper, I always see the paper line is perfect even though its not and also, I always wear my contact lens the other way around because I cannot different shape the circle.
93. Whenver I sing, I always think myself as " a singer who performs on the stage"..
94. I ve been dreaming to do bungee..if I did that, that wud be my anther biggest achievement..
95. I used to drawn Pangkor and nearly died..
96. I never seen myself as an "inspiration" but there was once, a friend of mine, said I was his inspiration and I cudn't sleep the whole nite thinking abt it..
97. Some ppl think i am 18 or 19 even worse, 16???what were they thinking? and they tot I lied abt my age when I told them the truth..its true.. I am actually 23 this yr..I was born year 1981..
98. I am not a shopaholic but I spend a lot my money on salary can be gone in one blink..and I dont even realised it..
99. I am an accident-prone.
100. The last fact: I love my parents and friends some much..
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Anyway tomoro is my papa's bday and I am sad coz I am at a far far away land to celebrate it wit him. It's been 4 years now since I celebrated his bday..well I take this opportunity to wish him " a very happy birthday and hoping he will get his wishes come true this year".Luv ya!*hugz n kissess*

Mr. Hambali Abd Latiff

p/s:Today was my last class of the 2nd term..YEY!!!officially finish..hehehhe..oh yeah Gud luck and Congrats to Sean as being Next year WMSO's President [finally we have male President as its has been 3 years the women conquered the chart]..also to Haidir as VP, Nazrul as Secretary and Najiha aka KakG as Tresuarer
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
so cannot wait
Tomoro will be my last class and I cannot wait this semester to end..just can't wait..i dun know why..I guess I am so tired of this 2nd trimsester as I hv been doing lots and lots of essays and it destroys my beauty sleepness..gosh..can't wait anymore
Monday, October 11, 2004
Monday Morning
Finally this is the last week of the 2nd Term and gonna have a long holiday til 15 of Nov coz my summer school starts then..Gosh..start class during Hari Raya??Damn..oh well..anyway the Puasa is starting this Friday and then raya..I am looking forward to this yr Puasa since I am determine to lose weight as much as I can heheh..
Went out with Christy, Olivia and KC yesterday and I realised, once you hv a baby, all your ambition and determination has change because of one soul..I realised that yesterday when I looked at her..she's totally a new different person..she pampered the baby so much-buying him new clothes everytime she sees'em..whereas before she normally buy clothes for herself but now all she's buying is for the can a small tiny person can change the mother's habit? now I know how..I have seen it with my four eyes [coz I am wearing glasses]
I had a dream the other day and guess about the was about my late grandfather was angry at me because I didn't visit his's grave when I went home this year..and I called my papa, and I told him about it and ironically, he had the same dream grandad was angry at him too! I told him that it was his fault for not bringing me back to visit "him" where I told him to bring me back..well can't blame my papa tho's..he's a bz man..meeting there meeting here..everywhere arnd KL..been ther seen that!Maybe next time, Aki *al fatihah*
I was making a breakfast for Haziq this morning and I was thinking about other brothers [Irfan, Aniq &Izzul] in KL on how they going to school and what they bring to school and stuff..and I remember Irfan who's very sensitive about anything [coz he's a cancer] and of course Cancer is a water sign..he can easily get sensitive tho' like me [even tho' I didn't show much when I grew older..I used to when I was little]Miss all my brothers at the mo
I cannot believe my small finger is still hurting from the accident in June..I tot it has recovered unfortenetly, it still hurting my hand..there was this one time, when I was at work, when I was clening the shelf, I kinda hit something and afterwards, there was black bruises and it hurts..hehe..normally I am imune to any pains but this time it effected the way I type as well..I keep doing typo and it pissess me off..
*I wanna go shopping..I hate the shopping sense here in esprit, no vincci, no elle, no Isetan..gosh most importantly, my usual hang out : DOME..wanna go HOMEEEEE*
Thursday, October 07, 2004
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
A Moment Like This
I did dance on that nite and there were 4 dances that were presented on that nite. "From 50s to present" the theme for our dance. First we danced the "Joget Mak Lodeh" then "Nirmala" then "Seiring and Sejalan" and Finally the "superstar". "Joget and Nirmala were the traditional ones whereas the Seiring and Sejalan and the Supestar were more to pop dance. "Seiring and Sejalan" is a theme song for this malay movie which I cannot remember but the music kinda catchy so its not bad to dance. It was taken from a 70s/80s Movie I think..anyway everything was good!
Everyone looked lovely that nite. Lya bought a dress that she finally agree to wear coz i told her if she didnt wear that dress I am not gonna talk to her forever..because of the reasons I don't want to disclose here..[btwn me n her only]. Most of them wore more modern dress instead of traditonal ones which was kewl..only me wore Sari that nite and I am proud to say that! I have been waiting to wear Sari for the Malaysian Nite and finally my dream had came true last sat..thnx to my fren who bought it at Fiji when she went home last month and thnx to Naz for helping me wore that too!
oh before I forgot, I haven't mentioned that I won lucky draw that nite? Omigod I did and it was the last prize that ntie and I cannot believe it..because I have never won any lucky draws before..A few hours after that I told christy that "kalu aku menang malam ni, memang hari ini dlm sejarah lar" and walaa! I did! "one nite stay at the James Cook Hotel in standard room" and i can use it everywhere arnd NZ..isn't that cool??? Hell Yeah..!!
Next week is the last week of UNi and then hols for those who do not have exams [that includes me]. I do not have exams but I do hve essay to due during hols so kinda having an "exam" as well..heheh but nvm I am used to doing essay anyway..It's my thing! Cannot believe I am oredi in my final trimester..My time flies to fast, I didnt even realised it! No wonder people always say "time is gold. every minute counts". So now I know what it means..Took me this while to figure it out..silly me! YeaH rite!
It's 3 am now and I am still awake. I am tired but I am not sleepy. I came back about 1 am from work and it wasn't that bad. It wasn't busy and wasn't quite too! So it was balance anway. But shits still happend! customers can be so damn shitty and bitchy sometimes..dun want to talk about that..gonna ruin my the way, I met this guy that always come on Sunday. I used to work on Sunday, so technically I saw him whenever he came..and he likes to smile at me..I notice but he's a bit jack-ass boss hates him coz whenever he and his friends come, they like to change their order every one seconds!..its true aye! I hate that but luckily that never happend to me which is good! at least he doesn't get any of my cursing..I like to curse a lot only to those who mess with me!
At the moment I am playing scrable with Nysha and I am mind isn't working at all..maybe because I am still awake and I need to go to bed?? the way, I had a test yesterday [Tuesday] and it was good..[i guess]..the test was about proof-reading an article. I had to find mistakes and re-write it..well its kinda editor thingy..coz I am taking writing for print media so basically I have to do that if Iwant to be a writer rite?? even though I am sux at proof-read and spelling [that's my biggest challenge], I found it enjoyable, marking paper and write some mistakes..FuN FuN..picking up mistakes..heheh isn't that FuN?
I think I better Off now..It's been a long nite and I need a good nite sleep..oh yeah I finally got the chance to talk to my bestfriend:Makoto..haven't heard from him for while..I remember me, him n christy used to hang out together and always went everywhere together. We used to spend most of out "valuable" time at his place and he was always the one who feed us and we ended cleaning the kitchen..I miss that time..where everything was only about 3 of us..hang out at his place, went to Nando all the time [he practically feeding us with Nando until me n christy hate that place and didn't wnt to go there anymore], clubbing together and stayed at starbucks all day just to watch chicks and bitched about them..well of course me and christy looked at those time was the best in my life..I miss that..everything suddenly fall apart when he left unexpectedly and didn't come back [he's not dead..he's still alive of course] and christy started to date someone..miss hang out with them..'till now I feel one to talk to actually..but I guess life goes on rite?I have been fighting this feeling since then..even though I haven't succeed, I guess I have continue my life..coz that's what I need to do to live..
'till then Blog!
Friday, October 01, 2004
Second case is that my friend got dumped by his gf because she found a new guy!..shocking! The girl was and still the the guy's first love. She's the one who technically has changed the guy's life. He was worse and bad but the gurl was there to save her. Took his hand from falling into a hole and since then, they live happily ever after. He has done almost anything for her but now because there is a new bastard who starting to praises her, to cherish her, to be there for her, she starting to forget what the BF has done for her. He practically done almost everything for her and just because the new guy give her a shoulder to cry on, she changes her mind! Trust me, it'll never be okay that she's gone. But I promise, it will get better.