Tuesday, August 03, 2004


not in the mood to write anything at the moment, but feeling to jot something down..

dear blog, yesterday was another interesting day of mylife. I have met my old classmates even tho one of them cant seem to remember who I was..am..kinda sad but what the f**k, at least had to the chance to talk to him was great enuff..it was so kewl to know at least some of my frens are still breathing...

dear blog, I was supposed to be in class now but I am so sick at the moment. I feel all my body is itching, my legs are sore, my nose has been sneezing, my throat is sore and so on [all the bad conditions when your body is not feeling well]..I have been having a really bad headache for the past couple of months. The same headache that has been bugging my brain and keep me sick all the times. I wish I could tear this brain up and see what is going on inside of my head..har har..but I know it's impossible. If I have done that, I would be dead by now..=)

to sum up, I am getting sick. Face the facts Ike!

1 comment:

WY said...

get well soon....