Sunday, July 25, 2004

My amazing lifestyle

Went to work this morning and it wasn't a bad day for me. Normally I would be complaining and angry towards my customers. Sometimes they are nice but sometimes they can be a pain in the ass. I can see sometimes they look at me without seeing two eyes just because I work at a fast-food restaurant. So they assume people who work at the fast-food restaurant don't have the manners or anything. People do work to gain money or even experiences. People who work at this kinda of places do have feeling. Just because they work at this kind of places, doesn't mean they are low or anything. They just want to get extra pocket money. In the contrary, even though they treat me like that, I feel I am better than them because I have what they do not have [I think]. I've got money every weeks and excel in my studies and also I know how to treat people nicely. Not just judge them by it's cover. Coz I've been there and felt that. So by treating other people they why people deserve, doesn't make me a loser. It makes me a winner. Speaking of that, I was watching the movie "I am Sam" yesterday. It's definitely the best movie so far I've watched. It's definitely a movie that will teach you a lesson about love. There is no difference when it comes to love regardless whether you are normaly or disable. Sam who is a developmentally disabled adult who has been singularly raising her daughter , Lucy for all her seven years. Her daughter was taken by the social worker after they discover the father' disability. I was thinking, how can you question the father's disability of taking care her daughter when he has raised her daughther 7 years by himself? Why they do not question about the mother who is perfectly normal has left her daughter behind just because she felt ashamed being pregnant to a disable person? But they question is, how can they took her away from her after 7 years? and questioned the father tons of questions which they already know the answers? For me personally, you cannot judge what you've seen with being there personally. Sometime they do not know what they cannot see beyond the eyes. People can judge randomly but only us who know the truth.

p/s: that's the picture of my feet-was taken by me when I was in Uni last week =)  Posted by Hello

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