Friday, September 16, 2005


ok someone who is close to me hinted me to do what have happend from the day I was born until here goes..

21st February 1981

I was born on that day and well i cant remember what happend but my mom told me that I was beautiful (yeah rite..perasannye). I was born in penang and my nenek took care of me since my parents were still studying at that time. I always remember this sentence from my nenek "nenek naik kereta jauh sebab nak tengok kaklong, cucu pertama. nenek suka sangat"

8th october 1984
My brother was born. I cant exactly remember what happend but i guess iw as numb at that time. I love my brother and i remember looking at some pictures that were taken by my dad i was jumping and kissing my brother.

Kiddie yr

As a kid, I has always been a rebellious. Cause a lot of troubles and never listened to my parents esp my mom. Always picked up a fight with my brother and i admit i hated him when i was a kid. I never liked him so much and i always wish that i never had him. The main reasonw as because he got all the attentions whereas I ended up getting into troubles. Anyways this year was the year where I started joining dancing performance. Dancing has always been the vital part in my life. I remembered looking at photos of me dancing on the stage when i was a little kid. hmm i looked cute tho' (perasan)

teenage yr

proud to admit, i was rebellious and trouble-maker in this year. I always picked up fight with my parents. Always ended up making them crossed at me and always find somethingelse to blame. Never admit my mistakes and always made excuses. Never listed to my parents and always searching for freedom (even tho i think i was given tooo much freedom). I remember this year where i got a warnning letter from the school and my parents were very crossed at me. I remember my papa used to say "papa nak frame surat ni nak tunjuk kat anak2 kaklong" . When i think about what he sed I laughed because it didnt occur to me that i was the trouble maker. I always made everyone inclu my anties crossed at me. I was so proud of being me and i never think about anythingelse but ME. I always picked fight with my brother and sometimes when we fought, we ended hurting each other. I was so temperamental and hot tempered.

Adolescense year

I got to Uitm to do Dip in Secretarial Science after SPM result came out. I had 2 offers at that time. Either Sec or Fashion design. Papa insisted me taking the design but Mama strongly advised me to do the Sec. I was so keen to Design but i dont know what got into me i chose sec. I have always knew i am not that "secretarial person" but i found it was fascinating.."eww me doing secretary course". I studied less and played hard. I hardly studied and always searched for fun stuff to do. I always ended copying my flatmates's homework esp in the shorthand coz it was so *&^%ing hard. I never like it. I hated it.WHen the result came out, I failed the shorthand but I passed everythingelse but because the course requirement indicated that "shorthand" is compulsory, I didnt got the chance to go to next level. So packed my bags and got home.

WHile waiting for another intake, I worked as an admin for a while and until one day my mom dropped the bom and sed "I got transfer to OZ, so we are going in abt 3 weeks!!" I was speechless..OZ? Australia??what the hell??so I resign from work and we all ended packing our stuffs until a week after that mama told us again we are not going to oz but NEw Zealand instead. So I packed my bags and left Msia.


Here in wgtn, I started my degree and still contemplating to finish whatver leftova for me. I am trying hard to finish what I have. I really want to have a degree bcoz I want too and for mama who has been fighting to get me an education. She has been trying in every she can just to get me to finish my degree. Never look down on me but believe in what I am. While studying I have been doing enourmous part-time to get an extra pocket money. But all the jobs I have worked for never last for at least 6 months until I starting working at IHC/IDEA services. I really like this job so much. Working with disable kids really satisfy me. I always cant wait to go to work and never leave the work until I think I have done good deeds. WEll I do have my ups and downs at work but it never discourage me to do work better. I take it as it comes and go. I love the job. Period


I used to see myself working in an office with blazer or suits. Signing papers and do paperworks. Meeting with clients and attend meetings but NOW I see myself in totally different perspectives. Working with disable kids. Feeding the highneeds.Doing gastronomy and showering the kids. Aware of the seizure that can happens anytime. Give meds when the meds time arrive. Chasing the hyperactive kids who like to run or climbing on the fence. Jumping on the tramps with them or even talking to them even tho they never reply on what I said. Thats where I see myself in future.

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