Wednesday, April 06, 2005


jave you ever wonder if you do something that people never tought you would you but you do it anyway and they never looked at you the same way again? I have been feeling that for the couple of days since I got my right eyebrows pierecd. Been having different cmments from friends :-) Oh well I never really care about what people say..take it like this, people can say what they want or do what they want..just dont be bothered about what they say. You rule your own life not them.They can give opinions about you but at the end, you are the one who will be the judge..right? Yes Yes

Yes it's officially I pierced my right eyebrows.

Uni starting next week and can't wait to go back to class (it's show that I am officially bored of holidays)

1 comment:

silent reverie said...

hey ike, still hv not seen your pic with yr eyebrow pierced!! mail to me pls..and to my office email coz aku malas nak bukak email lain. and dont ask me to bukak frenster coz god damnit they blocked the access to all non-business related site in the office.