Monday, August 16, 2004

My intro of the day

dear blog
I have been so bz for the past couple of dayz that i didnt even bother to check my mails or update my blog..ive been working for 10 hours straight the whole day yesterday and by the time ive got home, i was damn tired. Today my mother told me that we are going back to Malaysia on thursday, This thursday, so malaysia, here I come..yey!!! newayz, even tho I am happy to go home, but i gotta bring my books wit me because I hav 2 essay to due on mondy and tuesday and i got to send it online :( wat a holiday huh??then i hv another one to due after hols open..damnit

I am gonna miss CHCH malam Malaysia that I have promised Kam to go..Sorry liaw..I am going home much2 better aye..Il promise Il come to Visit u guyz aye..:)

I promise I will try to update my blog when I am in KL..even tho I dont have any internet access at home but I will try my best to go online..:) that is a promise that I will keep aye..:)

I am so happy that I could hardly eat at the moment..I was so happy to go home that the very first person I told was Olivia then I called Ninie in KL..I am so gonna Miss the weather in wellington. I am gonna miss the winter in NZ..wait hang on a second.i am not going back for good..i am out frm NZ for the past few dayz..oh bugger!!

i gotta go blog, if not i couldnot finish the essay that I have to due tomoro..its only 300 words..i can finish it in 1/2 hours coz I am expert [bak kat Olivia]..


Ike Afnifa Hambali said...

oh cattalus who are u to ask me such question?

WY said...

the blog already 300 words.' must be a damn hard essay..coz it's so SHORT. i use more than 300 words for introductino alone..hahah