Thursday, October 08, 2009

Far too long

Its a been a year since I have updated my blog. I miss writing but I just dont have the time.

There's been quite lots of things happenings since then..*sigh* do I have to write it? Maybe :)

I am still working at the same place since my last post. And yeah there's always prons and cons of working. Well its just a job and I get pay, can't complain :)

Finally after 5 years, I went home (to Malaysia) and I forgot how much I have missed Malaysia. It's diffrent than the last time I've been home. Can't believed how much it has changed since!

Anyway I managed to catch up with my family members, wow can't believed how much they have grown. Last time I remember some of them were still in nappies! xox

I am so relieved that my father likes Josh (the guy I am still dating) because I am afraid he won't approved him. My father can be picky when it comes to guys. I guess every father like that especially since I am his only daughter but alhamduliah, he approves him! Syukur

To be honest I am running out of ideas to write at the moment but oh wait! today headlines! Earthquakes in Vanuatu. See..I am not running out of ideas to write. I am never running out of ideas (thats what Josh told me). As you know, Vanuatu was hit by earthquakes three times today. " The first Vanuatu earthquake had a magnitude of 7.8. The second Vanuatu earthquake registered at 7.7. The last earthquake hit 7.8. As a result, a Tsunami warning was issued to all surrounding areas", source-
and because of that New Zealand has been warning of Tsunami may arrive.

Therefore I have been receiving emails from Emergency department, news, text messaging regarding the Tsunami hits. I have also messaging, emailing and phoning friends and family to let them know what is going on. I have been worried but alhamdulilah setakat ni tak ada apa-apa until I came home and read about the FIRST WAVES ARRIVE IN NEW ZEALAND..alamak dah sampai pulak. Read

The weather has been crap since I came back from Malaysia. Raining, cold, windy non-stop. Today was so cold and horrible. Honestly it feels like winter. I thought I have packed all my winter stuff into the cupboard, but now I have to take it out again! Where is SPRING SEASON? Its supposed to be a spring season but feels more like winter these days! I have been eating lots and pickish! Its like I am never full even though I have a full decent meal!

Its getting late now and I have to tuck myself in. I have been waking up late these days to work. Bangun ngam2 je waktu kerja. Luckily school holidays, so the traffic isn't so bad. I managed to arrive to work on time. But next week is back to school and hopefully weather will be nice, so that I can walk to/from work.

Today (08/10/09), I would like to wish my darling brother, AFZUL a "happy birthday" and may ALLAH blessed you with a peaceful and joyful life. I love you and may you always succeed in your studies and get what you wish you for.
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