Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Whats been happening..ya?

I have realised i havent been blogging for ova a mnth now..well thats bcoz I have all lazy to get into my blog...and sit there writting abt what have been happening...

1. I have been working almost everyday now..

2. Got no time to catching up with my bestmate christy..since she is also busy collecting money like me :)

3. I have class to attend and assingment to do during the Uni hols *sob*

4. Currently I am organising the Holiday programmes for the kids in September and oh yeah we have a camp to attend (for the kids)

5. I have not got the time to think straight at the moment..everything I do I am doing right away without thinking (which is not good)

6. I miss Home..and have been dreaming home for the past 2 months now..non-stop

7. Finally I am talking to my brother, Afzul after a major incident last month (which I dont want to talk about it..let by gones b by gones).

8. I have not save any cents yet from my salary (poor me)

9. I have lost weight (thats good considering I have been trying to do it for the past couple of months).

10. I am so want to take a break but I can't coz my boss needs me *cry*

11. Got a new Kid staying at the base since last week and he is so adorable..his foster family doesnt want him but instead keep his little brother. there is absolutely nothing wrong with him but bcoz he has had bad history in his family so he acts a bit reserved. I just understand why certain people dare to separate the siblings from each other..wat happend to humanity these days??

12. I am so want to go home..desperately..parents hear me outtttt!! send me a ticket!!!!

13. I have not been talking to NiNie for ages and I miss that!!

14. on september the 17th, I am going to boyz to men concert..really!! dont care :)

15. i love my job and i hope il be working there til i m not wanted (i hope not)

16.I want to go home

17. i wan to run awa y from this misery

18. i wan to go home

19. really i wan to go home

20. do u ever notice how many times have i written " i want to go home?" so parents please send me a ticket..thank you please come again :)

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