This is me at Starbuck KLCC..From left: Chip. Aril. me and Sofia

As soon I reached Auckland, I realised how I miss the Malaysian Food [bole tak??]..all i can think abt is the food...heheh...roti milo lar, wantan mee lar and so on..heheh Later that nite, I went to UMNO's Malam Malaysia..[oh for your info, this club is not a politic club, its a Malaysia Students Club]and why does the name is UMNO, i dun know and i dun care..its their club rite =)
The Malam Malaysia turned out to be festived and lively even though that was their first time to organise the Malam and it turned out to be a great success..a big thumb for them =)

This guy happend to wear the same color baju wit me on that nite [sorry gurls his taken, but guys, I am single *wink*]

Now I am back in my room. Same old room and my pc has starting to make this funny sounds and I hate it..I think it need to be serviced but I cudnt be bother to service it, coz it takes time to do so..besides I have other stuff to bother about..rite pc??
That's all for now..I think Il jot something down once my mind start to become like "a journalist mind" again..til then =)
1 comment:
hey..got bring back the vcd of puteri gunung ledang? hehehe :P u went AUMSA is it? are u sure it's UMNO? :P
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