Tuesday, August 31, 2004

A little of me

hi hi
Hmm its been a while since I updated my blog..heheh..well nothing interesting anyway if i wanted to update it...well nothing much to say but i had this dream the other day that i went bck to nz and i felt sad..hmm probably i am going back this friday? maybe thats y..

I just came bck frm colouring n treatment my hair so nice lar..hehehh i like the new colour and finaly my hair isnt dry anymore..b4 this it looked like a broomm..{comparing my hair wit a broom??..funny}

i went to catch a movie yesterday wit my frenz and this abt ghost story..kinda scary had to rely on my fren shoulder to help me frm getting scared.tomoro i am gonna watch this movie call "Puteri Gunung Ledang". Its abt this epic love story btwn "puteri ginung ledang" and "hang tuah"..cant really judge the movie coz i hvnt seen it yet but what i can tell that, the publicity frm the film is really big...almost evryday you can see the add on the telly abt it..hmm

newyz tomoro is the Merdeka celebration...our indpendance day..theres something going on at the KLCC now but i cudnt be bother of going..rather staying at home aye..hehhe


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