Sunday, June 26, 2005

typical days for me :)

typical days for work work..people (who are closed to me) have been complaining about me being workhaholic. hardly seen me around..well sorry not like I dont want to hang out but I don't see where's the point to hang out when work comes first (that's for me now). I love spending time with those kids at work. they make me happy than hanging arnd with those maniacs (not you guys ok. You guys know who I mean aye!!).

Have been working more than 20 hours a week! just imagine how many hours of sleep I have lost since I started working. Apparently I found it weird..coz I dont complain much about not having too much sleep!! coz I enjoy the work I am doing. kids are very important in my life. I dont know..i feel like lending them an extra hand does makes a different. I don't care about what people said about my job or the fact I love them more :)

speaking of that, one of the kids are leaving this thursday. the kid I have been taking care of since the day he arrived :(..i call him my baby..he's 2 and half months and he is so cute. I love spending time with him..he's cute and beautiful..what's wrong with him? well he's an intellectual disability/development but what the heck, its not his fault he has the conditions. no one to blame. everything happens for a reason :) anyways..he is sucha beautiful thing. very cute. now hes starting to walk by himself. oh ya!! his name is michael but i call him "little mickey". he likes to smile alot..laughing and drink a lot of milks..a lot infact :) hehehhe..gosh i sound like i wan to have a baby!! noooooooooo..freak me out..anyways..he's leaving this thursday coz they support worker has found him a foster family. *sob* so he will be leaving with his foster parents well foster mom to be exact. the foster mom is one of the worker at IHC. Lucky her..I wish I have the oppoturnity to be micheal's mom..oh well i dont think i can that responsibility yet. its too big for me at the mo :)

i dont know if i can see him leaving the base. i have been taking of him ever since he arrived at the base. i know every second he moves and what he is doing..when is he gonna have his nap n his milk. and three reasons why he cries :(( *sob* i will miss him esp in the middle in the night he wakes me up jsut because he wants milk or his nappy is wet. :( im emotionally attached to this kid. really! in fact i am emotionally attach to all the kids at the base. they are so pure and beautiful. (damn i am being too emotional and sensitive now).

well..i got hit from one of the kids yesterday nite because he has been having headche and sore-teeth. his wisdom teeth is coming out so he has been grumpy all the times. he hit people yesterday. first he pinched me my thighs ( och) then he pulled one of the kids's hair and my collegues and pinched my another collegues on his stomach (twice) OUCH..i dont think he did on purposed. he was trying to take out his pain to someonelse's. i know how painful the wisdom teeth pain is. had mine ages ago..but i know the pain tho' thats y i don mind he pinched if that helps him to feel better. that wasnt the first time i got hit tho. yesterday was the ..i dont know how many times..haf bruises on my feet coz got A kicked from the kids before..i feel like all the kids like to take out all the angry stuffs on me not to my collugues..hardly see them being beaten up or they never told me? or i am the choosen one to be beaten up for the hyper-active kids? dont know *sob* it's ok..not their fault anyways..well at least i dont get all those bitten from the of my collegues used to be bitten from the autism must be painful..dont want that!! *a big NO NO*

moving out from the plc i am currently living in..moving to 169 the terrace on 5th july but will be staying with christy for a week or so..coz her husband will be going to OZ soon so just want to hang out with her..accompany her :) sweet'as

have a nice weekend..--back to packing up :)

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