Friday, March 17, 2006

life is full of suprises

i have not been updating my blog for nearly 2 months now. most of the peoples who have been accessing my blog have been complaining about it. well here goes..

since i got back from malaysia on the 7th of january 2006, ive countinued working at my workplace. apparently got homesick and also flu and fever due to the change of weather. but because i only took leave until the 7 th, i had to go back the next day on the 8th with having flu and fever. It was good to see all the familiar faces again. Hemi; the boy i have been looking after came and see at work. I managed to catch up with him even though i feel disguisted to myself. BUt i felt teribbly bad after he left because he left with feeling angry and dissapointed because i was pushing him away as he was being nice to me and trying to make me laughing and being his usual self. but because i felt horribly disguisted, i pushed him away. But i managed to talk to him when i saw him agian the next day. To explain to him that i was happy to see him. I wasnt angry at him. But because he cant accept rejection and disspoinment( he has been letting down in his life, he feels all the bad things that happens is because of him).

So my life has been good and as usual, things have been ups and downs and stuff but i managed to control the problems that ive been having. everything you experience tend to make u stronger,aight? shit happens mostly at work place; hemi got into trouble, staffs being shitty and management change drastically. I was nearly going to hand in my resigning letter but because i still care about the place, i ended up to stay. One because of hemi(yes he is such a special boy with lots of great skils), second the kids and most important i love the place a lot. i put my heart into the place. Kemp st has been like my second home. i spend most of my time there than my home.

uni just started in end of feb. things grat..back to school. assigments and tests. well usual stuff nothing change. still the same old things where you have to do research and paperwork. the paper i am taking at the moments is about advocacy about young children which is really interesting.

i have moved house in end of feb. finally i got a proper place to live. ive been living at rachel's hse for a month or so til i get my proper place. i still love my old place but im falling in love with my new place. everything is just so cosy and just nice. i dont need a big house or a lavish stuff to have but as long as i have everything that i need is there, then its enough for me.

so basically thats the sum up of my life at the moment. I still have new things to do everyday e.g to sass out Hemi's stuff, uni, holiday programme and yeah my own life. I still cant see which path should i follow as i cant see what i will be doing in the future. life is such a full pf suprises! you got to have present everyday! you never know what present you will get until you open the package. so yeah just enjoy the package til then!

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