Tuesday, May 10, 2005


what have I done for the past a week? hmm

Sunday-morning i woke up early at 9 am coz i had a volleyball praktis at 9 am (yeah rite)..but i was late..i had to wait for my flatmate to wake up and doing her thing blah blah and we arrived at teh rec center at 10 ish..we had to wait till the court is empty coz everyone was using the court to plap badminton..*sigh* i was practising with few friends who wwere the same boat as me to pplay volleyball..around 11 ish, we had the chance to play volleyball and guess what we played for 4-5 hours straight..damn..i was so damn tired by the time the game finished..we didnt even had a timeout..all we did was changing the court when the game ended..when ir eached home, i was so damn tired..both of my hands were swelling and i can barely moved my arms..i slept till 8 ish coz i was so damn tired..by the time i woke up was already 8ish and i felt so hungry...went to the kitchen to find some food..had a shower and went bck to sleep again untill 11 am in the morning..what the hell of the weekend :-)

Monday- i started work at IHC ( cant remember what it stand for) but it is a place for disablity kids..my work is working with them..takiing care of them and try to make them behave as i can ( i dont want them to misbehave)..some of them are hyperactive, down-sydrome, austhisms and yaddi yaddi yadda..enough of that..more important is i love working with them..they are so cute and charming..on the first day itself, i got a kiss frm one of the kids and he sed he likes me..owh that so sweet..he is charming..he likes to play rugbby with me (which reminded me like my little brother haziq)..i feel so good whenever im around them..sigh wish i can go there eveyday..

Tuesday- went to IHC for work again but this time i met few other kids who didnt come yesterday..they were just the same kids who i met yesterday excfept this one kid who screamed in the middle of the road bcoz my workmate was asking him to come inside the base..he refused to so he screamed..i can hear his voice very clearly coz he screamed so hard..he cant speak nor talk..poor him..but my workmate managed to pursuade him to come inside..good on him :-)

had a long talk with Chip yesterday nite..i havent talked to him for so long..can hardly remember when was the last time i spoke to him :-) we had a long catchup yesteryday..he sed he has been thinking and missing me..(owh how sweet of you, my dear)..thats what bestfriends are for..they never let you aside..they are always for you..they will always think about you even though you havent talked to him for so long..anyway just want to let you know chip, i do miss you a lot too even though i only sed "i miss you" but actually you were always on my mind and i miss you more too and (even though you sed you miss me more)..jz want to let you know that...take care muah2 X

argh..assingment..go to do and have to fnish it tonite..got things to do tomorrow..sigh..so tired..wish can go to bed now :-)

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