Tuesday, November 30, 2004

its been a while since I've jot something here..a long ones i mean..been putting some unused stuff here..but not myself...I hav been so busy "entertaining" someone..hehhe..not to be specific..my frriends..my fellow friends..hehhe..I have been attending summer classes *sigh*..got essay due this week and presentation next week..*big sigh*..tired..oso every evening lately I have been teaching dancing to this kids..which is good for me not complaining..at least I can losse weight..hehe and oso..I have signed up wit the UNI gym..hehehe..so determine to lose weight..hmm..I absolutely tired at the moment..nothing to write..just wanna keep my blog updated..

How Pieces are you?

You are 100% Pisces

What planet are you from?

You Are From the Moon

You can vibe with the steady rhythms of the Moon.
You're in touch with your emotions and intuition.
You possess a great, unmatched imagination - and an infinite memory.
Ultra-sensitive, you feel at home anywhere (or with anyone).
A total healer, you light the way in the dark for many.

Monday, November 29, 2004


what I have been doing since the last time I wrote something in the blog??well..I got sick..flu and fever and stuff..*damn* then I have beeen bz attending summer classes :) even on weekends..saturday and sundy at 9-4..arghhhhh..oh well...at least I got myself occupied :) hmm..whatelse?? I have totally no idea to write something here..coz I guess my mind has been empty since its holiday *wink*

Friday, November 26, 2004

How Well Do You Know me?

Take the "How Well Do You Know Ike?" quiz created on Tickle and see how you score. Here's the first question:

1. Did I like, love, or hate high school?
* Like
* Love
* Hate
* So so

Just click (or copy and paste) this link and you'll be taken to my quiz.http://connect.tickle.com/test.html?id=.ToEmk1pOoxlPjxo&



Take the "How Well Do You Know Ike2?" quiz created on Tickle and see how you score. Here's the first question:

1. What's my sign?
* Leo
* Aquarius
* Sagittarius
* Pisces

Just click (or copy and paste) this link and you'll be taken to my quiz.http://connect.tickle.com/test.html?id=K9JT5ozrawZD5S4G&


Thursday, November 25, 2004


What a rainy day.Damnit..:((..why why why tell me why..its raining and I am sick. Having a flu and sore-throat is definitely not the best OK. I am really anooying with those 2 things.. I h8te being sick and not being to do anything...0oh well..what an I say..life is like a wheel. it goes up and down sometimes. Never stay put unless it stops.

whats new? oh yeah..I change my hair colour [i change my hair color more than i go shopping] again to medium brown..hehhe looks OK..I think..hehhee..and yeah..I chnge my fon no..get anooying had to topup s many times a month..tension dude..for shore..my fon no is 021535243...kewl2..yey!!!at least i get 200 free mnutes and 200 free text messages..bloody alot man!!!kewl2..

Wednesday, November 24, 2004



1. Went to Auckland lst week and had a blast.For shore

2. Summer school already started. Bz.Got class..on tues-2 till5, thursday 2-8.30pm, saturday 9-4 and sunday 9-4. ZesZ. bloddy hell..I am superbly BZ!!

3. My frens are here in Wgtn.ITs fun and fun..laughing all times.

4. Well..nothing special at the moment.

5.More updates soon!!!

Saturday, November 20, 2004

ZesZ..For Shore

At Auckland Airport :) Posted by Hello

Auckland..definitely the best place..meeting friends and laughing..all nite..was the best!I paid a visit to Auckland last 2 dayz and it was a blast..I met all the familiar faces and catching up was the best thing to do :) had a great time and place..zesz heheh..for shore :)

raya this year was ok..i guess because I hve grown up and it wasnt fun as when I was a kid..where i wud get up in the morning and dressed in a new clothes and get ready to meet my paretns just to ask for "duit raya"..but this year..well i got one as welll but it was just normal except i cried when seeked forgiveness from my mom ..heheh..shame on me :) hehehhe

jz finished watching keanu reeves movie "walk in the cloud" and man i love that movie even though i have watched it couple of timess...argh...love story..heheh..never imagined meeting someone in short-time but knowing the person like you have know him in a long-time..ehheh..well thats what we call fate!!

all pictures that were taken can be view at ----> CLicK HeRe

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Raya Pix

I am off to Auckland today at 12pm flight!!:).. herewith I attach the Raya Pix that was taken yesterday..click here IkeA Fotopages

Monday, November 15, 2004

Eid Mubarak to Ya'all

As every Muslim knows today is the celebration for all the Muslim around the world. The end of Ramadhan *sad*, welcome Syawal *yey*..anyway I have been eating and eating for the whole day..been putting so food in my stomach till it got cramped due of eating tooo much..screw my diet for the whole Ramadhan..heheh..its all good btw..hehehhe

I baked an Oreo Cheesecake before and boy it tastes good hehheh..been craving for it ever since I got back from KL..:) hehhe..got to sleep now..got another house to visit tomorow..damn it, just realise I am working tomorrow nite :(( 8pm till 1am..so lazy to go to work but since i have considered myself broke, then I got to go to work!!

*the best thing in life doesn't have to come in a big package. The smaller the package the better as it is the purely gift from God*

*"that action is the best which procures the greatest happpines for the greatest numbers", Francis Hutchison, An Iquiry into..Beauty and Virtue*

Friday, November 12, 2004


Dear Blog

Kinda tired even though I had a really good nite sleep. Was so busy at work yesterday, didn't had the chance to relax even for 5 minutes!!oh bugger!! the customers at drive-thru were kept on coming continously one car after another. I hate drive-thru sometimes coz they don't even give me a break especially the part where " Can I have 2 separate ordes" in one car or "I want to change my order" as soon as they arrive at the window where there are about 5 cars are coming. arghh..so boring..these customers can be so unreasonable sometimes..expect me to follow their orders but doing nothing to me except pisssing me off!! oh well..that's life..the same thing repeats everyday..nothing change

what's new?nothing much..just the same old me..keeping low-profile as much as I can..feel like want to be alone..Oh I am flying to Auckland next week on Tuesday from Wellington 12pm..will be at Auck at 1pm..and be bck to Wellington on thursday 4.30pm arriving from Auckland 3.30pm..hmm kinda holiday I guess..heheh can't wait..its been months since I been there..but I miss KL more..esp the Shopping and hanging out wit Frens part..;)

Next week is Raya aka Eid Murabak and I am still stuck here iN Welly for 4 years Now. Hadn't had the chance to come home since the first year I arrived. Kinda sad but what can I do..life goes on..No matter where I am, I will remember the people I care the most and of course Raya together2 ahaks~hmm..oh I better seek forgiveness from the people I am suppose to seek..

Papa: Selamat hari raya dan kaklong minta maaf atas salah dan silap..minta maaf tak dapat balik raya lagi tahun ni..aritu kaklong ada tanye papa kan masa nk anta kaklong gi epot ,"kaklong nak balik ni, papa sedih tak"..even though papa tak cakap papa sedih, kaklong tau papa sedih..kaklong lagi thrice sedih..hmm..tiap kali papa telefon mesti ngangis *eyes watered* tak apela nxt yr kita raya sesama *hugz* ~luv to bits and pieces

Ayah: Selamat hari raya and maaf zahir batin..taular ayah raya kat mesia..mmg best lar..dpt makan2 anyway..kaklong minta maaf kalu ada salah and silap..mmg byk tu..tak dapet den nafikan lai'..jgn sedih pagi raya..hehe kitaorang tak da..heheh online ar..for shore kaklong mmg online..luv u to bits and pieces

Ibu: Selamat hari raya dan maaf atas segala kesilapan yang penah kaklong buat..yang tak sengaja atau yg sengaja..yg sengaja tu biasalar kan..~tsk tsk~ minta maaf bu tak dpt balik raya tahun ni..hopefully tahun depan dpt raya together2..glamor cam wahida~wassini~luv u to bits n pieces

Irfan&Aniq&Izzul: Selamat hari raya adik2ku..maaf zahir batin..hopefully posa tu abes lar kan..dpt PS2..jgn nakal2..jgn gado2..jgn berebut2 nk dpt duit raya..gi umah nenek elok2..jgn kasi ibu marah..;) kaklong minta maaf sebab selalu usik korang esp abang irfan heheh..heheh..angah minyak wangi share! adik jgn nakal2..luv u to bits n pieces

Ninie: Selamat hari raya and maaf kalu aku ada terkasar atau tersilap selama kita kenal..sometimes I can be so blunt kan so forgive me if I have ever did that..thnx for being there for me in almost of the time-being..You are such an awesome person..been there ups and downs..joy to sorrow..thnx..the bitter sweet memories will always remain in the special place in my heart..hehhehe..jgn lupe tau kalu ko jd kawen dgn naly, aku nye kad raya mesti colour purple..kalu tak aku tanak dtg..*ugut*luv u to bits n pieces

ChiP: selamat ari raya and maaf zahir dan batin. Thnx for being a friend through this year..mmg best kawan dgn u..even though we just known each other last yr kan??tapi mmg best hang around dgn you! u've been there for me through ups and downs esp when I need some advices regarding abt guys~heheh gud luck wit ur studies kat UK nanti..luv u to bits n pieces

Sofia: Selamat hari raya and maaf zahir batin..minta maaf kalu ada salah n silap selama kita berkenalan..*my make-up partner* heheh u take care gurl..nanti kalu balik kita lepak dome..il make sure to full-use of my Dome card..luv u to bits n pieces

AriL: Selamat hari raya and maaf zahir batin..best lepak dgn U esp the teh tarik part..baru kenal je tapi cam dah bole lepak2 lama..mcm2 cita bole kuar..keep in touch OK?

To my other friends [Kam, Oli, Christy etc] : Selamat hari raya and maaf zahir batin..you guys have been great to me..heheh being ther for me through joy and sorrow..in the middle of the nite..its priceless I cant never forget tht..its definitely priceless..u gys are worth befriending for..heheheh Oli, mun balit esok, eboh lupa tok. kitak is the best..kali one day, I pergi melawat u rah Sarawak..nang sure..

Selamat Hari raya and maaf zahir dan batin..

*This dedication is for the people who I can't see on the first day of Hari raya..due of the distance.

*3 dayz to go

Thursday, November 11, 2004


dancing Elmo Posted by Hello

Poem from Ivan:

Always and forever
I have got your back
always and forever
I am still here for you
I will never leave you in the dirt
and I wont treat you like crap
when you need a shoulder to cry on
I am here through it all
I am your friend
so all ya gotta do is "holla"
and i will help keep your world from coming to an end

Cute Elmo Posted by Hello

I have been doing a lot of thinking bout what my friends been talking aabout meeeee..am I really that bad person where people tend to talk alot? I have been thinking maybe I do not deserve to hang out in the crowd where I usually hang out..sometimes I dont even know who is true who is fake..so many dishonesty has been going around ;( tired of being nice to people..

speaking of nice..I have been wondering abt someone told me " awak ni tak ada belas kasihan langsung. Tak ada perasan langsung". Maybe he was rite..I admit after being dumped long time ago..I suddenly being cold-blooded and incompassionate. I hate to being able to open up to people again after everything bad has happend in my life. When you start to open up again, you feel love..and opening to love is like an invitation for more pain :( I am totally scared really scare.. I have been trying to be careful and build up a shield to protect myself from being hurt..stick more precautions before any bad things happenning again..

some people may think losing their pride a bit may help them to achieve in what-so-ever things they want to do but for how long? You need to have your pride as well..You can't simply being nice and follow whatever instructions that been given..you need to stand up to urself..I am tired of being nice..I am tired of losing my pride..I am tired of following people instructions but none of mine be followed..pity me sometimes..I had to comfort people all the time but they never intend to think about me! I had to "be there" almost for everyone but none of them "be there" for me. At the end of the day, I am the one who suffer most from the consequences. I had to mend my hearts for so many times and I am tired of doing that. I have feelings too..and my feelings are fragile. It cannot be bought or sell. It hurts my heart and no one was there to help me mend it.

I know some of my friends will hate me after reading this but ever since they knew me, they never pay attentions on what I want to say. They keep on using my for their own goods. Well sometimes I just wish them to Kiss my Arse..arghh..Befriending wit me just to gain something that I dont even know sometimes..Why be such a pretender? Why cant be yourself? for 4 years I have suffered from all the actions they have done to me and they never had the intentions to try to make it better instead by making it worse. why cant they have a "heart" like everybodyelse? I know I can be vindicated sometimes but why? why being so pretentious and selfish to me?? I have been asking the question all the times and till now I cudnt find the answer?

but nevertheless, some of them are very nice to me. Not just nice..Awesome man! being there for me without asking any returns are the best quality of human-being anyone cannot offer. Their attentions and care-giving are superb.
Marlini Rashid, Olivia Thomas, Christy Ngeow, Kam Weng Yuen and Ivan Hugh Gordon. These people have been through ups and down, joy and sorrow wit me since the beginning of our friendship. We laugh, we cry, we scream, partying and laughing just for nothing and the just a blast. Hanging around wit them are just the best!
I have met new people who I think they are kewl.. to name a few: Chip, Sofia, Ayu (dun worry even tho I dont put your names down here, Your name will always stay forever in my heart *wink* ) I feel ease whenever they are around which I think pretty awesome!!

dedicated to them:

Good friends are hard to find.
Good friends are easy to love.
Good friends are presents that
Last forever and that feel
Like gifts from above

Good friends are lives overlapping.
Good friends are laughter and tears.
Good friends are emotions so deep
That the trust just keeps growing over the years.

Good friends are hard to find.
Good friends are easy to adore.
And you've been such a good friend to me...
that I could ask for nothing more.

at Rebecca's HSE Posted by Hello

At Oli's Place Posted by Hello

*4 dayz to go

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

joy turn to sadness

Another 3 hours to go before the departure..my heart hurts. I can feel the pain..=(( seriously I do not know why. It seems like something is missing but I do not know what??!! hmm..kinda weird tho'..seriously..

Raya is next week and I am off to Auckland for raya. Kinda tired of Wellington itself since I just found out, the people I have been hanging out are the one who stab me from the back..telling bad stories and spreading bad rumours and being dishonest..why is that? I do not know..seriously..friends are not supposed to do that to another friend..but I guess what has been done is done..tired of people who pretend to be nice to me "hi ike, buat ape tuh?" but behind of me "u know what ike is blah2 bla2"..arghh.stupid humanity!! so arrogant and unbelievable..indenialbly corrupted..my god..I cant trust people anymore..not in this circle of people..=(( there are so pathetic and hipokrit..why must befriending with me and then stab me behind my back..cant they for once, come to me and say "hey ike, i dont like the way you behave blah2 blah2"..I wud be happy to hear that even though it harsh and hurts..well at least for a while..hoensty is the best policy isn't it??=)

"sometimes life can be a biatch if you take it seriously. Enjoy what you have and take it easy"

*5 dayz to go

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

i dont want to be

I dont need to be anything other
Than a prison guard's son
I dont need to be anything other
Than a specialist's son

I dont have to be anyone other
Than the birth of two souls in one
Part of where im going,
is knowing where im coming from

I dont want to be
Anything other than
what I've been trying to be lately
All I have to do

Is think of me and I have peace of mind
I'm tired of looking 'round rooms
Wondering what I've got to do
Or who Im supposed to be
I dont want to be anything other than me

I'm surrounded by liars everywhere I turn
I'm surrounded by imposters everywhere I turn
I'm surrounded by identity crisis everywhere I turn
Am I the only one who noticed?
I cant be the only one who's learned

I dont want to be
Anything other than what
I've been trying to be lately
All I have to do is think of me and

I have peace of mind
I'm tired of looking 'round rooms
Wondering what I've got to do
Or who I'm supposed to be
I dont want to be anything other than me
Can I have everyone's attention please?

If you're not like this and that, you're gonna have to leave
I came from the mountain
The crust of creation
My whole situation-made from clay to stone
And now I'm telling everybody

I dont want to be
Anything other than what
I've been trying to be lately
All I have to do is think of me
and I have peace of mind

Im tired of looking 'round rooms
Wondering what I've got to do
Or who I'm supposed to be
I dont want to be anything other than me
I dont want to be

Anything other than what I've been trying to be lately
All I have to do is think of me and I have peace of mind
I'm tired of looking 'round rooms
Wondering what I've got to do
Or who I'm supposed to be
I dont want to be anything other than me
I dont want to be


my heart aches when you are away.
my stomach rumbles whenever I think about you.
my mind is occupy and it puzzles whether you think about me too?
will I get the answer I seek when you say wait another week?
why cant you give me an answer instead making me puzzling?


Im off to work..arghh work work work..tired..boring..counting the dayz to finish ;) I want to find another job..I am tired man!!

Cepat pulang cepat kembali
Jangan pergi lagi
Firasat ku ingin
Kau untuk cepat pulang

*6 dayz to go

*another 12 hours to go

Monday, November 08, 2004


ninie...out of ideas for a nick says: well sorry 2 say this, but sometimes i think u dun wanna let go of yr ego...its like, u cant lose face. u expect everything 2 come yr way, but u cannot accept negative things, u are scared of getting hurt but yet u can be so blunt to people's feelings too...i'm sorry for saying all that, but if u cant see yr reflection in the mirror, i'm speaking it on yr behalf...sorry again...

ninie...out of ideas for a nick says:
i mean, sometimes u hv 2 put yrself in other people's shoes and try 2 understand why they are acting in certain ways that u are not fond of...

ninie...out of ideas for a nick says:
sometimes we expect too much from ppl....but remember u get what u give..

ninie...out of ideas for a nick says:
ppl expect alot from us too...so if u want to meet their expectations, meet yours first..

I have been thinking lately, am I starting to be a cold-blooded person and being such a less-caring human being? the conversation I had wit Ninie made me think, maybe I am being such selfish person and have been avoiding people's feelings just to maintain my standards. I dont even know what my standards are. Everytime I want to be caring, I seem to be pulling back as if I am not but honestly I am.

Why is it so hard to forgive and forget? why is it so hard to forget your past and u keep clingy to it? Why can I admit I am caring to this person but instead I show no interest to him? I always try to act as if nothing happen but everytime we stop talking, I feel miserably lost. As if I am lost somewhere around the world where I need a hand to guide me. Whatelse do I want in my life???

Well, wondering who I am talking about, so here some clues. I will not reveal who he is even though:

"That one particular guy who drives me crazy when he doesn't call or message..that one particular guy who says I make him laughs..that one particular guy who likes to laughs at me just to tease me..that one particular guy who makes my day..that one particular guy who purposely like to call my name in a funny way...that one particular guy who always be there for me when I need a shoulder to cry on and an ear to hear..that one particular guy who says I am not compassionate and have no feelings...that one particular guy who try to seek my attention when I am around..that one particular guy who says he knows everything about me...and that one particular guy who has the best interest in my heart ;) "

*7 dayz to go

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Solo En Ti

I've kissed the moon a million times
Danced with angels in the sky
I've seen snow
Fall in the summertime
Felt the healing of the powers above
I've seen the world from the highest mountain
Tasted love from the purest fountain
I've seen lips that spark desire
Felt the butterflies a hundred times
I've even seen miracles
I've felt the pain disappear
But still haven't seen anything
That amazes me quite like you do
You bring me up when
I'm feeling down
You touch me deep you me right
You do the things
I've never done
You make me wicked
You make me wild
'Cause baby, you're my #1
I've sailed in a perfect dream
I've seen the sun make love to the sea
I've kissed the moon a million times
Danced with angels in the sky
I've even seen miracles
I've seen the tears diappear
But I still haven't seen anything
That amazes me quite like you do
Se abre una ventana interior
Es una historia de amor
que se ha ido
Todo fue un momento ayer

Y hoy que quiro volver te persigo
Necesito lo que tu me das
Necesito verte un dia mas
Y solo pienso en ti
Solo en ti
Ella ya no cree en el amor
es solo una diversion
un fracaso
todo junto a ella es fingiry
siento ganas de huir
a tus brazosNecesito lo que tu me das
Necesito verte un dia mas
Y solo pienso en ti
Solo en ti
Va pasando el tiempo y no se
de lo que fue aquella vez
que ha quedado?

te habras olvidado de mi
Mientras yo vivo por ti
Necesito lo que tu me das
Necesito verte un dia mas
Y solo pienso en ti
Solo en ti
Necesito lo que tu me das
Necesito verte un dia mas
Y solo pienso en ti
Solo en ti
Se abre una ventana interior
Es una historia de amor
que se ha ido

Todo fue un momento ayer
Y hoy que quiro volver te persigo
Necesito lo que tu me das
Necesito verte un dia mas
Y solo pienso en ti
Solo en ti

Looking from a window above
it's like a story of love can you hear me?
Came back only yesterday
I'm moving farther away want you near me.

chorus: 1x
all i needed was the love you gave
all i need it for another day and all i ever knew only you
sometimes when i think of her name
when it's only a game
and i need you listen to the words
that you say it's getting harder to stay when i see you

1x all i needed was the love you gave
all i need it for another day
and all i ever knew only you

This is gonna take a long time
and i wonder whats mine
can not take
no more wonder if you'll understand
it's just the touch of your hand behind close door

chorus: 2x
all i needed was the love you gave
all i need it for another day and all i ever knew only you

Looking from a window above it's like a story of love
can you hear me?
Came back only yesterday
I'm moving farther away
want you near me

chorus: 2x all
i needed was the love you gave
all i need it for another day
and all i ever knew
only you
*8 dayz to go

my new haircut..hehehe
Posted by Hello


what do u guyz think about this poem? what does it means?

*9 dayz to go

Friday, November 05, 2004

what a day

arghh..what a gloomy day..raining and foggy..arghh...dont a good sign for summer..I hav been waiting for the summer to come..fr the past few dayz were fine..hot and sunny..not it raining and foggy..heheh

hmm..what I have been doing for the past couple of dayz:

1. been to work

2. been sleeping late at nites[like 4.30 am]

3. been doing lots of thinking..mostly about my stupidity..

4.start to go swimming again

5. been confused [about nothing]

6. oh yeah..and today i received an email from my dad about the vacancy at New Straits Times in Malaysia...wanted to apply..want that job so badly..I think I will apply..yup 10000% sure..for shore..=)
emotional lover

What Type of Lover Are You?
brought to you by

poem to someone I care the most

I dont know what to do
I don't know what to say
I'm afraid for I am falling for you
Its scares me to think of all the things you could do
You could make all my dreams come true
Or even break my heart in two
What should i do?

*It's hard to imagine opening up to someone else. With everything that happens in our lives, love just feels like an invitation for more pain*

*10 dayz to go

Thursday, November 04, 2004


nothing much to say today..kinda tired..been doing exercises and going to work as well..catchup on my beauty sleep and surfing to the net..as well as been talking on the phone alot..been missing my frenz n family back home a lot..since its nearly raya...wanna go home and do stuff..but i cant..i hv class on the very first raya itself..*damnit* what can I say..education is important...by the way I leave you wit this question:

how do u make ur heart not to fall for someone?

*11 dayz to go

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

a hand to be reached...from a friend

[IVAN]- life is not empty, u just need to find a way to fill it says:
u urself have to answer that question

You made me fall for you says:
i tried but i cant find the answer

You made me fall for you says:
i need u to guide me

[IVAN]- life is not empty, u just need to find a way to fill it says:
my hands are only for guidance, its the trust in u that u need to follow

You made me fall for you says:
i dun know if i hav it in me..i hv fallen into the deepest hole..i need u to take me up..

[IVAN]- life is not empty, u just need to find a way to fill it says:
i'll give u a rope, but wat u do with rope is up to u. but if the rope doesnt help, i'll reach out my hand to get u

You made me fall for you says:
hopefully i am able to reach you..if not il be down there forever..

[IVAN]- life is not empty, u just need to find a way to fill it says:
reaching is not the main worry, the main point is the trust u put in to reach it

*12 dayz to go

Monday, November 01, 2004

Life is a BIATCH

people must have been thinking..what the hell, I put my tittle under that name..ahaks~nothing's wrong..jz feel like putting it there..tsk~

so what I have been up to? well as you have read my blog..I have been having one hell of a week..one bad luck to another~gosh, what a hell of a week~unlucky for me I guess..Maybe the moon is not under my skin~maybe its under someonelse's skin..Betcha~

I just handed it [via email] my very last essay and gosh, it was relieved..like u dumped all the problems from your cheast out in the rubbish bin...heheh..I sent an email to my tutor and I feeling a bit sad coz he will not going to teach anymore..I mean what the heck..its not like I am going to be in UNI next yr but..I guess his departure from the UNI will be remembered..he was such a great tutor..even though he is young..like 30s or something..he still the best..he tried to make the class comfortable around each other..and treated us; his students like his frens..even when we had the discussion in a big lecture hall..heheh it was fun..the lecture was like a restaurant..people was eating and talking to each other like we have known each other for ages..anyway he will definitely will be remembered..=)

whatelse I have been doing than stucking my head infront of the PC? hmm..well been watching movies..heheh hindi movies mostly..just getting my mind occupy wit something I dont have to think nor crying..heheh..oh yeah speaking of crying..me n my bestfriend have been speaking and I FINALLY had the courage to talk to him..I had to forget about my STUPID EGO and apologized to him and messaged him with a gizziliion apologies..GOsh..never done that before..and I was so embarrased tho'..luckily I dont hv to call him up and say " I am sorry"..or else I will be stucking up my head under the pillow..I dun know..I have a serious problem to say "I am sorry" to people..I guess its my nature..or it runs in the family??I dun know..but its jz hard to apologize to people..maybe because of the pride or arrogance or my egotism has captured my soul than my mind??? or I have becoming ostentation? I dun know..I dun think I am being ostentation..that is so not me..hmm..well there is not other words can descibe me I guess..~~

Lately, few of my friends have been asking me whether I am wit someone because of the reason I hv been spending my time texting this guy..well NO..not way..I am still enjoying my single life to the fullest..no commitment, no responsiblity..prefer to be alone..I dun know..I know there are concern of me coz I am still single and I knw they want me to be happy..I am happy..wit the way I am..no responsiblity and torment..no pleasing people obviously..heheh..well frankly, I do want a BF but all the guys I have been meeting, there has been no..I repeat NO..sparks fly or Chemistry..no electric shock..so how can they ever think I will like them when there is "nothing" flying around?~heheh

~I sincerely admit I am choosy in finding "the one"..I mean who doesn't unless they do not admit it and pretend " I dun want to find the perfect guy..a so so guy is enough" Yeah rite..jz admit it..if you are in a rich and wealthy family, will you dare to live with a not-so-wealthy background guy? they will say "yes" once they are in love but come to think of it, can "love" buy you a GUCCI or VERSACE or even a MCDs? no..its ok to live with a guy who are sincere to you and have a little bit of money..even though he is not sooo rich..and its ok to live wit a guy who works hard to be accomplish and at last he gains his own wealth at least u know the money comes from his hand..but what if, the money comes from the parents itself..u do want to live wit his parents forever??hehehe..and obviously u dont wan to be a filthy bitch who runs after his's money aight??

Why am I writing this information in my blog??well what the heck its my blog anyways..I am writing based on the facts..the real truth..heheh..the truth has yet to be dicussed openly..but where is the justice when someone needed it??heheh ok enuff about this rubbish..anyway I am truly belive in horoscopes sign and I think mine's always accurate~tsk~tsk~


The sign of the Dreamer-Poet, the Oculist

Personality: Psychic and poetic, often moody, hypersensitive, impractical, secretive, kind, self-sacrificing, drifting, escapist, compassionate, gentle.

Positive Qualities: Liberal and sensitive, gentle and caring, progressive and kind, persuasive, nature-loving and imaginative, humane.

Negative Qualities: Uncertain, vague, easygoing, sometimes careless, difficult to understand, impractical, occasionally lacking in balance.

*14 dayz to go