Thursday, August 26, 2004

Malaysia And Me

I am back in Msia after escaping from the tragic weather in Wgtn..muahaha...Msia weather is ok lar not too hot not tooo cold..well actually its kinda hot for me[do i sound like bias to my own country?]whateverrrr...newayz there has been interesting happens to me while i am in here...well first i went to my stepsister wedding and i had the chnce to see how the groom/bride being married to..its kinda interesting coz i never really knew how it now i had the chance to see the real picture..then i met my real dad[Hambali]..he's been sicked and i have been wrorying sick once i found out he has been sick..hhehe then of course i went to see him and finally all my worries thought have been gone..but there is another thing has been bothering my..MY dam bad lar me..i ve been delaying the essay and finally i managed to send it yesterday but i didnt really happy when i was sending it coz i felt there was something missing in it but i think i have to cross my finger with it..hopefully i will pass...but i forgot that i hav anter essay to due this friday damnit that is not fair..this is a hols and how come i have to hand in essay???????damnnnn but oh well..just remember that you are a final year student so just have to be patience with it..hhhehehehe..

i went to KLCC to meet my dearest friend, NInie and then i went to KFC to buy something for my mom n lil bro n while she went somewhere, i bumped to this guy and he was asking for a direction and i told him blah2 then suddenly he raised his voice to me and i got pretty piss[how dare he raised his voice while asking for direction??] then suprisingly he asked for my number and name?????WHAT THE HELL?? i blew him off by saying i am taken [which is not true..take note guyz: im single] but he insisted he wanted my number then i gave him coz i know he cant call me hahahahha..then i saw ninie, she was like pressuring me to go but this pervert was still wanted standing there asking for my email and while he was finding a pen, me n ninie ran away to this shop to escape frm this pervert..we both were so scared that we ran like we've been chased..i cudn't escape frm him coz whenever i wanted to move, he was blocking my way..n luckily i was there wit ninie, if now i wudnt know what to do

I happend to know that i have fans that always visiting my blog and it happens t be my parents so secretly they know what i have been doing behind their back..hahahah so frm now on iwont be writing any secretive things anymore..heheh no jokes..i will still keep on writing..whatever i feel like doing...and write..

i am actually at this bussiness center at this hotel where i am staying.. and the internet access cost me rm25 perhour [bloody xpensive..i know] but i hav no choice bcoz i have to loig on to my emails to know what is going on n stuff..i hve to finish my essay assap by this thursday coz i hav lost of stuff to do on this weekend..heheh

ok there blog..i gtg i have frens that coming over to visit me later n i hv to get bck to my work.=)

missing dear frenz in NZ

1 comment:

WY said...

your parents came to read your blog? how cool is that! haha...just pretend you don't know though. hahaa. maybe you can send some innuendo to them. more pocket money ker. hahaha.

anyway, why kl is full with such perverts? saje spoil my chance to go around klcc to ask for numbers. :P berhati2 kat kl ya