Friday, December 31, 2004

My circle of Friends Posted by Hello

Mid's place..dinner

I dont know what happent but I cannot attach any pictures from yesteday's dinner at Mid's place..screw this blog..anyway more photos go t--> click here

everything was awesome yesterday and thks for everything :-)

The Ambassador's place

The dinner at Dato Embassador House with Dato' Mustafa Mohammad Posted by Hello

On 27th december, we had visitor came from Malaysia. His is one of our minister , Dato's Mustafa Mohamad. He is on vacation but because he was in Wellington, he wantd to meet the Msian students here,so our Ambassador organised a dinner to meet him. IT was fun actually, not just because had the opportunity to meet him but also to minggle around with friends and new people.

More photos go to --> click here

Tuesday, December 28, 2004


"There's always that one person
that will always have your heart
You never see it coming cause
you're blinded from the start
Know that you're that one for me,
it's clear for everyone to see"
(My Boo: Usher ft Alicia Keys)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all Bloggers and readers :-)
The 2004 will soon be ended and 2005 near to comes and what I have done so far in this year?

The reflection from 2004

In about few hours, I will be leaving the year of 2004. Few days ago, a good fren of mine has been asking me, "what have you done so far Ike in 2004". I silent. I kept on thinking, maybe I have done something in 2004 but I didnt really remember what was it. It took me couple of days to retrive back the memories. Finally, I have realised, I am already in my final year of Uni. I will be fully graduated next year mei and I am happy!:-) hm..took me this while to remember that!!*ahaskz*

Study: I am not one in the category of excellent students but I can be excelled when I wanted to. My results may not be excellent like the top "A" students but because I belive I can do what I want, I have worked up to achieve my goals-that is to get a Degree! It is almost there and I jsut need 2 monts to finish. It is tough but I belive with hard-working and have faith in yourself, your dreams will come true :-)

Family:Been ther for me and never judge me no matter how bad I have been. Family is the important element in human being life. Without them, people cannot survive and feel miserebly lost. I have blessed to have this family running my life. luv u all

Friends have always be ther for me no matter where they are or what they are doing. I am totally bless with these kind of friends. On return, I had, have and will always be there for them whenever I am. Whether I am in sickness or health or poor or richer, I am here to hear their thoughts and opinions about everything. Early this year, I totally shut myself up from people and I didn't believe in anywords call "friends".But slowly, my own friends tried to bring me out from the hold I have fallen into and slowly I have believed that there are still few people who are quite nice and why I have to live miserably when I can enjoy what I have??therefore, I want to thank to all the peeps who had, have and will be there for me no matter what! luv u all *muahs*

Tsunami: On 26th december 2004, this event has been terribly shocked us all. Not just in Asian countries but around the world. The news of "tsunami attack" spreading all over the world in one second. Noboy knew when it was going to attack. Few signs but people seemd to ignore it. Therefore, when it attacked, people didnt know what to do except run from it. Consequences from the event brought lots of families lost their childrens and relatives, couples lost their partners, houses were gone, state lost their goverments and many more. There are no words to describe the lost of the families because we who never were there cannot imagine what happend but as a human being, we know how the feeling of losing people that we love.

SO there, that was my reflection of 2004..well..with the new coming year, I hope this yr will bring new hope and prosperity to everyone. Happy New Year 2005!!

Friday, December 24, 2004

I used to ask a fren this question "how not to fall in love to someone?" and he replied, "gud luck". I have been searching for the answer for my question unfortenatley I haven't found one until a person came up to me and asked "hey Ike, how do u make yourself not to fall in love to someone?" I was thinking, hey I used to ask this question to someone before..there..I got questioned by a friend. Well, suprisingly I asnwered her "well, try make yourself occupy and stop thinking about her. I know its hard but you will never know if you try". "But isnt it hard to let go of someone?". (Ouch this question really put an arrow straight to my heart). "well, yeah past stories die hard but you have to confront the past if you want to face the future, right? ." But what if you will never forget your past?". "of course you will never forget it, coz it stays in your book. But you won't actually remember it but it will encounters once in the while tho'.."

I was thinking maybe..I shud have answered it by myself. I mean..not that I am complaining but that is sometimes, you need to be asked to get some answers. You cant get anything by yourself. Its weird but thats what you have to do. Thinking and thinking is not good as sometimes it doesnt makes sense rite??

If you do everything byself, sometimes you wonder "am I at the right path?" or "am I following the wrong path? you will never know unless you make a mistake then, you know. IT will make you wiser. A friend of mine, at the moment, devastated as her sister got a bf who is older enuff for her (thats what my friend thinks) but I guess, you will never know what will happen. A fren used to tell me that "if u are inlove with someone who is younger than you, you will love him more and sacrifices everything for him BUT if you are inlove with someone who is older than you, he will love you more and sacrifices everything for you" there, go figure what it means..I dont think I need to say more rite?

"Love is superficial. The more you get yourself involves in it, the more you are charmed by it. Prepare yourself with a potion to prevent yourself from getting vanquish"

Monday, December 20, 2004

curly hair

I made an experiment to my hair today. I decided to try curlying my hair as I never had it anymore when I grew older( my hair used to be curly;thats what my mom always told me)..and now after done it, thats how it looks like..(I think I look cute..heheh)..heeheh..pstt; I look like I'm in 40s ;-)

curly hair 1 Posted by Hello

curly hair2 Posted by Hello

curly hair3 Posted by Hello

Sunday, December 19, 2004

New Hair Colour

my new hair colour3 Posted by Hello

My new hair colour1 Posted by Hello

My new hair colour2 Posted by Hello

My new hair colour4 Posted by Hello

*I have been changing my hair colour ever since I knew how to do it by myself. I think its fun changing your hair colour all the times. I have tried Red, blue, orange, brown, purple, marron. You name it..but yet I havent tried green or blonde. LIke to try it one day :-)*

Friday, December 17, 2004

some questions

there is a reason when a person doesn't want to confess about his/her true feelings. Its either gonna break his/her heart or she/her prefers to keep it to him/herself. It's not like she/he doesn't want to be honest, but sometimes what is the point?Does it gonna makes her/he feels better or the situation will be better? sometimes we got to face the consequences of our actions and not let anyone get hurt. Sometimes its better if the person itself suffer than letting anyonelse suffer.

not saying "yes" or "no" does make a different but sometimes it better not to tell or speak. Because it crushes a person inside by speaking the truth. the feelings already been hurt for gizzilion times but it never stop to make a mistake. A feelling toward someone is normal. Every human has the right to feel everything they want to feel. Feel the air or feel the nice cooking smells is normal but to feel someone's feeling is impossible. That cannot be feel unless that person get a respon from the other party. feeling wanted, not miserable and loved are normal. but sometimes it cannot be normal as each human needs to be unwanted, miserable or unloved.

Sometimes I wonder, how can a simple mistake effects a whole situation. How can one incident can makes people suffer so much?How can because of one mistakes, people don't want to let it go, instead leaving them feeling miserable the whole life?Why is it so hard for other people to understand "I don't want to talk about it" despite being bragging about it all day/night? How not to make a person not to fall for someone whereas the feelings grow stronger day by day?

This is just a thought I have been thinking for the past couple of dayz. I wish I cud get an answer but I guess not all of the questions have the answer. Better leave it unanswered.

Posted by Hello

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

BoReD..and XTRa BoreD

kinda bored..having a break from my class at the mo. i feel i wan to go home and sleep. the class is so damn boring..its a 3hours class. luckily its not 3 hours straight if not i will be dead by the time the class finish ;-) *to be continued*

well i am home now..obviously..(its 12.51 am in the morning of course)..just conclude my last sentence of my essay..yey finally it's done..just need to print it out and hand it tomorrow morning..if only I can go to Uni in the morning..well maybe I can..heheh :-)

well what's new??oh my brother "afzul" is going back to Malaysia tomorow (well its today about 6 hours he will go back to Malaysia!!!!) my time flies..i cannt even realised that..heheh oh well..time flies..(psstt:wish I can go back too..papa if u are reading this, please send me some money so that I can go home too during the 2 weeks break starting this week:-) ). I kinda miss home (but do I miss somebody??) no i dont think so..I talk to him almost everyday..why shud I miss him :-) waiting is already a disaster but why missing makes u suffer? It is painful but why it occurs all the times? *wink* hehhe..I miss my family..of doubt..yup yup..hehhe

I just found out recently that one of my friends has been pretending to bfriending with my bcoz of something..I just cannot believe that. I have helped that person so much and this what that person has repay me??why why?why cant the person just ignore me at first and pretend like the person doesnt know me? why why??:( its sad but true. things happen for reason ****happens aye..always..coz of that I have been asking most of my closest friends and one of them got offended..I know I shudnt do that but I cant help it..once bitten twice shy rite?I do trust him alot..really alot..I enjoy his company a lot..he makes me laugh and we cud bitching abt everything..almost everything..but when it occurs agan, you get scared..oh well.. at least hes not mad at me anymore..:-)

Kinda tired at the moment..busy day class from 2 til 5 and went to gym till 6pm then hanging out at Kakera's place until 7.30 just to copy something *sigh* damn tired..need to chuck myself to bed now..goodnite people..:)

Monday, December 13, 2004

things that will NOT be forgotten

Olivia Thomas. ANother of my friends has left on saturday. A friend who is really sincere and honest to me. She has been great to me. Her contribution and caringness will never be forgotten. She cares so much abt me and never ask anything in return. Since I only have few closest friends in my life, her departure has made a really huge impact in my life. Ever since Ninie left last year, I became close to her. We talked, bitched about and almost everything. She never asked anything in return and that what makes her a good soul :-)

She has became the 3rd bestfriend girlfrien I have ever had in New Zealand (after christy and Ninie). She has been there for me through out my joy and sorrow and never said bad things about me or anybodyelse. She will try her best to make me happy and listened to most of my stories (without interupting) :) Although we have promised not to cry at the airport, I know every tears that fell were worth it as she has been a great friend to me. I feel so lucky to have met a really good soul throught the journey of my life. She is one of the smallest people I know but that's just because she makes up for it in her BIG heart. Thank You for Everything and keep in touch. "Kelak Kamek datang Sarawak. Naik sampan 20sen. Kitak tunggu di sia ok?Sayau ka nuan";-)

Every thing that happen at the begining will have the end. Like death. Everyone is going to die. No one can ever run from it. Same as when you are introduced to a new things in life, you will end up getting hurt when it ends, rite?;-) hmm..well life is a bitch but it will not be a bitch when you know how to live it.

Well I live my life as it is. I go with the flow. Never planned what will happen to me until I have reached the stop of the journey. Then I will know what will happen to me next. I know it sounds ridicolous and unplanned but, thats how I live my life and I am perfectly happy with it. Well only few things but its nothing to be exposed of. I am still in the conquest of finding my perfect someone and there's no doubt about it. I mean, who is? unless they are totally do not believe "a thing call LOVE". Every now and then, people are looking for IT. BUt depends on how they find it. How they look for it. Sometimes IT hides under your nose or u are blinded by it. Never appreciate it until IT's gone. On the other hand, some have found THE ONE, depends how they classify "THE ONE". "The happines is like a butterfly, the more you grasp the more it will runs away". But then, have you heard the word call "FATE"? I do. I believe every person in this wolrld have their own fate, depending how they take it, how they live it. Some of them accept their fate willingly whereas some don't. Some never be thankful for everything they have been offered in life whereas some do. But I guess, that's how human lives their life every now and then. Obviously no big doubt about it :-)

I just realised, why can't I write my essay freely like I hav been writing in this blog? I always be stucked with words and sentences and my tenses hav been normally unperfect (well its not like its perfect here) but still I dont feel free when doing my assingmet. To tell the truth, I normally feel presure and stress when doing my essay. It like I need to please my lecturer with my FAKE writing all the time and I hate that. I want to be able to write freely and throw everything in a piece of paper. What I feel and what I need to say :-) I wish I can write in my essay like what I am writing rite now. No pressure, 100% freedom. No pleasing and no faking. I hate faking. Its like there is not honesty in everything you are doing. HOnesty huh? does it rings a bell?

Anyways, I have been listening to "delta goodrem-out of the blue" and the lyrics is totally awesome. I always like her (she's an Australian artist btw). SHe writes all her lyrics based on a real life. I really like that..that's sweet

Out of the BLue-Delta Goodrem

A new beginning
A new chapter of my life
Started the day
When I thought It could be my last
My eyes were wide shut but I hadn't given up
Just thought I'd be walking the world alone

Out of the blue
There I met you
Showed me a life I can't see without you
And theres just no way
That I can fight these emotions
Your energy running through me
Nobody can renew me like you

Out of the blue
Can this be true?

Family and friends they were my life
I wasn't one for butterflies
But you gave me love that I can't disguise
And there will be times when we're apart
I want you to know you're in my heart
Growing into a beautiful garden

No emotions
My whole body felt like ice
Needed to feel that the sun would shine my way
My world had turned to dust
But I had my faith and trust
Just thought I'd be walking the world alone

Family and friends they were my life
I wasn't one for butterflies
But you gave me love that I can't disguise
And there will be times when we're apart
I want you to know you're in my heart
Growing into a beautiful garden

Out of the blue
There I met you
Showed me a life I can't see without you
And theres just no way
That I can fight these emotions
Your energy running through me
Nobody can renew me like you

Friday, December 10, 2004


hmm..what I have been up to? a start, I had a dance practice every single day for the past couple of dayz..really tired..go to gym every morning and dance practice evey single evening..heheh:)I take it as an exercise :)

Had the Asean Nite thingy (its the embassy function tho). It was fun and i did a few mistakes..welll nobody's perfect rite? heheh but it was fun and fun..heard few ladies said " they look beautiful", " their dance is beautiful" and blah..yaddi yadda..heheh..well at least all the tiredness has paid off rite?? pix go here -->

I had a talked wit my pet-sister yesterday abt her bf. He bf is a scumbag, triple jerk. She has been nice to him but he has been treated her like a garbage. Who does he think he is? My god..i tot older guy is supposed to be mature..(he's 28 n she's 18) but instead he acts like a kid. I have been asked her to dump him (im a devil) least she doesnt hav to cry over him anymore or worry abt him. well we'll see how it goes..if he still like a scumbag, then we go to plan C (like we have one)

Monday, December 06, 2004


hmm what's good to write? havent really had any ideas to write..well one thing..I have been busy like hell..[like i know how it is]..anyway..I have been teaching these kids at Msia Hicom the Malaysian traditional dance and boy..How tired am I for the past couple of days..really tired..can barely touch the ground :) but its a good exercise tho' least i can get the "fat" out of my body *wink*

hmm..been going to GYM..and it fun fun fun..well not bcoz the instructor is so damn cute..[ok i wudnt want to touch on that]..its bcoz i have seen my body been changing..I think my exercise has been worth be going bck again the end of february,I will probably oredi lost some extra baggage..:)

damn..why I suddenly feel misssing MSIA? i dun know why..bcoz my parents there or bz of somethingelse??i dnt know maybe..Ninie is there..feel wan to fly there and see her and talk to her..bitch abt anything and everything..I feel so lonely over here..dont really have thing to do nor talk abt..been doing the same routine..Uni, gym and hangout wit frens..Oli is going bck this saturday for good and there will only be me n christy..jz the two of us all over again..:(( sad sad..
oh well..people come and go but only the true person will leave the footprints in your heart..:)

called my dad yesterday and he was inviting people to come to our house..he did an open miss that..i miss the thingy..meeting friends and inviting friends to come. *damn* kind feel isolated tho' but oh well..need to do what I was meant to do..and that is to finish my STUDIES..well jz couple of months more then I am off for good..:)