Monday, December 19, 2005

Right here..waiting

morality does bites isnt it?

well hell yeah..Didnt realise ive been home for almost 2 months now and i am leaving on the 5th jan 06. Back to Wgtn, which means no means work work work. not like now I am actually in the heaven..sleep-eating-sleep again-shopping-tv-dvds. What do u expect when you are a bummer? of course you will be doing that..d'oh!

Newayz nothing really interesting happening since ive been home..enjoying the sun, the food, the shopping spree, the i admit its good to be home

honestly i am really sad when i start to think il be once again leaving my families here in Malaysia. GOd knows il be seeing them in couple of months time..if it soon enuff then it will be middle of the yr or else it will be end of the year.

well nevertheless, enjoy what you have and appreciate it what's infront of you

*the food is awesome back here"

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