Wednesday, August 09, 2006

penat, stress sume ada skang......arghhhh bencikk...essay due satu besok, satu monday next week and test on friday then yeahaaaa cuti seminggu..nak wat ape eh cuti seminggu? tidooooo lah ape lagi..hik hik hik..

weather has been crap.. rainning, drizzless, haily..end up sume orgg sakit this winter...smalam the wind omigosh..sejuk giler cam dlm damn freaking cold man..felt like didnt want to go out at all (but had to go anyways..)

hmmm what shud i do today> essay..need another 1000+ words to finish (and that includes conculusion, reference and introduction). Felt funny to myself..i started writing essay w/out introduction...understood the question but cant start writing about the introduction...heheheheh...oh least the main points are no kisah lar!

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