Sunday, January 09, 2005


yey!!!.. finally I have finished decorating my blog. Took me abt 3 hours to complete everything( including putting my picture at the rite place. Boy that was hard!!)..anyway..walla..everything finished and I am happy..Je'taime moi blog..:-)

I havent been really updating my blog as U know everybody in this world is busy helping the "tsunami victims" and as for me, I have been busy reading the news in the newspaper. Lots of deathtol raising everyday, people missing elsewhere and people are suffering from the traumatic of tsunami. I mean it is shock and suprised, who isn't? It happend in ASEAN countries. We know that ASEAN countries such as MALAYSIA and THAILAND do not stand on the line of the earthquake. But likewise, Malaysia and Thailand are being effected by other countries such as Indonesia and India. I have been having conversations with my friends over and over about "tsunami". It is sad, heart-broken and unexpected. But it had already happened and all we can do is praying for the tsunami victims to be strong to face any upcoming events in the future.

*people are dying everyday, is this the sign for the end of the world?* go FiGuRe..(Pray For Mercy From God before it's too late to be forgiven)

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