Tuesday, July 05, 2005


nothing much to write actually..have been thinking what to write.don really haf any grat ideas to state here..lemme seeeeeee..what have i been doing beside spending my time working??

...cant think of any..how pathetic my life has been??well not really..finally had my day off last weekend..pheww..catchup with an old friend who just returned from Malaysia for hols..lucky her..i want that as well..thank god i will haf that soon :)

uni finally starts yesterday..but my clasess officially start today..well lucky me i have morning classes this trimester (even tho I am not a morning person) but bcoz i am working in the afternoon..haf no choice but to wake up early..oh well fair enuff..at least i can work..spending time with kids..yeay!!

moving to my new house tomorrow..yey..cant wait ro rearrange everything..its like i have been planning what i want to do with my own flat..finally haf my own space..i lurve that..i can do whatever i want..even tho the flat is smaller than the old place i used to live but i dont mind as long as i am happy

well i think ibetta off to bed..tired now...long day...got class tomorow

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