Wednesday, January 25, 2006

totally wicked!!

I have discovered that i still have the pictures from the old days on the internet. that is so wicked as when i went home this yr i was trying to copy some of the old days photos and turned out my harddisk on my pc has been reformat due to unstable window.DAMN! i was sad but just as i was about to give up, the suprise came up and yeay! i have found my fav photos. whoo! totaly wicked!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

morality bites ....again?

i have been thinking lately that what if i didnt finish my studies..then who will i be? can i afford to buy things like now or i end up being poor and cant afford anything? ive been doing a lot of thinkin lately that i have spent lots and lots of money on unnecessary things. I cannot imagine how many times have my parents put up on me just to raise a selfish kid like me. I have been asking lots of unecessary things and they wud say yes even though they hesistant on me.

i feel absolutely lonely since i got back.i still have friends but i do not know what i am feeling missing about. i am still figuring it out and have been actually. Been figuring what i am missing about but i still have no clue :)

oh i havent written down what are the newyear resolutions. I made a list that i wont be dating anyone this year and concerntrate on what things i havent actually done yet. But then i got a date from a collegue few days ago. I was thinking to go but i changed my mind because he was being a pusher. I told him i didnt want to go but he ended up pushing me. So i decided not to go.

Things have changed since i got back to wellington. I have spend more time at home and didnt feel like clubbing or shop around. i have been a homely type and i really enjoy it. which is gud considering i never actually a home-staying-type.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Finally I have arrived safely in Wellington on the 6th Jan 06. Sorry for the late update as I was sick for a couple and days and went straight back to work. I am feeling better now but still got some few work to finish. uNI starts in february and i havent enrolled. I will have to do it asap or else i will be left out. What else is new?nothing much as wellington is sunny and summer is great. but i am still in malaysia mode and still craving for the nice local food. missing that a lot lately.

well i am back to work and its been pretty hectic,have to catch up with few things and nothing major hiccups happen which is good considering the management has changed and it sucks. currently i am staying in newtown at rachel's and i kinda like it here. its accessible and near to work place to. only takes 10 minutes walk and its a major exercise for me at the moment.

newya nothingelse to jot down. hope its not too late to wish selamat hari raya aidiladha. hugz