Monday, July 26, 2004

Another thought of my life

It's 6.00am in the morning and I am still awake. Awaken by the books that are all over my bed. I was supposed to sleep by now but how can I sleep when the books are all over my bed!!! Yet I am still awake. UNi has just started but I can almost feel the pressure right now.And guess what, I am already under lots of stress even though UNi just started two weeks ago. Just look at my workloads, it's unbelievable,. I have 3 journals, 5 essays, 5 assingments, 1 writing editing, 3 writing exercises to complete and 1 seminar presentation. How was that? Amusing? I don't think so! I have to finish all these by the end of October, before UNi close. *long sigh* I hate my subjects sometimes because it "steals" me away from my social actiavities [e.g clubs, gossips, friends] but again, I should not be complaining. I should be thankful because I do not any exams after UNi closes. Lucky Me =)
I called my fren, Chip before and I admit, I am a bit jealous and admire of him. Jealous because he already complete his degree whereas I am still struggling with my degree *long sigh again* He's wating for his graduation which takes place next month. *lucky him* Now I am starting to feel the presurre again. All friends have finished their study and have found an excellent job and I am still stuck here completing my degree. But why should I be sad because I remember what Chip told me, he said I inspire him somehow. I've insipires him with my confidence to study in overseas whereas he doesn' t have the chance to do so. I took it as a compliment. I never actually seen my self as an inspirer so when a person told me that, it's a big thing for me. Thanks!
I remember my friends back home told me that I am lucky because I have the opportunity to study at Overseas University. Different Universities than them. I questioned them, what do u mean different Uni? Isn't just an UNi after all except different names and country? They reply, I am in NZ, they are in Msia. That's the different. I have the opportunity to study in different education systems. I totally agree about the diff education systems but what I do not agree is that , education will always be an education no matter where you do learn it. Coz the end of the day, the overseas students will come home and serve their country about what they have learned. Is it? No doubt about that. If only they know what is the truth beyond the eyes they see. I know some of the students here can be helpful, cheery, friendly and nice but do not forget about some students who are selfish, pathetic. egoistic and jeolousy???Oh yeah do not forget abt the fees that increasing every year?that's sux! I have to pay a large amounts of fees whereas they only pay just a bit from us which I think that's no fair. Speaking of the fairness, where is the fairness in the world when you have striked to get the fees decrease but you've been ignore? So fair and square.
Oh well, I think I better go back to my work. Have to get ready for school * a very long sigh* damn those thinking have distracted me from finishing my work! damn those thinking. Oh Boy, I hope today will be another excitement day of my life. Hope to see my crush today. Haven't see him last week. Kinda missing his smile tho's. Speaking of crush huh! =) 

1 comment:

WY said...

hi ike. don't be stressed out by the amount of work u are having. try to enjoy your university life while you can. life is always at a junction of actions and flow of time. consider yourself taking the lonely but busy path for the sake of future lor. after all, you are almost there.

anyway, on your oversea-local university thought....being an alum of both local and soon-to-be oversea uni, i can tell you that there re significant differences. i am glad to be in new zealand myself. we all should. in fact, that's what i have been telling all my malaysians friends here who felt depressed over nz or something. we all should be glad and thankful, that somehow our parents managed to provide us with tertiary education. i believe many of us won't be reading the stuff we are now if we re back in malaysia. i am not sure whether i ll be able to get into university in malaysia to do engineering. anyway....u take care ya...
