Thursday, April 14, 2005

Too much

I have been feeling so hopeless for the past couple of days. Every little things I do, I felt so tired of it. I was supposed to complete my tutorial homework but instead I end up mingling around a friend's house. The whole idea to stay at a friend's house was to study together2 but instead we ended laughing and talking nonsense. Arghh now I have to catch up with the tutorial homework..(malu je if not siap). Hehe...pemalas..(that's what I always been referred to..and its true).

hmm..what have I done so far for the past couple of days? oh yeah..i have been reading this good book about a lost kid..hmm kinda good but kinda sad tho'. It's about the missing kid who happens to be dissapeared for about 10 years and the parents still looking for it.I don't know whether it was based on the true story or not but the storyline was quite touching tho'

Oh yeah..there has been so many shits happening arnd Wgtn(amongst my friends of course)..fightings, broken-hearted yaddi yaddi scary.. I am trying not to get closed to any of this thing coz I afraid I might end up losing someone..hehehe..well it's not my thingy rite? :-)

The other day I went to Ninie's Blog and she wrote about me under the "girlfriends in my life". i t was so sad when I went thru it. She wrote the nicest things about me..and no one ever wrote like that about me liek the way she did it..I shed to tears when I went tru it..thank you so much for the comments..I never knew I am that kinda person.. I always see myself as clumsy, moody, selfish and unreliable..hehehe..well I guess now I know what kinda person I really am :-)

okies..betta get back to do my tutorial tutorial in less than hour..should really finish it aye..heheheh..muah2 X

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