Friday, August 13, 2004

Something To Remember

Happy Birthday to my dearly friend: Kam Weng Yuen. Today is his big day yey! Hope he has a good day today..

I received a bad news from my mother saying my grandfather passed away yesterday morning [Malaysia time] :’( I was shocked but mostly I felt regret coz I didn’t had the chance to visit him when I went home last April. I think that was the most regrettable moment I had in my entire life. I wish I had seen him before so that I don’t have this guilty feeling burden on me now. But someone had told me that there’s nothing to be regret about because it already happened and I got to move on. I hope my grandfather will forgive all the mistakes I have done and I will always love him and I will never going to forget him. Amin to my grandfather: Abdul Aziz


WY said...

thanks ike for the msg. :) and i m sorry to hear about your grandfather. don't be regretful over what happened anway. everythnig happened for a reason. u might not able to see him during the hols, but i believe u ll remember him now. haev my condolences. he ll certainly forgave u..take care..

silent reverie said...

sorry 2 hear bout yr grandpa. be strong. al-fatihah~