Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Another story of Me

Today was a "sial" day for me..everything today was so uneased around me. Uni was arite but once i went to work, most of customers either pervert, bitch and unfriendly..damn! i hate that..When I went home, I got my Adsl Modem for broadband[yey] but yet i still cannot use it coz the telekom ppl hasn't yet connect my internet even tho they told me i can log on anytime today damn!sial betul lar..damnit! geram then when i was on the internet[yes i was using my dial-up, then suddenly blackout!] gerammnyer.......actually byk lagi bad things happend to me today but i dnt want to mention it coz it already past n besides there is no point of talking it

Ive got my extension for my essay til next week friday yey..good for me but i guess i hav to struggle to finish it coz i hav another to due on the same week oh bugger..the upcoming holiday is not going to be a hols for me coz i have essay but what the heck i have to enjoy it anyways..i am going back and that is much much more fun hehehe

this morning was so damn cold wait a sec, the whole day man..bloddy was haling[hope i spell it rite] and it keep continuosly happen heheh and it was so nice i even took picture of my brother on it..heheh its like snow..i hope it snow. i wan snow hehehe...desperatly need it...:)


WY said...

hey ike...seems like the storm in wellington won't be abating for a while. u take care over there ya...

WY said...

hey ike..i just know that u went back already. :(((( . sad..just realized that. i didn't get the news until recently. hope u r having fun back there though. see ya when u get back