Sunday, November 13, 2005

the summary of me

I realise i havent been updating my blog for about a month now..well its not that I didnt want to but because I am just so lazy to sit now and type the words...wish that i had someone to type what I am about to say (keep dreaming IKE)..anyways i have been busy preparing tasks for the kids at got no time to sit now and type unnecessary things (hahahha..)

well i am in KL now...been home for abt 1 1/2 weeks now and feel so bored!! i was always bz and now i'v got more time to relax, so it is SO NOT ME. but i know that i have to get used to it :)

love spending time with my lil' bro and family. thats more important. Anyways this year ive got the chance to celebrate raya in KL after been raya in wellington for abt 4 years. The celebration?? well nothing special xcept ive got the chance to meet all the relatives who i havent meet for ages. well some of them have been married and some of their children have grown up. KInda funny as before i left Msia 4 yrs ago, their kids used to be so small..(how time flies). Anyways its good to see all the familiar faces again.

At the moment i am in singapore visiting my realatives whom i havent seen for years. i have finally met my cousin whom i still close to. Even tho we havent met for ages but our "cousiness" still remains strong. We still able to talk about stuff even tho she is 4 years younger than me :)

i guess its a good thing for me to be back home for a while after being away coz since ive got bak, my anty, my grandmother and my uncle have been admitted to the hospital. So i guess its a good thing that ive got the chance to visit them when i am here :)

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