Saturday, November 14, 2009

Raya memories

On a lazy saturday afternoon, besides relaxing and eating, whatelse can you do? I am so bloody lazy~ after early morning gym, lunch and coffee~hmmmmm

Ok ok I've been told to upload some photos from my holiday trip. Haven't been raya at home for (god knows how long) and had some fun!! went home with the bf of mine (omg~ cant believe i am saying this)

So here goes~ Enjoy

"the guards of putrajaya"Posted by Picasa


My late granfather's house

Waffles~ hmm A& W

Aquamarine in KLCC

PetroSains, The Hurricane tube. The wind is just like Wellington ( perhaps Wellington worse)

Coffee time for me (and ciggies for my brother)

DinoTrack. Like this picture. Looks like the dino was going to eat me and Josh ( i bet the dino will be full as I have too damn much fat!)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Didera, dirogol, diliwat..(Kesiannye-what a story of life)

I was reading the Harian Metro today and OMG, what a news! Poor the kid~ She was abused by her mother's bf and her mother! Her own bloody mother. How could you possibly do that to your kid? ANd you knew your bf has been abused her sexually and physically but instead of protecting her, you dig in with your bf! And told the police she was killed by your maid and you know you dont have a maid but telling such lies? That is appalling. Can't believe that! I cant believe my eyes~cant believe what I was reading~

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Papa

Selamat hari jadi papaku. Semoga di panjangkan umur dan di murahkan rezeki. Insyallah. Sorry I couldnt be there on your birthday but my thoughts are with you always. Hope you had a good day on your birthday. I love you and thank you for all the love and support you have given me. I will always treasure that and keep it in my heart. Love you and you are the best father in the world.
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Monday, October 12, 2009


Arghh...what a day! So stressful!

How can you be employed when you can't even paid attention on every details I have said? Jeez man! I am not the kinda person to tell you what to do when you know what do you need to do? Even so is it hard to say "do you need any help, Ike?" arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! so stressful!

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Far too long

Its a been a year since I have updated my blog. I miss writing but I just dont have the time.

There's been quite lots of things happenings since then..*sigh* do I have to write it? Maybe :)

I am still working at the same place since my last post. And yeah there's always prons and cons of working. Well its just a job and I get pay, can't complain :)

Finally after 5 years, I went home (to Malaysia) and I forgot how much I have missed Malaysia. It's diffrent than the last time I've been home. Can't believed how much it has changed since!

Anyway I managed to catch up with my family members, wow can't believed how much they have grown. Last time I remember some of them were still in nappies! xox

I am so relieved that my father likes Josh (the guy I am still dating) because I am afraid he won't approved him. My father can be picky when it comes to guys. I guess every father like that especially since I am his only daughter but alhamduliah, he approves him! Syukur

To be honest I am running out of ideas to write at the moment but oh wait! today headlines! Earthquakes in Vanuatu. See..I am not running out of ideas to write. I am never running out of ideas (thats what Josh told me). As you know, Vanuatu was hit by earthquakes three times today. " The first Vanuatu earthquake had a magnitude of 7.8. The second Vanuatu earthquake registered at 7.7. The last earthquake hit 7.8. As a result, a Tsunami warning was issued to all surrounding areas", source-
and because of that New Zealand has been warning of Tsunami may arrive.

Therefore I have been receiving emails from Emergency department, news, text messaging regarding the Tsunami hits. I have also messaging, emailing and phoning friends and family to let them know what is going on. I have been worried but alhamdulilah setakat ni tak ada apa-apa until I came home and read about the FIRST WAVES ARRIVE IN NEW ZEALAND..alamak dah sampai pulak. Read

The weather has been crap since I came back from Malaysia. Raining, cold, windy non-stop. Today was so cold and horrible. Honestly it feels like winter. I thought I have packed all my winter stuff into the cupboard, but now I have to take it out again! Where is SPRING SEASON? Its supposed to be a spring season but feels more like winter these days! I have been eating lots and pickish! Its like I am never full even though I have a full decent meal!

Its getting late now and I have to tuck myself in. I have been waking up late these days to work. Bangun ngam2 je waktu kerja. Luckily school holidays, so the traffic isn't so bad. I managed to arrive to work on time. But next week is back to school and hopefully weather will be nice, so that I can walk to/from work.

Today (08/10/09), I would like to wish my darling brother, AFZUL a "happy birthday" and may ALLAH blessed you with a peaceful and joyful life. I love you and may you always succeed in your studies and get what you wish you for.
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