Wednesday, March 16, 2005


I went to Uni around 3 something to pick up my passport. I was so excited to get my pasport because I renew my student visa for another a year. After I reached the place, I found out that they already close (damn). I realised that today is wednesday. I tot today is thursday (coz on thursday they open until 3.30pm but the rest of the days until 12.30pm only). So I walked back home, singing "if ain't got you" then suddenly I twisted my ankle. I didnt see there was a hole at the road. SO there goes my ankle. Got injured again..for 1000 of times..I can't even keep track how many times I have had it. Screw me

Uni has been really busy..fuh tiring dayz man..had to finish my essay by this week coz I have another one next week to due..well it's not that hard but I dont want to do last minute work again..or else I will be more screwed.

Most of my frens are busy with this GLobal festival thingy ( I don't really know aye). They have been practising dancing and cooking some food for selling on that day. Me? oh I am just helping them as much as I can..I am sux at cooking..well all I can do is cheer for them :-) help them carry some stuff aye :-)

Oh ya..My Prime Minister is coming to New Zealand on 30th March 05. Hmm it wud be interesting to meet him in Person. Its kinda exciting tho' Meeting him in person and stuff..

1 comment:

silent reverie said...

twisted again? does it have to happen every year? btw, walking to yr hse from uni? whr u staying now? kelburn? terrace? boleh crash tak if i go to nz?