Sunday, July 25, 2004


Ninie, a great friend and amazing human being with a pure soul. When you're with her, she puts on this tough exterior but she's actually marshamallow soft.
Posted by Hello

I was reading the comment that my friend wrote on friendster. It's kinda touchy and emotional coz he has left NZ last saturday.  I was feeling sad and lonely after he left. Not because I do not have any friends besides him or anything but because we are more than friends. He has become a brother to me. We shared secrets and gave advices  to each other. But whats more important is that, we trust each other. Dat's more important than antyhingelse.   I've realise after living in Wellington, New Zealand, I have made lots of friends here. I have also made some enemies too :p heheh. Well i guess thats what we call the balance of life. You have to balance your life a little bit. It cannot go perfectly through your journey. It has to be ups and downs moments once in a while. Like Ninie told me, my friends feel comfortable to be around me. They feel ease whenever they around me. I take that as a compliment. For me, when my friends need me to help them, I will try my best to help them as much. Isn't that what you are supposed to do, offering a helping hand when they need a help? I guess so. My life has been improving days by days. I have gained lots of experiences by being acquainted with new people. Which I think good basically. Because I have learned how to control my life and not being control by any pathetic humanbeings. I am rebellious when I am being control. I normally do what I want to do at first without want to think what is going to happen  and face the future consequences later. Hence, because I think, my heart rules my mind and my body. I always follow my heart. It's like I have this strong instinct inside of me. I try to behave like confident, wordly-wise girl who has a mind of her own. But eventually,it is my mind that takes over.
I have watched my friends come and go. After Ninie left last year, it seems that all my friends have continuously following her steps. Recently was Firdaus and soon will be Iskandar and Jan. God knows how sad it can be, seeing fthe riends you always hang around suddenly make a huge departure in your life.  But I guess it won’t be called life, if you keep on receiving happy moments with you. Life is not about equality. Life has never been equaled to me. To me, life is like a tyre. It goes round everyday and it never sticks unless its stop-means you’re dead. Speaking of dead, I just lost my best friend. Ardiana Azrin Iskandar. She was my best friend for 9 years and she died after got hit by a truck. She was on her way to see her wedding dress. She’ going to get marry in about 2 weeks. I was shocked to receive the call from her fiancĂ©, Hazri Irwandi. It was like a drop bomb and there was no word to describe how shocked I was it’s because I was talking to her on the phone just few hours before the whole thing happened. I can still hear the way she saying, “Hey Ike, I am on the way to see my wedding dress. It’s your favorite color, purple. I cannot wait to see it. My tailor said it’s done. I’ll call you when I am trying it on ok? Take care girl”. There, that was the last sentences she said to me. That was the last ever called I am going to received from her.  May she rest in peace..Amin


WY said...

ike, sorry to hear that your best friend passed away. i can't imagine anything close to it. i know, if something of that magnitude hits me, i ll be completed shattered. i salute u for having the faith to stay strong. stay strong u shall. don't be too sad over friends leaving nz. places and time is transcient, but memories and friends are forever.

silent reverie said...

hello tomatoinc..

i think u should read again the post. ike's friend aint dead...we are all still alive. i dont remember anybody passed away...and the fact that this comment was put under my picture, i was thinking...whoa, does this person think i'm dead? i think u misunderstood when ike said that her frenz left nz for good and went back home, not left this world for good. and yeah ppl, NiNie is still around, i'm not dead...still healthy and alive and living life to the fullest! cheers then. :)

silent reverie said...

oh my god...think i did a mistake. ike dear,sorry to hear dat yr best friend passed away before she can ever get married. i cant even imagine that. be strong girl. but also at the same time, there is a confusion here la pic is right beneath the post and yeah ppl can mistakenly assume that i'm dead :(

Ike Afnifa Hambali said...

Dah Ninie, aku dah tukar. tHanks Guys for the wishing. Its ok I am kinda over it a bit. Things happens for a reason aye =)