Tuesday, August 10, 2004

summary of me

dear blog, it's been a while since i've updated my website ;} been so busy lar did not even had time to look at it *silly me* newayz nothing interesting happen to me for the past couple of dayz except today oh bugger! i went to my WRIT 203-Writing for print media class and we had to this peer review thingy and i had to swap my essay with somebodyelse in my class. i swaped my essay with this guy who sat next to me and guess wot? he didnt even do his essay so i said "well, u can read mine then. when u finished we can review it together". So i waited for abt 5 minits for him to finish reading it. After a while, he called me and we reviewd the essay together and guess again what happend? he said MY WRITING SUCKS!!! he qoute" your writing is bad, ur conclusion n introducation dont flow, u use really bad wordS, ur reading make me confuse, u use repetition, u cannot put present, past n future in one essay, u have a bad structure of essay and blah2" i was like "f--k u man!. who do u think you are? u are not even suppose to say those things. those things are mean man!". While he was saying that, I felt like I want to slap his face and say "well buddy at least i did mine u didnt even do ur homework". Stupid Russian!!!! u were suppose to correct my grammar or some shit like that not gave a bad comment on it...or u can say something bad but not as bad as that!! thats mean, horrible, despise and bad bad opinion..damn those people..i really hate him even tho i only spoke to him once and i will not speak to him nor seat next to him again..

oh well shit stuffs happen but u gotta overcome it then..arghh tomoro is my seminar presentation day and i havnt done anything abt it..and i am totally totally going to die..what am i gonna do it. the presentaion is 20 minute..what am i gonna say what am i gonna do damn damn..*sigh* arghhhhhh tidakkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!

1 comment:

WY said...

some classmates / teammates/ workmates/ or even friends can be a pain in the arse...;)