Friday, September 16, 2005

The saddest part

Today has been a saddest day of the week. First I found out that my anty who raised me passed away after had an accident this week. I was closed to her because her daughter is the same age as me but was born in different month. I was so suprised when i heard she passed away. Well i knew that she had no chance to live as the accident was terribly bad. But i guess "Allah lebih sayangkan her. Inalilah. Al-fatihah"

Well I turned up to work late today.Really late. At about 4.15pm and I was supposed to finish at 6pm. Anwyays as soon as I reached there, my boss gave me this huge news like a bomb dropping on my head. She was tellling me that she might have to leave the job early as there are some things that are cannot be sorted (i betta not i disclose the matter). I was like "omigod, what happend?" and she was like "yaddi yaddi yadda" and I was like "owhh". Well honestly i felt terrible. If only there are things i can help her. Well there are but not the one she is having problem in. So i was being nice and offered her if theres anything i can do, and since i know this month is the auditing month where all the kids and the staffs are being audited. So i realised the only kid that hasnt being audited is my ALeX TaN. Ok speaking of my ALeX TaN, he is absolutely gorgeous. I know hes a boy but still he is cute. Even tho he likes to run away (and very fast) but he is cute. Every time i work with him, i ended up losing few pounds as i have to chase him when he runs away or climb the fences and i tell you he is very fast. Anways why i call him My ALeX TaN? because he listens to me and always say my name. like to say my name "ike ike" and sometimes he will say "ikeeeee" exagerating my name a bit and it is so cute..

ok ok enough i know i can talk about kids at KEMP ST all day but anyways i love working there. hate to admit but actually i have found my satisfaction my life. I know where to go now. It feels good when the end of the day you make someone happy. It feel so satisfy that every time you go to work, you get this big huge hug from someone and you feel so appreciate. Helping people i guess is the bst area in me that I am proud to admit. I don't think I can work in the office where I can sit there for ages doing office work. i dont see me in blazer. I see me chasing hyperactive kids, i see myself feeding the highneeds kids and i see myself talking to the kids that cant even reply to my conversation but doing it by smilling and gigling. thats where i see me..finally

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