Tuesday, December 20, 2005

true friends stay forever

morality bites doesnt it?

why does morality bites?because you are actually living in the real world where life sucks and shit happens. only people who truly trust you will stay forever ini your heart.

Some people only befriending w you bcoz they have their reasons. Either to let loose their stupid problems that have been burden their shoulder or they truly admire your friendship qualities. In my case, ive been friending w both, where some stick w me whereas some stick w me when they have problems. Am i really a place when ppl can throw all their shitty stuffs to me and when they are over w it, they are over w me too?

I am actually piss w some of my friends who treat me like a shit. I dont/never treat them like a shit unless they are a shit to me. If they are so, then goodbye to our friendship. But why some ppl still have the courage to do so? can their think abt other's ppl feelings? cnt they just say "hi" even tho we hardly seen each other?why is it so hard to do so? where are the promises that say "we shud hang out when you are back", But where is the "hang out"?except making excuses "i cant make it, m too bz yaddi yadda". If it's for the first few times then its fine but dont be such a bitch when i tried to ring. That is just so useless. I know you are bz w ur life but dont make promises if you cant keep it. Simple as that!!

Monday, December 19, 2005

Right here..waiting

morality does bites isnt it?

well hell yeah..Didnt realise ive been home for almost 2 months now and i am leaving on the 5th jan 06. Back to Wgtn, which means no play-rest-..it means work work work. not like now I am actually in the holiday-spree..in heaven..sleep-eating-sleep again-shopping-tv-dvds. What do u expect when you are a bummer? of course you will be doing that..d'oh!

Newayz nothing really interesting happening since ive been home..enjoying the sun, the food, the shopping spree, the nothing-to-be-worrying-about..so i admit its good to be home

honestly i am really sad when i start to think il be once again leaving my families here in Malaysia. GOd knows il be seeing them in couple of months time..if it soon enuff then it will be middle of the yr or else it will be end of the year.

well nevertheless, enjoy what you have and appreciate it what's infront of you

*the food is awesome back here"