Tuesday, October 07, 2008



Its been more than half a year since I have updated my Blog..poor blog..lots of things been happening since then

January: lost my job, no work permit-applied for new ones. got it at the end of january, got my job back but have been applying for new jobs

February: my birthday, got lots of interviews, got a job offer and left old job.

March: started full-time position at wellington blood & cancer centre,w ellington hospital

April: working full-time

May: 1 year anniversary-josh took me out to this very superb restaurant-ate like a pig..sampai pengsan!

June: mama's bday..nothing much

July: christy's bday..took her out..went out with her..until she was drunk...good for her

August: got wrok permit& visa for 2 years! yeay!

september: puasa, sick,

october: raya!!still working lah now.......i am at work now..cut my hair..yeay!

so basically my life is damn boring.......
nothing is special :))

got to go to work tuesday always busy busy...(i can hear

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