Wednesday, January 19, 2005


I was on my study table when I felt the earthquake occured and I saw my bed was shaking. I thought it was just my feelings. Later that nite, when I was chatting with my friend on the net, I felt another one and that was kinda big as I can see my study-table was moved. ANd again, I realised an earthquake just happend and not once but twice. I was scared because since my first year, I haven't felt that kind of earthquake. AnD today, in the news, I saw the lady said " yesterday, there was an earthquake..blah blah and it happend 9 times yesterday throught NZ especially Wellingotn, Porirua and Marlborough Sounds and the highest was 4.4 on the Richter scale and it mite going to be another one tomorrow". Wow freaky. I read the news on the net and found out he first part that got hit was Porirua (its kinda 1/2hours drive from where I live) . The quake, which struck at 1.38pm, was centred 30km northwest of Porirua and was 50km deep. Wow that was big and the earthquake occured not just once but 9 times in one day yesterday. Luckily I didnt feel all of it, if not I mite going to think its end of the world *wink*

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