Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson

Grew up in a small town
And when the rain would fall down
I just stared out my window
Dreaming of a could-be
And if I'd end up happyI would pray (I would pray)
Trying not to reach out

But when I'd try to speak out
Felt like no one could hear me
Wanted to belong here
But something felt so wrong here
So I pray (I would pray)
I could breakaway

I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly
I'll do what it takes til' I touch the sky
I'll make a wish
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway
Out of the darkness and into the sun
But I won't forget all the ones that I loved
I'll take a risk
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway

Wanna feel the warm breeze
Sleep under a palm tree
Feel the rush of the ocean
Get onboard a fast train
Travel on a jet plane, far away (I will)
And breakaway

I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly
I'll do what it takes til' I touch the sky
I'll make a wish
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway

Out of the darkness and into the sun
But I won't forget all the ones that I loved
I'll take a risk
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway

Buildings with a hundred floors
Swinging around wild indoors
Maybe I don't know where they'll take me but
Gotta keep moving on, moving on
Fly away, breakaway

I'll spread my wings
And I'll learn how to fly
Though it's not easy to tell you goodbye
I gotta take a risk
Take chance
Make a change
And breakaway

Out of the darkness and into the sun
But I won't forget the place
I come fromI gotta take a risk
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway, breakaway, breakaway

Things to ponder

It hurts to love someone,
And not be loved in return,
But what is more painful is to love someone and never finding
The courage to let the person know how you feel;
Maybe God wants us to meet,
A few wrong people,
Before meeting the right one,
So when we finally meet the right person,
We should know how to be grateful for that gift.
Love is when you take away the feeling,
The passion, the romance,
And you find out that you still care for that person.
A sad thing about life
Is when you meet someone,
That means a lot to you,
Only to find out in the end,
That it was never bound to be,A
nd you just have to let go.
When one door of happiness closes,
Another opens but often we look
So long at the closed door
That we don’t see the one
Which was open for us.
The best kind of friend,
Is the one you could sit on a porch,
And swing with,
Never said a word, and the walk away,
Feeling like that was the best conversation you ever had.
It’s true that we don’t know
What we’ve got until we lose it,
But it’s also true that we don’t know
What’s we’ve been missing until it arrives.
Giving someone all your love
Is never an assurance that they’ll love you back,
Don’t expect love in return,
Just wait for it to grow in their heart,
But if it doesn’t, be content that it grew in yours.
There are things you love to hear;
But you would never hear it,
From the person from whom,
You would like to hear it,
But don’t be deaf to hear it,
From the person who says it from his heart.
Never say goodbye,
When you still want to try,
Never give up when,
You still feel you can take it,
Never say you don’t love the person anymore
When you can’t let go.
Love comes to those who still hope,
Even though they’ve been disappointed,
To those who still believe,
Even though they’ve been betrayed,
Need to love those who still love,
Even though they’ve been hurt before.
It takes a minute
To have a crush on someone,
An hour to like someone,
But it takes a lifetime,
To forget someone.
Don’t go for looks,
It can deceive,
Don’t go for wealth,
Even that fades away,
Go for someone
Who makes you smile,
Because only a smile,
Makes a dark day seem bright.
Hope you’ll find that person.

[This Poem was sent from A friend to Me]

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Wet, biltingly cold, gloomy, raining..that sum up the weather today in WGTN..omigosh..feel like winter today..weekends was awesome and has completely changed..I cannot believe Wellington hasnt changed a bit..hehehe anway no least its not HOT n DRY like other countries [ I dun wan to name-calling here, my fren will definetly mock me after this] ok!

Anyway my tutor told me that there is a test next week..Gosh..everyting is so fast moving..i cannot believe UNi is abt to END in 2 Weeks!!!Great! yey! hehehe I cannot wait..hehe..anyway todays' lectures were OK apart from the weather..thats sux!!

Monday, September 27, 2004

BeautiFOOL monday

MONDAY..what a lovely day to start the day..the weather wasnt even sunny but a bit cloudy and it makes u feel want to bed at the mo..I am at the UNi Libray doing some searching on my essay..I hv to hand it in tomoro at 9am..what a shame..heheh..I am catually thinking pretty harD to write at the moment..what shud I be writting beside my essay??

hmm ok as a start, I went to UNi CaFE wit OLi [ouR usual hang out] and of course my CruSH is over there but I trieD to IGNORe him coz HE's TaKEN I jz act Cool like I dun hv any"thing" towaRDS him..funny tho no matter how hard i tried to ignore, the more temption comes..weiRD..I think he's cute n aDorabLE unfortenately HE's TAKeN so what can I do abt iT...and yet his FRieND starting to give me this I-want-to-know-you look.heheh anyway..doesnt matter..I am not interested esp to both of you anymore ..I rather hang out wit my pals..dats much much more least we hav something to talk abt...guys..they are like toilets either they are engaged or full of shit..[no offense]

I cannot wait to finish..seriously..i am tired of doing my degree at the mo..i just saw my fren n we were talking abt our workloads on how when we starting to delay things, everything seem to be cramped up thats what happen to us..he told me he has 5 essays to due this week and 2 next week n 2 on anther week whereas i hv 2 this week, one test n one essay nxt n 2 on another week..fuhh..dats a lot but not as much as his's..oh man i dun kno how he can he handle that..i cant even handle mine man!!

i think dats all for now..before i end i like to end wit this qoute,
"no matter how hard you try to succed, there is always someone to support you"

Sunday, September 26, 2004

my pathetic week

this whole week has been really pathetic week for me..gosh! what the hell I have been?? I hve been so lazy to go to skool n doing my assingment!! what the hell is wrong wit me?? I had to force myself to do my things and i call that pathetic..had to force myself??omigod!

the only thing that made me rajin was going to dance practice..the rest i had to actually force myself to go..can you imagine i handed my journal a couple of days late??what the hell..normally i wud hand it in on the due day itself or the next day but couple of days that too much man!!

I am actually have been thinking what has got into me that makes me becoming this so called-super-duper-lazy human-being? hmm lemme see? I dun know..seriously I dont know..I DONT KNOW!!!

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Beautiful Saturday

Dear Blog,

Today was really awesome day and was bright sunny day..=) Apparently I did not had the guts to go out as I was so tired the whole damn day..dun even know what did I do...I have been lazy to do my work, to eat, to do stuff even to reply to my mom..all I am saying her is "hmm..hmm" I hardly remember what I did in the morning and by the end of the day, I will throw myself to bed..

I am trying pretty hard to write at the moment..I dont kno why..I am at Zahrin's place at the moment and I can hear Nal is talking to Lya abt something, Naz and Sita are cooking, Zahrin, Johan, Baybee, DOnut and KakEra are watching Malcolm in the middle..and me??doing this damn thing...heheheh

Better OFF now, talk later =)

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Dear Blog

I had a group of frenz coming over from Auckland last week and it was awesome man! I had the most fun of this year..We went dancing, talking and laughing and it crack me up till to day whenever I think of it!I have made friends and now my circle of friends has increased *wink* Now they are gone, my hse feel empty without the sound of loud lar that guy..the most loudiest person I have ever met but its all good!!

I still have 4 more weeks before Uni end which means I am fully graduated but without the ceremony yet! =) wohoo!! cannot believe it..what am I gonna do afta this? well as a start I am gonna do summer skool..jz to collect points..I know I jz said I am fully graduated but I need to collect the points but please dun spoil the fun will ya!! let me b happy for a while hehe =)

I am totally screwed this semester..I have heaps of stuff to do n yet I am still delaying doing all those stuff..I think this week is the most busiest week for me as I have 5 essays to submit next week monday damnit!!! waaaaaaaaa noooooooooooo!!!! I hate it..what to do...I hv to finish it..since it is my fault rite??

Cant wait uni break starts..I really cannot wait..seriously cannot wait..I dun kno why this semester I cannot wait for UNi to end..normally I will b sad once UNi Closes...but this time..I canNoT waiT..waaaaaaaaaa =)

Friday, September 17, 2004


My bestfriend told me today that they guy at the cafe who I have crushed on for almost 2 years is taken and he has kids [what the hell??]..I was so eager to know how does she look like [jz for fun..]but they left at the moment I stepped to the building where my friend saw them..0oh well..Nvm..i was thinking to ask him to be my date for the Malaysia Nite here..

I am not in the mood to write something long..probably dats all for now..=)

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

I am on back track..

I've finally submitted my assingment that I have been "keeping" for almost a week..=) I saw my tutor today and she was asking me "have you handed your assingment?" and I said " I am going to hand it now"..luckly I didnt get any "funny" look from her..Probably she understands that students always that like..lst minute work..

my friends are coming frm Auckland this weekend and I hav journal to due on Monday next week so I decided to finish it early and luckily I was talking to my classmate in class that we could this journal together since it has 3 reading to read in order to write the journal..well I absolutely said yes..well why wudnt you??at least I dun hv to do the reading by myself..=)

I have found out that NiNiE has finally meet someone and I am truly happy for her..and I sometimes think when is my time? but hey I was never worried..I am happy being single and running on my very feet..I admit I flirt but dat's strings attached...

I have been listening to song..and I like the way KRU [its a Malaysian band btw]..does the arrange of the Music..very catchy =)


Perasan tak muram air muka
Mungkin tidak kerana ku kau dah lupa
Jauh di mata apatah lagi hati
Riuh tetap sunyi bila kau bersendiri
Ubatilah lagu dah tak semerdu

Hembusan bayu dah tak senyaman dulu
Pasti kerana tiada pelengkapnya
Ketiadaanmu dirasa
Jangan sekat janji ku bahagia

Memang berat daku nafikannya
Walau cintamu rapuhDan keyakinan runtuh
Dengar ku bicara
Oh babe… ku masih menyintaOh babe… k

u masih setia pilu
Lara hiba di jiwa kelabu di kalbu
Oh babe… ku makin terseksaOh babe… ku makin terasa haru
Bisikan disebut andainye kau di sisikuDiriku masih perlukanmu
Sehari dua mungkin bolehku harung

Masuk ketiga melewar ku termenung
Selepas seminggu fikiran bercelaru
Meruap-ruap bimbangku
Di sana sini terpinga tercari-cari

Petanda kau masih menyayangiWalau cinta kau pudar
Kan ku teruskan jua
Moga ku di jiwa
Luahkan saja semangat

Punca kita tak sehala
Akan ku ubah sikapku
Seperti yang kau mahu
Katakan saja kau pinta

Walaupun hujan ditadah
Agar dibasahi cinta kita yang goyah

Monday, September 13, 2004

Bits and Pieces

I have finally finished my essay that was supposed to due last week..after the skool starts. After doing it, I realised it wasnt hard as I thought. Its really easy and now why I kno it too me sometimes to finish it [coz I am lazy]. This is the first time in history I extended an assingment longer than used to be..normally I extended it abt 1-2 days after the due date..this time is abt a week?? and abt 2 marks will be deducted from it..but who cares..its not like I dont do it at just I am extending it a lil'bit..

I was talking to my bestfriend today and I told him the news abt me leaving NZ end of the year..before this when I told my friends abt my departure, they either will say keep in touch or this friendship will never end, but this guy said:

[]Ey3vErN[](iVAN) says:
i hope u stay

that's was touchy coz no one ever yet said that to me =)

When I look back all those times when I was in Malaysia, how I was so playful and lazy and didnt take things seriously, I realised where could I have been rite now??Maybe still stucking up doing the same things in my life or still lost somewhere in the middle to find a place to stand?? Now I seriously donot belive I am in my final semester..I dun even realised I have climb the stairs to finish my studies..wah..but I could not have done this without the help of my beloved mama; Normah Chik and brothers; Nifail Haziq n Afzul Farouqi who have always been there for me through thick and thin..through joy and sorrow..not to forget my ayah: Norhanim and my beloved Papa : Hambali Abd Ibu: Suhana Abdullah Shukor and my three stoges brothers: Irfan Rafiqin, Aniq Farhan and Izzul Aqil..oh before I forget, my deary friends..true friends who have stay besides them all to bits!! without them guiding me, I'll no wherelse to be found..I mite be lost and still be searching my soul...

I have friends who are coming over from Auckland this weekend..they are staying overnite at my place for 2-3 nites I am not sure..but I am thrill to have them here in Wellington =) I have adding some friends in my list of friends which is cool coz at least I have people that I know once I am travel arnd Malaysia and S'gapore. I have lots of friends from Sarawak, Sabah, Perak, Kedah, T'ganu and so on..cant recall so many of'em...

Friday, September 10, 2004

The Saddest Moment

Dear Blog

I have found today that my family have to go home in the end of the year..for good. I was sad at first but life goes on rite? but I've found other thing that theres something behind it too...furthermore, I have been feeling unstable for the whole day,I dunno why. Maybe because of the news or something that I heard..I dunno. ..

I've started to like someone..its not too serious or something. Its just a " a little girl who has on someone", rite? =) hehehhe hopes he doesnt knows if not, he will run away. Normally guys run away once they found out I like them but not all of them like that, only one that really has pure feelings or understandable that always stay on my side..=)

M.Nasir& Siti Nurhaliza-Bagai Sakti (Puteri Gunng Ledang OST)

S: Cinta datang, tanpa diundang, seumur masa tercipta
M: Dia datang bagai sakti, bagai menyaksi mekar, kembang pagi

S: Cinta datang, dengan senyuman, panasnya membakar mentari
S&M: Wajah yang tergambar, tak akan terpudar

S: Dari hati insan yang fana ini
S&M: Fana ini...
M: Tak mungkin mentari, akan terus sembunyi

S: Tiada sempadan, tak bisa ku lewati
S&M: Jika ini hakikatnya, aku serahkan jiwa dan ragaku

S: Menantimu walau sengsara
S&M: Jika ini ketentuan-Nya
S&M: Jika ini hakikatnya, aku serahkan jiwa dan raga, Jika ini ketentuan-Nya, kau 'kan jadi milikku... jua

I have been listening to this song..its reallly a nice song..shud listen..highly recommended...=)

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

What a day

I just came bck from the hospital. I went to visit my fren, KC, coz she was giving birth to her first baby cute..his name is "Hayden Armedeus Christopher Tyller"..but we are gonna call him "din"..simple yet short..heheheh so excited lar today hehehe
It's 12.45 pm and i just woke up. I missed 2 session of class oredi and I dun think I am going to uni the whole day. Still tired..I hav to do my essay which was due yesterday and I am still struggling to find a topic for it..

Guess wot?I had a dream that I was in a relationship wit a Prince. Oh what a dream..I think the dream was related with the Princess diaries: royal engagment movie that I asked my fren to see the movie..Ironic nye..

Oh yeah, What shud u do when u like a guy??I hv been asking 3 of my bestguy frens abt this..heheheh...

Monday, September 06, 2004

I am Back

I am backkkkkkkk... Finally I have reached home this evening and boy was it felt good. i have finally left my beloved " Malaysia" since saturday and its kinda sad but life goes on rite?? I had a gr8t time when i was in Malaysia. I had the chance the see the "Puteri Gunung Ledang", the most expensive film in Malaysian History of Films. It turned to be entertaining and funny. I like the movie..its more Malaysian ways and it different from all the Malaysian movie I have seen before. At least this movie tells about the Malaysian History and the movie shows Old Malaysian Houses, cultures and prosperity. I give this movie a 4.45/5..

This is me at Starbuck KLCC..From left: Chip. Aril. me and Sofia Posted by Hello

As soon I reached Auckland, I realised how I miss the Malaysian Food [bole tak??]..all i can think abt is the food...heheh...roti milo lar, wantan mee lar and so on..heheh Later that nite, I went to UMNO's Malam Malaysia..[oh for your info, this club is not a politic club, its a Malaysia Students Club]and why does the name is UMNO, i dun know and i dun care..its their club rite =)
The Malam Malaysia turned out to be festived and lively even though that was their first time to organise the Malam and it turned out to be a great success..a big thumb for them =)

This guy happend to wear the same color baju wit me on that nite [sorry gurls his taken, but guys, I am single *wink*] Posted by Hello

Now I am back in my room. Same old room and my pc has starting to make this funny sounds and I hate it..I think it need to be serviced but I cudnt be bother to service it, coz it takes time to do so..besides I have other stuff to bother about..rite pc??

That's all for now..I think Il jot something down once my mind start to become like "a journalist mind" again..til then =)