Tuesday, August 31, 2004

A little of me

hi hi
Hmm its been a while since I updated my blog..heheh..well nothing interesting anyway if i wanted to update it...well nothing much to say but i had this dream the other day that i went bck to nz and i felt sad..hmm probably i am going back this friday? maybe thats y..

I just came bck frm colouring n treatment my hair so nice lar..hehehh i like the new colour and finaly my hair isnt dry anymore..b4 this it looked like a broomm..{comparing my hair wit a broom??..funny}

i went to catch a movie yesterday wit my frenz and this abt ghost story..kinda scary had to rely on my fren shoulder to help me frm getting scared.tomoro i am gonna watch this movie call "Puteri Gunung Ledang". Its abt this epic love story btwn "puteri ginung ledang" and "hang tuah"..cant really judge the movie coz i hvnt seen it yet but what i can tell that, the publicity frm the film is really big...almost evryday you can see the add on the telly abt it..hmm

newyz tomoro is the Merdeka celebration...our indpendance day..theres something going on at the KLCC now but i cudnt be bother of going..rather staying at home aye..hehhe


Thursday, August 26, 2004

Malaysia And Me

I am back in Msia after escaping from the tragic weather in Wgtn..muahaha...Msia weather is ok lar not too hot not tooo cold..well actually its kinda hot for me[do i sound like bias to my own country?]whateverrrr...newayz there has been interesting happens to me while i am in here...well first i went to my stepsister wedding and i had the chnce to see how the groom/bride being married to..its kinda interesting coz i never really knew how it goes..so now i had the chance to see the real picture..then i met my real dad[Hambali]..he's been sicked and i have been wrorying sick once i found out he has been sick..hhehe then of course i went to see him and finally all my worries thought have been gone..but there is another thing has been bothering my..MY ESSAY..so dam bad lar me..i ve been delaying the essay and finally i managed to send it yesterday but i didnt really happy when i was sending it coz i felt there was something missing in it but i think i have to cross my finger with it..hopefully i will pass...but i forgot that i hav anter essay to due this friday damnit that is not fair..this is a hols and how come i have to hand in essay???????damnnnn but oh well..just remember that you are a final year student so just have to be patience with it..hhhehehehe..

i went to KLCC to meet my dearest friend, NInie and then i went to KFC to buy something for my mom n lil bro n while she went somewhere, i bumped to this guy and he was asking for a direction and i told him blah2 then suddenly he raised his voice to me and i got pretty piss[how dare he raised his voice while asking for direction??] then suprisingly he asked for my number and name?????WHAT THE HELL?? i blew him off by saying i am taken [which is not true..take note guyz: im single] but he insisted he wanted my number then i gave him coz i know he cant call me hahahahha..then i saw ninie, she was like pressuring me to go but this pervert was still wanted standing there asking for my email and while he was finding a pen, me n ninie ran away to this shop to escape frm this pervert..we both were so scared that we ran like we've been chased..i cudn't escape frm him coz whenever i wanted to move, he was blocking my way..n luckily i was there wit ninie, if now i wudnt know what to do

I happend to know that i have fans that always visiting my blog and it happens t be my parents so secretly they know what i have been doing behind their back..hahahah so frm now on iwont be writing any secretive things anymore..heheh no jokes..i will still keep on writing..whatever i feel like doing...and write..

i am actually at this bussiness center at this hotel where i am staying.. and the internet access cost me rm25 perhour [bloody xpensive..i know] but i hav no choice bcoz i have to loig on to my emails to know what is going on n stuff..i hve to finish my essay assap by this thursday coz i hav lost of stuff to do on this weekend..heheh

ok there blog..i gtg i have frens that coming over to visit me later n i hv to get bck to my work.=)

missing dear frenz in NZ

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Another story of Me

Today was a "sial" day for me..everything today was so uneased around me. Uni was arite but once i went to work, most of customers either pervert, bitch and unfriendly..damn! i hate that..When I went home, I got my Adsl Modem for broadband[yey] but yet i still cannot use it coz the telekom ppl hasn't yet connect my internet even tho they told me i can log on anytime today damn!sial betul lar..damnit! geram then when i was on the internet[yes i was using my dial-up, then suddenly blackout!] gerammnyer.......actually byk lagi bad things happend to me today but i dnt want to mention it coz it already past n besides there is no point of talking it

Ive got my extension for my essay til next week friday yey..good for me but i guess i hav to struggle to finish it coz i hav another to due on the same week oh bugger..the upcoming holiday is not going to be a hols for me coz i have essay but what the heck i have to enjoy it anyways..i am going back and that is much much more fun hehehe

this morning was so damn cold wait a sec, the whole day man..bloddy feeezing...it was haling[hope i spell it rite] and it keep continuosly happen heheh and it was so nice i even took picture of my brother on it..heheh its like snow..i hope it snow. i wan snow hehehe...desperatly need it...:)

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Took me about 20 minutes to log on to the Internet today in Uni ..what the F**k????i am so piss now..i prefer to go home at the mo to check my mails but i cant coz i gotta go to class n go to work later :( damn..oh well

today mite be the last day i update my blog before i hv the access to log on to the net again..il be leaving welly tomoro nite afta skol and taking the plane to Msia on thursday morning yey!!!kewl kewl..i can seem to smell the Msian food now hahhah..missing the food so much now..hehehe cant wait to go home lar..

Monday, August 16, 2004

My intro of the day

dear blog
I have been so bz for the past couple of dayz that i didnt even bother to check my mails or update my blog..ive been working for 10 hours straight the whole day yesterday and by the time ive got home, i was damn tired. Today my mother told me that we are going back to Malaysia on thursday, This thursday, so malaysia, here I come..yey!!! newayz, even tho I am happy to go home, but i gotta bring my books wit me because I hav 2 essay to due on mondy and tuesday and i got to send it online :( wat a holiday huh??then i hv another one to due after hols open..damnit

I am gonna miss CHCH malam Malaysia that I have promised Kam to go..Sorry liaw..I am going home much2 better aye..Il promise Il come to Visit u guyz aye..:)

I promise I will try to update my blog when I am in KL..even tho I dont have any internet access at home but I will try my best to go online..:) that is a promise that I will keep aye..:)

I am so happy that I could hardly eat at the moment..I was so happy to go home that the very first person I told was Olivia then I called Ninie in KL..I am so gonna Miss the weather in wellington. I am gonna miss the winter in NZ..wait hang on a second.i am not going back for good..i am out frm NZ for the past few dayz..oh bugger!!

i gotta go blog, if not i couldnot finish the essay that I have to due tomoro..its only 300 words..i can finish it in 1/2 hours coz I am expert [bak kat Olivia]..

Friday, August 13, 2004

Something To Remember

Happy Birthday to my dearly friend: Kam Weng Yuen. Today is his big day yey! Hope he has a good day today..

I received a bad news from my mother saying my grandfather passed away yesterday morning [Malaysia time] :’( I was shocked but mostly I felt regret coz I didn’t had the chance to visit him when I went home last April. I think that was the most regrettable moment I had in my entire life. I wish I had seen him before so that I don’t have this guilty feeling burden on me now. But someone had told me that there’s nothing to be regret about because it already happened and I got to move on. I hope my grandfather will forgive all the mistakes I have done and I will always love him and I will never going to forget him. Amin to my grandfather: Abdul Aziz

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Bestfriends for life..

Bestfriends are like diamons, they are rare but once you found it, you tend to keep it forever [Olivia Thomas, Me, Christy Ngeow]
Posted by Hello


*This song was orignally done by Brian McKnight but Brian (Littrell) sang it as his solo in concert.


My shattered dreams and broken heart
Are mending on the shelf
I saw you
Holding hands
Standing close to someone else
Now I sit all alone
Wishin? all my feeling was gone
Gotta get over you
Nothing for me to do
But have one last cry

One last cry
Before I leave it all behind
I've gotta put you out of my mind
This time
Stop living a lie

I know I got to be strong,
But around me
Life goes on
And on
And on
And on

I'm gonna dry my eyes
Right after I have one last cry

One last cry
Before I leave it all behind
I've gotta put you out of my mind
For the very last time
Quit living a lie

I guess I'm down
I guess I'm down
I guess I'm down
To my last cry

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

A very dreamy hour for me in class

Today was not a bad day for me at all. i wen to class as usual in the morning and the evening. i went to morning class and did my presentation. even though the presentation did not go the way that i wanted [technically, it was my mistake coz i was supposed to tell my tutor if i need a projector, laptop etc beforehand, instead but i didnt know abt it and i didnt tell her that] I did my presentation safely and sound. The end of the presentation,my classmates have to ask quetions or reflects on what i have presented. Well it turned out good and luckily my tutor[well she wasnt my tutor actually. my real tutor was sick so she had to replace her for a while till shes feeling better] saved the day. Oh man! the reading was hard to understand and i dun even know what they wanted and i presented the whole passage to the class instead. I felt so ashamed that I wanted to cover my face with something. So embarrasing man. How do u feel that you have done your work nicely, clean and presentable but u cannot present it and u had to summarize a reading that you dont even get it even though you have read it for almost gizzilian times? Literally I understand the reading but to summarize it and presente it to the whole class [nah i dont think so!] I had to read the sentence that I highligted one by one. Just imagine how embarrasing was that? I felt like a total idiot. I am in my last trimester of uni. I was not supposed to do it but like in a freshman year, I did it anyway. Take Note: The most embarrasing moment of this trimester.

Later, I went to see Neene and we walked together to go back to her place[coz i parked my car there at her parking space] I had to man coz there was so bloody hard to find a parking space in Uni these days. It even hard to find car parking for 5 minutes. I remember the other day that I needed to drop my essay in Uni and took me for about 10 minutes to find a "5 minutes parking space". I was so pissed off man. I just needed to drop an essay and it takes less thatn 5 minute to do that. Damn it!

I went to my "Guidance and Counselling" class in the evening and it was totally totally a boring class as usual. When i went there, i didnt see any familiar faces that I normally sit with. I had to wait and praying that those familiar faces come today or else I would be die waiting. Luckily my fren turned up. Today we were learning abt this Pyschoanalytic and Self-Helping family what-so-ever. I had no idea what my lecturer was talking about. Me as usual after finished writing those notes on the OHP, started dreaming and floating in the air as if I was somewherelse. Then afterwards we had to watch a video about the Family problems what-so-ever and yet again, I still I had no clue what was the vid about. I was so boring that I ended up creating something on my piece of paper. Gosh, then what's the point of going to class then? [the reason why I always have to go class is because she gives a good note or I am force to go]

I am now actually taking break from doing my essay [yeah I know..how many essay do I have?]. Well lets see how many do I have to finish by the end of this trimester. I have 3 journals, 5 essays, 5 assignments, 3 writing exercises, 1 portfolio, 1 seminar presentation and 1 writing test. Hmm..hows that sound? This is the reason why I alwayz lock myself up in the house. Its not that I dont want to go out and have fun with my friends but look at the amounts of work I have to finish. Each essay can be 2000+ and each week continously I have to hand in essay, so obviously I have not time to hang out. I know my friends have been asking me " Ike where are you? how come never heard from you, blah2 blah2?" Take note guys, its not that i dun want to hang out, I am extremely busy. I have heaps of things to due, that still doesnt count the essay that I hav to rewrite sometimes. Arghh when that happen, I will be totally piss.

Break in another 2 weeks..but still its not going to be a holiday for me..I have 2 to due on the hols and 1 after that * a very long sigh*

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

summary of me

dear blog, it's been a while since i've updated my website ;} been so busy lar did not even had time to look at it *silly me* newayz nothing interesting happen to me for the past couple of dayz except today oh bugger! i went to my WRIT 203-Writing for print media class and we had to this peer review thingy and i had to swap my essay with somebodyelse in my class. i swaped my essay with this guy who sat next to me and guess wot? he didnt even do his essay so i said "well, u can read mine then. when u finished we can review it together". So i waited for abt 5 minits for him to finish reading it. After a while, he called me and we reviewd the essay together and guess again what happend? he said MY WRITING SUCKS!!! he qoute" your writing is bad, ur conclusion n introducation dont flow, u use really bad wordS, ur reading make me confuse, u use repetition, u cannot put present, past n future in one essay, u have a bad structure of essay and blah2" i was like "f--k u man!. who do u think you are? u are not even suppose to say those things. those things are mean man!". While he was saying that, I felt like I want to slap his face and say "well buddy at least i did mine u didnt even do ur homework". Stupid Russian!!!! u were suppose to correct my grammar or some shit like that not gave a bad comment on it...or u can say something bad but not as bad as that!! thats mean, horrible, despise and bad bad opinion..damn those people..i really hate him even tho i only spoke to him once and i will not speak to him nor seat next to him again..

oh well shit stuffs happen but u gotta overcome it then..arghh tomoro is my seminar presentation day and i havnt done anything abt it..and i am totally totally going to die..what am i gonna do it. the presentaion is 20 minute..what am i gonna say what am i gonna do damn damn..*sigh* arghhhhhh tidakkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Is just me..

I want to cry but there are not more tears in my eyes
I want to scream but there are no more voices in me
I want to run but I am scare I mite fall
I want to live but I am afraid to live anymore
I want to love but I am scare to be loved again
I want to hide but I am scare people will find me
What I should do??

Tuesday, August 03, 2004


not in the mood to write anything at the moment, but feeling to jot something down..

dear blog, yesterday was another interesting day of mylife. I have met my old classmates even tho one of them cant seem to remember who I was..am..kinda sad but what the f**k, at least had to the chance to talk to him was great enuff..it was so kewl to know at least some of my frens are still breathing...

dear blog, I was supposed to be in class now but I am so sick at the moment. I feel all my body is itching, my legs are sore, my nose has been sneezing, my throat is sore and so on [all the bad conditions when your body is not feeling well]..I have been having a really bad headache for the past couple of months. The same headache that has been bugging my brain and keep me sick all the times. I wish I could tear this brain up and see what is going on inside of my head..har har..but I know it's impossible. If I have done that, I would be dead by now..=)

to sum up, I am getting sick. Face the facts Ike!

Monday, August 02, 2004

Not-so-ode to the Joy

finally..i have finished my essay..wala! but the bad news is my friend had an accident and he wont tell me when did it happen *sob*..well not in the mood to talk abt anything now..

Sunday, August 01, 2004


I was supposed to be doing my essay now but I don't feel like doing it. It's DUE tomoro and I am still playing with it, looks like I am going to hand it in on tuesday..f**k, I have another essay to due on tuesday..and I haven't quite finish yet! lazy me!I dont't know what have happend to me..I can't seem to remember what I have read. I have read the same book 5 times and I still cannot understand it.I have to write a written critique based on what I have read but yet, I am stuck here running out of ideas on what to write.Wait..hang on a second, I have done this essay before *sigh* I know how to write a critque but why my mind still shallow..out of ideas??why?why can't i understand the context?why? thats one question that I cannot find the answer..=) by the way, I have been listening to this song..instead of doing my essay..

Was it something I didn't say?-98 degrees

Spending another night alone
Wondering when I'm ever gonna see you again
Thinking what I would give to get you back baby
I should have told you how I felt then
Instead I kept it to myself
I let my love go unexpressed'
Til it was too late, and you walked away

Chorus :Was it something I didn't say
When I didn't say I love you
Was it words that you've never heard
All those words I should have told you
All those times, all those nights
When I had the chance to
Was it something I didn't say
Always assumed that you'd be there
Couldn't foresee the day that you'd ever be leaving me
How could I let my world slip through my hands baby
I took for granted that you knew
All the love I had for youI guess you never had a clue'
Til it was too late, you walked away

[Chorus]All the words were in my heart, they went unspoken
Baby now my silent heart, is a heart that's broken
Shoulda let you know you're the one I needed near me
But I never let you hear me