Wednesday, June 15, 2005

The girlfriends in my life :)

I have been friending with different kinds of people but in those "kinds of people", I have met these 4 awesome girlfriends who have been there for me and neva judged me in things I have done regardless wheather it is worst or good. So here are my gf's who I have loved the most (in no particular order--you guys are always the no #1 in my heart)

Marlini (Ninie)

ninie Posted by Hello

I have known her about 3 years now and the friendship still remains stronger. SHe has been there for me through ups and down, joy n sorrow. Neva once she doubted my decisions and as a result, she will always there to support me.

She may seems so shallow and self-wallow but emotionally strong and good at managing things. She cares for people and that what makes her so sweet.

I wudnt want to trade this friendship for anythingelse. She is the sweetest person I have known and hanging out with her, neva once, makes me sad (except on the day me flying bck to NZ, of course). She can laugh and talk talk talk abt everything.

I remember those times where she was broken-hearted and I was as hard as I can to cheer her up.If only I have the doraemon magic pouch, then I cud turn back time for you.

Really miss having her around..coz She's WICKED!!

Nazratul Akma (Jer)

Jer Posted by Hello

Met her few minutes on the day she arrived in Wgtn and neva regret to know this caring person. She has been like a sister to me in WGTN. Feed me all the times and "care about people first but me" is always her motto. She doesn't care ppl talk abt her all times bcoz she cudnt be bothered. She tresures life and always appreacite what she has.

She is the sweetest thing. Neva look bad upon people and always say what she believes. Don't talk bad about people and always be outspoken whenver she thinks thats is not the right thing to do.

I always hang out at her place and she always cook traditional malay food with improvising the original recipies. SHe enjoys cooking and feeding ppl whereas I neva enjoys cooking but love feeding ppl. Hehehhehe..

I still remember the times where both of us were really damn broke, we sat down and counted the money we both had. Even though we only had a few dollars, we both neva cared abt it and instead feed ourselves buying more food with a few dollars!!

SHe's the kinda gurl who wont leave you when you are in pain and sorrow.She always there for you. I remember the times where someone I loved left wgtn, I called her and end up crying hard-out on the fon, she tried to cheer me up. I cried all the way to her house with toilet paper and as soon as I reached her hse, she was making fun of me or fbriging the toilet paper. As a result, I end up laughing and fell asleep :P

Thank God I have met her in this boring-windy-typical Wellington or else I end up being miserable forever.

Juanita (Nita)

them Posted by Hello

She's one of the earliest person I met in this windy city. 1st time I met her, I tot she wud be so "garang" and not-that-friendly. But turn out she's the opposite site who you can talk for hours, feed you, take care of you and listen to your stupid rubbish conversations.

She neva talks bad things abt ppl. She doesnt care abt what ppl thinks abt her and always believe whatever you, you will always have to give and take. DOnt let people take advantage on you.

I can still remember, you lent me your sweat-shirt just bcoz it was so cold outside and i had to go home. THen how you cooked me your AWESOME pasta during our lunch hour (even tho it was one hour) but still i had fun. You an awesome cook..Azhar is lucky :)

Thank to mGod, she neva lost contact with me or else, I end up losing the precious diamond in the world.

CHristy Ngeow Seow Woon (christy)

christy Posted by Hello

This lenglui has been part of my life since the day we met in VUW. TO tell you the truth I neva really liked her (as you know you will alwiz hav this feeling on the first time you met ppl). I tot she is rude, fierce yaddi yaddi yadd but she turned out to be so charming, sweet and caring. Been ther for me ups and downs, same as me for her. From the day she met her 1st bf until the day she got married (neva tot you will get married since you are not the commit type). Maybe there is something abt damon that hv changed your mind :P

anways she is the sweetest thing. I remember the first time we hang out together. Feed ourselves with food all the times. There have been too many memories that have captured us together until now. SO many things that I dont think I want to forget.

You were the one who came to my hse after I came out from the hospital. Lepak wit me on my bed and laughed at me when I was trying to speak. And you made this awesome present for my bday. To admite, YES thats the bestest present I have ever got. Tq so much for making it. I really love that present ( I didnt even sent it bck to KL coz I want it to be with me here)

You neva cared abt your petrol whenever I asked you to help me to move my stuff all the way to JVille to Kelburn. U neva cared whenever I eat your food (cmon I eaat a lot k) whevenever I am ur hse. You always being so generous to me and I dont think I can ever pay you this. You always listen to my problems even though sometimes you look like you dont bother abt it. hehheheh

There are so many things that I can talk about you bcoz you hv been so GREAT to me. but i think I betta leave it to me. Keep it as a secret. I am so lucky to have met you. THnks for being htere for me..

::so there goes my 4 bestfriends in life. I am so thankful I hav met this people. THey are one in the millions..really appreciate them..muah2::

1 comment:

silent reverie said...

oopss, i think i read this post a bit later than i should have...

ike, thanks 4 the meaningful entry. i felt really appreciated by a friend!

you are one helluva friend ike, i now can differentiate who are my real friends, and who are the ones just on the surface.