Friday, March 25, 2005


having a party at the moment at my fren's house. we are celebrating Naqib's bday at the moment..actually his bday was on tuesday but because every1 was busy doing stuff and everything so we decided to postponed the bday party to today.:-) Happy Birthday Naqib.

I have been feeling miserable lately. I guess my closest friends have not been around and most of the people I hang out with kinda bz with their own stuff. Damn I miss Ninie . I miss haing her around. I have been feeling so sad because I have no one to hang out with and go shopping with. Is not that I do not have enough friends over here but because I guess (like I said) everyone is busy with their stuff. They do hang out with me but I feel I want to hang out wiht my closest friends. I miss having Ninie around bcoz whenever I hang out with her, I guess everything is always fine and happening. We can just sit and drink coffee for ever. I Miss doing that. I feel like I can talk to her about anything. I seriously do. I feel so lost without her at the moment. Hey gurl, I miss you damn much ok. Please come bck so that we can go jalan2.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

SUnday Morning

wht a lovely sunday man..sunny and hot..seem like summer...i'm loving it:-) but feeling a bit lazy and everything..dunno i guess because had a global festival at civic square it was tiiring but worth a penny..lots of ppl came and buy the food. even though i wasnt incharged of anything but i was there to lend a hand.That's more important rite? :-) hehehhe..

oh yeah..the Easter break is about to come :-) got two weeks what shud I do? should I go to Auckland? or should I go to Dunnedin instead? hmm thinking..decisions decisions...someone has been asking me to go up to AUckland..arghh I dont know..i am confused...arghhhhhhh...damn it

oh is his bday..the man of my dream..hahaha yeah rite...hehehhe happy birthday my dear..may all ur dreams come true;-)

Thursday, March 17, 2005

The sign of the Dreamer-Poet, the Oculist

The weaver of dreams. Loves the mystical, the occult. Romantic, sentimental - tends to view the world through rose-colored glasses. Aspires to fame. Wallows in self-pity. Sees all, knows all - if not mistaken! Deep, psychic. A peddler of rainbows. Poetic, musical, dramatic. A martyr. Loves the sea and other liquids! Deep sympathies for self and everyone. Fatalist. Aggressive in money matters. The Master of Moods! Tender feet - but likes to dance.

Personality: Psychic and poetic, often moody, hypersensitive, impractical, secretive, kind, self-sacrificing, drifting, escapist, compassionate, gentle.

Positive Qualities: Liberal and sensitive, gentle and caring, progressive and kind, persuasive, nature-loving and imaginative, humane.

Negative Qualities: Uncertain, vague, easygoing, sometimes careless, difficult to understand, impractical, occasionally lacking in balance.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005


I went to Uni around 3 something to pick up my passport. I was so excited to get my pasport because I renew my student visa for another a year. After I reached the place, I found out that they already close (damn). I realised that today is wednesday. I tot today is thursday (coz on thursday they open until 3.30pm but the rest of the days until 12.30pm only). So I walked back home, singing "if ain't got you" then suddenly I twisted my ankle. I didnt see there was a hole at the road. SO there goes my ankle. Got injured again..for 1000 of times..I can't even keep track how many times I have had it. Screw me

Uni has been really busy..fuh tiring dayz man..had to finish my essay by this week coz I have another one next week to due..well it's not that hard but I dont want to do last minute work again..or else I will be more screwed.

Most of my frens are busy with this GLobal festival thingy ( I don't really know aye). They have been practising dancing and cooking some food for selling on that day. Me? oh I am just helping them as much as I can..I am sux at cooking..well all I can do is cheer for them :-) help them carry some stuff aye :-)

Oh ya..My Prime Minister is coming to New Zealand on 30th March 05. Hmm it wud be interesting to meet him in Person. Its kinda exciting tho' Meeting him in person and stuff..

Thursday, March 10, 2005


I am back..just arrived from Auckland this morning..I arrived frm KL yesterday morning and a fren came and picked me up. (thank you so much, jaziri alkaf) and thank you to Jhaja's family for the overnight stay :-)

I am back to Uni..attended this afternoon..damn..nothing usual..its so windy and cold..well Autumn has started oredi..oh well..what can i do..its the weather anyway..i feel so relived as i oredi submitted my visa today..fuh..finally :-)

Oh yeah..I have already uploaded *NEW PHOTOS* at the check it out :-) till then :-)

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Vanessa Carlton - 1000 Miles Lyrics
Makin' my way downtown,
Walkin' fast,
Faces pass and I'm homebound.

Starin' blankly ahead,
Just makin' my way,
Makin' a way through the crowd.
And I need you,
And I miss you,
And now I wonder...

If I could fall into the sky,
Do you think time
would pass me by?
'Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles
If I could just see you...

It's always times like these
When I think of you,
And wonder if you ever think of me.
'Cause everything's so wrong
And I don't belong.
Livin' in your precious memory.

'Cause I need you,
And I miss you,
And now I wonder...
If I could fall into the sky,
Do you think time
would pass me by?
'Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles
If I could just see you...

I, I, don't wanna let you know
I, I, drown in your memory.
I, I, don't wanna let this go.
I, I, don't.
Makin' my way downtown,
Walkin' fast,
Faces pass and I'm homebound.

Starin' blankly ahead,
Just makin' my way,
Makin' a way through the crowd.
And I still need you,
And I still miss you,
And now I wonder...

If I could fall into the sky,
Do you think time
Would pass.. us by?
'Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles
If I could just see you...
oh oh

If I could fall into the sky,
Do you think time would pass us by?
'Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles
If I could just see you.
If I could just hold you....

Monday, March 07, 2005


I havent updated my blog for quite a while. Its not because I was lazy or anything but bcoz i was extremely BUSY :-) been packing stuffs and moving to a new house at the same time as well as attended classes. I wasnt even planned to go back to KL but suddenly my mom said "kaklong teman mama balik KL la" and I was like "owh Ok..sure" and here I am in KL and enjoying myself with all the shopping spree :-) but sad, I am going bck tomorow after been here for almost 3 dayz already. Trying to spend my time as much as I could with my family :-) coz I aint gonna seee them for almost 3months..sad aye..ohwell..

What have I done here so far? well I've been spending time with my family and relatives, had "DOME" with Ninie and had "STARBUCKS" with Shah. Had a Great time with them. THanks for spending the time with me guyz. I am meeting another crowd tonite at KLCC..kewl kewl aye :-)

I am so tired and sleepy but because I am still used to with THe NZ weather, I tend to sleep early and wake up early..and even though I sleep late, I am still going to wake up early as i can DAMN!!

I got to go..gonna have breakfast and going out later :-) more shopping again...daaaaa